Sunday, December 16, 2018

Tree Decorating 2018

We finally managed to get the downstairs tree decorated.  It was a struggle.


Neither of us looked forward to it.  But we got it done.


We seem to miss Chance more every day instead of less.  How does that work anyways?

Chance was the first ornament

This was the test ornament this year, before I learned how to paint plaid.  It was Chance’s ornament.


This is Chance’s carving that has his years on it 2004 – 2018 and a proper plaid.

Someday we might be able to look at all his ornaments and not cry…just not this year.

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  1. Yes, their absence leaves a big hole. So sorry for your loss!

  2. He was such a special dog, how can it be otherwise? It's the hardest part of having a wonderful family member who just doesn't live long enough. I miss him too.

  3. I think the first year and especially Christmas and birthdays are the hardest. My thoughts and prayers are with you and I am certain that Chance is there too. Peace be with you both.

  4. Thinking of you and your family...and Chance.

  5. We lost our 15 year old cat Christopher on Sept. 28. I miss him more too....I think it has to do with our first Christmas without him. I even put blue lights and ornaments on the outdoor tree. It's truly a blue Christmas.

  6. Right there with you on my heart breaking without Chance.

  7. There is a hole in your heart and a hole in your life without that good dog who was you constant companion. It will get better, but you will always feel it. I still miss my kitty, and it has been over two years now. Remember all the good times so that it will be sweet sadness.

  8. Filling the void Chance left In your home and in your hearts is difficult. May his ornaments on the tree trigger wonderful memories that lighten your hearts.

  9. I am not certain but I don’t think you will quit missing Chance. I think we become numb after while because it is the way to cope to a loss. I think of Chance all of the time and his loss when I think about what you two are doing. As pet owners we all do our best for them but they just don’t live long enough. It is true the memories are all we have left.

  10. We all miss Chance, but you guys miss him way, way more, of course.
    I hope you can have a good Christmas in spite of that huge loss. Just got your beautiful card yesterday! Thanks so much. :)

  11. Oh Far Side, you've made me cry. I feel so bad for you and Far Guy. It hurts for such a long time. Chance was really special. Love you both. Henny

  12. Some day.

  13. I have been really missing Scout lately too. I think it is just the season. Chance was just the best dog, and I am sure he knows you are missing him.

  14. My heart goes out to you and Far Guy. I’m crying right now as I type this. It’s a terrible thing to lose our fur babies. Dennis and I have sort of decided that when ours are gone, that’s it. We just can’t do this anymore. It feels like my heart is broken whenever we lose one and our Chloe is the most precious of all of them. She’s 13 well, and is a larger breed dog we know what that means. Thinking of you and praying for you both. Wishing you a blessed Christmas full of peace. Blessings, Betsy

  15. I still miss our two cats we lost over three years ago. We have since adopted two other cats and we love them dearly but that doesn't mean we don't miss the others. I still get a lump in my throat when I see pictures of the two we lost. It hurts to lose loved ones. My heart is with you and Far Guy and I wish for you a warm, loving Christmas with new and positive joys for the new year.

  16. By next Christmas you may start to miss him less, this Christmas it is still too soon

  17. This first Christmas without Chance has got to be the worst. I hope the pain will fade a little day by day.

  18. Sweet photo of Chance and I know the holidays are hard with so-recent memories. Take care, my friends.

  19. diane in northern wisDecember 16, 2018 at 7:04 PM

    Sorry Connie. Sending Blessings to you and Far Guy. As you know, time will help.

  20. Our fur babies occupy such a large space in our hearts, and when they leave us they leave a big, empty spot. ((hugs)) to you and Far Guy.

  21. I know how much you miss Chance. I lost my boy, Kero, four years ago, and it still hurts...


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