Thursday, December 27, 2018

Sweater and what not

Some sweaters are almost as funny as the expressions on those wearing them.

Christmas sweater

Andy Christmas 2018

This sweater was embellished on the back…by Jen for the close to Christmas Vex Robotics Tournaments.


Now for the what not to send in a Christmas Card.

glitter shapes

Many small foil/glitter pieces that fall out of the card as soon as you open it…might cause someone to say Oh “bad word”

Have you encountered this?

Second hand glitter…some Christmas cards have glitter that comes off on your hands and then what ever you touch is all glittery. 

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  1. That is some sweater. And I know what you mean about glitter. What the heck is that stuff anyway? :-)

  2. Great sweater. I have never been a fan of that stuff that falls out of a card.

  3. Love the sweater and his expression. I don’t like the stufff that falls out of a card either, but I think I may have been guilty of sending a card with glitter on it this year. Oops!

  4. I've had glitter in a few cards - yes, bad words were uttered. Love the sweater!

  5. But the worst is the glitter ribbon!!! That little stuff trails all over the house and doesn't easily come off the hands - except for food and in the bathroom.

  6. Lovely sweater! Yes the glitter - even ones where the sender had to dress up a purchased card by glittering all the edges to make it look pretty! Bad words, it makes a mess!! Here they go directly into a plastic baggy - I have found that there is a certain generation that loves it :) It is the thought that counts in the greeting though!

  7. Yes, I had a lap full of glitter from just one single card. I had to work to get it off my new chair. Not nice.

  8. I do NOT like glitter on cards... or anything else. Some of the envelopes are "crunchy" with the stuff even before you open them. Yuck! Love, Andrea xoxo

  9. Yes, tiny, shiny do-dads falling out of cards and glitter that you can still find traces of after New Years--LOL! I like to think of them as the holiday spirit gifts that keep on giving. ;)

  10. One of my nieces from California dumped this confetti in her graduation card. It went everywhere and took way to much time to clean it up.

  11. FAIRY DUST!....I love giving everyone Fairy Dust!

  12. Glitter? One of the things I dislike intently. You don't know there's glitter until it's spread around.

  13. Love the sweater and his expression! My grands love to go crazy with wild Christmas sweaters. I agree the glitter experience can be bad. This year our "bad glitter" was some gift wrapping paper I bought. It was beautiful and in the package I did not realize the glitter was the type to come off and go everywhere. I will be finding and cleaning up glitter for some time after Christmas I fear.

  14. Funny sweater. I am so hot natured I can't wear a sweater these days! I dislike glitter and confetti, too hard to clean up these days!

  15. Yes indeed. Had glitter from wrapping paper everywhere, and I keep finding small shiny foil Christmas trees that end up in unexpected places.

  16. Glitter can surely be a mess to clean up but at least once this Christmas season I purposely got a light sprinkle of it on my hair just for fun ( we were going out).

  17. I have a great dislike for glittery stuff falling all over the place. I never can seem to get it all up.
    It is odd how a once very distasteful sort of thing...Christmas Sweaters...have become so fashionable. However, I doubt I will ever wear one.
    But I do have Grinch Pajamas!

  18. I don't mind the glitter that is original to the card but I don't care for all the "sprinkles" that are added to the envelope. I see no purpose for it... other than to annoy the receiver of the card.

  19. We hate those sprinkles! Always a surprise and always needing to get the vacuum out after opening.
    Andy sure looks like his son, or I guess it's the other way around!

  20. Didn't know folks could possibly get into such a twist from something so harmless as glitter on a Christmas card. I don't mind the glitter on cards. My Christmas cards had glitter this year. I think of it as a reminder of years ago when nobody cared, and they looked forward to receiving cards that almost always had it in some form. I figure it's a good excuse to get out the vacuum cleaner that's probably overdue anyway.


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