Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Snowy Day Activities

It snowed all day Monday, now it will blow around today.  At least it has to warm up to snow.  Small consolation.

T.I.R.E.D of snow….need sunshine.


I need blue skies, liquid water and something green.   Spring cannot come too soon.

Trying to teach myself to knit socks on four needles…that is an adventure.  Working on a woodcarving….still struggling with my arm and shoulder placements…I can get one side just perfect and the other side looks like the guy has a broken arm.

Baking:  Couldn’t find the recipe I wanted for Lemon Cupcakes so I guessed ( how do those chefs on baking shows do it?  They just add ingredients without measuring and it turns out! ) anyways they sunk to half the size after I took them out of the oven…I watched them deflate….Far Guy said they were pretty good…like a pound cake.  Then I made hockey pucks…a brownie mix put into cupcake liners…I guess I baked them a little too long…tried to make them more appealing by pressing old Halloween chocolates into the tops….I could use them as weapons.

Now I have a recipe for Apple Fritters made in the air fryer…wish me luck!

Far Side


  1. Well your snow has arrived here. Tons of that white stuff coming down. I am officially plowed in - thank you City if Waukesha plows. Enough this white stuff; I want Spring!!! My desktop wallpaper is a tropical island scene. Do you think I am suffering from "cabin fever"?

  2. I got plowed out yesterday and snowed in again over night. Today promises more snow. I'm going to try and have some fun in it today instead of staring it down and wishing for tropics. Maybe that will work.

  3. I just woke up and haven't checked to see how bad it was here. I can always think it is better than what is happening in Minnesota, but not by much, I think. We are all in the same boat wishing for spring. :-)

  4. I am blaming the weather for the baking issues LOL. The lemon pound cake does sound delicious. We are coated in ice today. One school decided to open after a delay and I heard a minor accident on my scanner. Everyone needs to give up and stay home.

  5. I thought the same thing this morning, when it was snowing....at least it has to be warmer. And your cooking escapades sound fun...but I know how frustrating that can be. At least your husband was positive. My husband would tell me what was wrong with each thing, while eating them all. When I was in college my roommate made biscuits that we called hockey pucks. They could have been lethal weapons too.

  6. You've just described most of my baking experiences. It's not one of my skills, so I don't bake goodies very often anymore. You sound like you have a bad case of cabin fever. Me too!

  7. Where does all thst energy arise from. You must have excellent genes. I love cake thst falls. I would have devoured the lemon cupcakes. We have 5 or 6 inches of snow left, thermometer sez 40 and dripping roof!!

  8. I happen to love lemon pound cake, so I'd enjoy the cupcakes too! My children loved my mom's brownies - except the one time she made them with salt instead of sugar. My dad insisted they didn't need to be thrown and he ate some of it before she tossed it. :p

    Hopefully the snow storms are finished for a bit for you. We got another inch or so last night with another 2-3 expected tonight. I'm so over winter!

  9. You are adventurous....for the last three days I've been going through a clumsy spell...knocking over everything...glasses of water, etc.

  10. LOL, I've made a few hockey pucks over the years. I rarely bake anymore and haven't made anything from scratch in decades. Good luck on the sock knitting. Once the concept falls into place you'll do well.

  11. Lemon pound cake sounds delicious! Good weather for baking--no matter how they turn out. ;)

  12. It sounds like your baking adventures turn out just like mine. So I leave all the cooking and baking to my wonderful Husband.

    Stay warm,
    Fort Worth, TX

  13. Good luck with your baking! I managed to mess up brownies yesterday. I've had it with this weather too. Everyone is out of ice melt here and we still have ice everywhere. The roads are better so we tried to go to the ymca today for a class. It was a comedy of errors - we couldn't make it to the car because of ice, Tom fell and his glasses went flying, then we couldn't get to where his glasses were due to ice. We finally got the glasses and went back in the house defeated! The cabin fever continues!

  14. I wish you luck on your weather. It's been miserable too long.

  15. We are in the midst of a snowstorm right now, it looks like a blizzard out my window! You should try some of Ina Garten's baking recipes - they never fail me!

  16. I sure wish the snow and cold weather would ease up for you and lots of others. It has been terrible...not for us but for you all. I am ashamed about ever complaining about being cold. Hockey pucks!~ This is so funny! Most all of my baking turns out like that. Occasionally, I get lucky and something bakes up right and it tickles me to death.

  17. Thanks for the laugh, at your Halloween decorated hockey pucks!
    Our snow doesn't blow around, and now that it is raining nonstop, it is soaking up water and becoming foot deep slush. You wanted liquid water? We have plenty. Flooding will be next.

  18. Kinttting socks on 4 needles! Good for you. Remember, youonly really have to worry about two needles at the time. The rest are just holding the stitches. Socks are fun. The snow... not so much. Driving in the snow... even less fun than not so much.

  19. The lemon cupcakes sounds delicious...I love it when a cake falls, and have been known to make one fall on purpose! I am ready for some sunshine...here it is just wet and muddy!

  20. Oh, you had me laughing so hard! Thank you...I love to laugh!
    I'm getting nothing done because all the grands call me when they have a snow day. They're so cute....I tell them to go out and play in the snow and if Grandma was there I'd be right there with them! Until I got cold but that's what makes hot cocoa so tasty!
    Too bad about your culinary mishaps.....baking is a science you know....cooking not so much but in baking measurements and ingredients are important. Next time buy a mix! LOL!

  21. Good Luck! Cheryl says you sound like her when she is having an "off" baking day.

  22. Too bad about the baking problems. I hope the knitting goes better.
    When I learned I was going to be a granny I learned to knit. I chose to knit slippers and maybe I chose the wrong yarn because they wore through in no time. That was it for me and knitting.

  23. Good luck on the apple fritters...frying with air sounds...different.

  24. Won't be long. Spring will be here soon. Hang in there.

    They do it with practice. The people on the cooking shows, I mean. They weren't always as good as they are on the shows, and I bet they still sometimes have cooking disasters even these days. Only we don't see those.


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