Saturday, February 16, 2019

Crochet Projects

Our friend the “Silver Fox” asked me to make him another face mask. ( I made him and Far Guy each one last year to help warm the air before they breathe it in) He wears it outside and he says his other one gets wet and if he had two one could dry out whilst he is wearing the other…and could I make it grey to match his ski jacket…and longer than the one I made him last year.  Sure.  I made it and delivered it and he was pleased as punch.

I made myself a helmet scarf with thick ties so it is like a scarf and a hat all in one.  Mine is a bit wonky …one tie is longer than the other ( I ran out of yarn)…but I was not going to rip it out and start over.  It was admired one day even with it’s flaws.. “ I used to have a scarf/hat like that in middle school sure wish I had it now when it is so cold.  Back then I was embarassed to wear it.”

I had time, I had yarn.  I had attempted a wide rimmed hat with this yarn once upon a time…and then frogged it. There is no pattern, I made it to fit my head and the scarf to fit over my ears …you can tie it in place, tuck it in your coat or let it flop around.

The helmet scarf

I had Far Guy take a photo before I delivered it. (She loved it!)

The scarf

Me and the helmet scarf.  Who knows it may become a Minnesnowda fashion statement...or not.

I finished Hey Mikey’s winter hat and got it mailed off to him.

Perfect for crochet

I didn’t take a photo of the finished hat but here it is in progress.  It was a real soft fuzzy yarn.

I still have a bag filled with scrubby yarn and I crochet scrubbies when I am in the car or waiting at an appointment.

I am also revisiting knitting.  THAT has been a real adventure.

Far Side


  1. I never liked knitting as I couldn't keep anything straight but I know some folks who are whizzes at it like my Grandmother. She also knit stocking caps and I still have mine from years ago and wear them.

  2. Cozy! And once you tie a scarf, one end always looks longer than the other — so no one can tell!

  3. Great Helmet Hat. I haven't knitted or crocheted for years.

  4. Love the helmet hat! These days we all need a little warmth in our lives.

  5. I love it! Keeping people warm, one person at a time. Such beautiful gifts of love.

  6. What perfect projects for a long cold winter. :)

  7. I think those hats are a great idea.

  8. Every time you post something that you are either working on or just finished I am amazed how very VERY talented you are!

  9. What is the saying? "Busy hands are happy hands"? Or is it "Busy hands keep the devil away"? Either way, you're good.

  10. The combination hat and scarf is a great idea!

  11. I love the helmet hat! It is perfect to keep your head, ears and neck all warm at once. I wish I had your energy and creativity!

  12. You are creative! I got as far as sewing 10" tubes of fleece fabric. Doubled over they make a wide headband. Around your neck they make a neck warmer or can be pulled up over your nose. Very simple but effective!

  13. Nice! I like it a lot and really appreciate the picture of you modeling it. Loosening up in your willingness to be thought of as something other than a pretty yellow ladyslipper. :-)

  14. A friend at school years ago made everyone green and gold scarves. It got moved and I was using it to keep from breaking in the vortex air. It is perfect as you can breathe through it. Barney and I braved those days four or five times a day. Thanks for the card. We both really appreciated your kind words.

  15. I have never learnt to crochet or knit and wish I had

  16. You've been busy. It's good of you to keep all your people warm in winter!

  17. diane in northern wisFebruary 16, 2019 at 7:58 PM

    You are so talented. I love seeing all the hats and things you're making. I bet that lady was tickled pink to get your gift of the scarf/hat. You have a good heart too!

  18. When it gets cold enough, fashion takes a step back! that looks warm...

  19. What a great way to stay warm. I love it.

  20. Lots of fun projects. Glad you've got your craft projects to keep you busy with all the snow.


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