Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Wistful Wednesday: 2001

17 years ago my Grandsons were little.

I was looking through some old scanned negatives and this one made me smile.

Adam Noah andAndrew 2001

Adam, Noah and their very young looking father…at the house in Mapleton in 2001. I do not recall taking this photo…but how else would I get the negative.
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  1. Awesome job! I have about a 100 slides to get scanned. I think I will do it after Christmas...the photos are from around 1962 and include my parents in a few.

  2. The photo made me smile. I remember scenes like that.

  3. It does indeed make me wistful for times gone by. Delightful photo. :-)

  4. I love looking through old photos! The memories always come flooding back. My daughter in law will often grab my camera from wherever it is resting to shoot a photo and I don't know it until I go through the photos of the day. Maybe that's how this photo ended up as one of your slides!

  5. Young dad and his very young sons. What a precious photo! :)

  6. Does every day moments make the best memories. Thanks for sharing with us.
    Blessings, Betsy

  7. That is a very cute photo and I'm sure it triggered some big smiles.

  8. Kudos for scanning your negatives. I've kept all my negatives but scanning them would take years, so they're stored in a lock box.

  9. Oh my he does look young! I guess we were young when we had our kids too. I also notice that the older I get the younger everyone else looks.....because they are! LOL!

  10. I love that picture, it reminds me of some of mine from that time period! I have many boxes of slides since they were popular for so long. I have had some digitized at Costco as they have a special sale sometimes but I doubt if I'll ever get them all done. I scan my old photos myself but I don't like trying to scan slides. My goal is to eventually have all of my photos digitized.... maybe I'll get there.

  11. It's so fun to come across a photo you don't remember. Like a little present from the universe. That's a cute one, sitting on Daddy's head!

  12. Candid shots bring back great memories.

  13. Maybe someone just snatched the camera to capture the moment. Some times, ya gotta be quick!

  14. It is a great shot. I reminds me of the one I just took of my son and his two wild boys, squeezed in on one chair.


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