Tuesday, November 20, 2018


It snowed again during the night Sunday night/early Monday then it turned clear and cold.

A Yellow – rumped Warbler made a visit to our yard and came right up by the window…he/she must be on their way through to warmer climates. No photo but it was definitely a Butter-butt.

Had a interesting conversation with a friend about a new neighbor of hers.  Seems the new neighbor is a bit of a bully.  He wrote a letter to all the adjoining land owners saying he just purchased the property and would be hunting and not to tresspass on his land ever. I am guessing that neighbors with cookies won’t be welcoming him to their neighborhood. We wondered if the local Fire Dept and Rescue Squad would be trespassing as well?

I guess it takes all kinds to make the world go round.  What goes around comes around…


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  1. What a mean spirited person. No, there will be no welcome wagon for that one! :-(

  2. Hmmm makes you wonder what will really be going on at his place. Well at least the pretty birds are good neighbours!

  3. Good grief, he is not off to a good start. That is really sad. I hope he builds a big fence to fence himself in.

  4. Not a good way to introduce yourself to the neighbors. Sounds like someone with something to hide.

  5. Nope. No welcome wagon for that one. Made me wonder if he's trying to keep people away for a reason. Like he could be planning to grow some marijuana maybe? It rang a bell because when we lived on a farm in Wisconsin we had a super anti-social neighbor (even shot our dog for going on his land) and it turned out he was arrested later for that very crop. ;)

  6. Does he plan on setting foot on anyone else's land????

  7. If he's going to hunt, I hope his property is very large and that his bullets don't trespass on others property.

    1. How funny! My first thought was to wonder if he would be shooting toward his land or away from it! You expressed my thought with much more finesse. :-)

      I know zip about firearms. Just have a brain that can wander in odd directions at times!

  8. Well that’s just really sad isn’t it? Trying to look on the positive side, maybe he just doesn’t want anybody getting hurt? I would rather think the good, but it sure doesn’t sound like he’s a very nice person. After all, you never know when your neighbors might need you or you might need your neighbors. How silly to burn those bridges.
    Blessings, Betsy

  9. We have a neighbor like that...they are very hard to live around.

  10. *haha* No cookies and "welcome to the neighborhood" indeed. Oh well... he's making his intentions known right off the bat. Maybe he's had bad experiences in the past. As my mom used to say "Good riddance!" and "Don't let the door hit you in the behind on the way out!" :-) Love, Andrea xoxo

  11. Maybe he plans of planting some green plants that are illegal and he wants everyone to stay away. I do know people like that who would be so bold and maybe rude to write everyone.

  12. Well, I guess no one has any illusions of him being a good neighbour.

  13. Hard to say about the neighbour without reading the actual letter. Even then, sometimes the written word doesn't come across the way it was intended. I wondered if he was just trying to keep people safe from a stray bullet. If that is the case, a personal visit from him would have been a better option.

  14. Maybe he should build a nice high fence. You know what they say, "Fences make good neighbors." It got cold here too and it's supposed to get even colder... brrrrr. Stay warm!

  15. Lovely blue sky! We are still waiting for our snow...

  16. We had a guy buy land and then put up tape around the fences and trees. He then posted a sign on my side of the fence, I took it down and tossed it back onto his side of the fence. After 15 yrs he still is nasty about it. But it apparently is okay to put a deer stand nearly on top of my fence?
    LOL. I went back to our fenceline and set up a kid's picnic table just across the fence from him.
    It is like that when people cannot be nice.

  17. How NOT to make friends and influence people! I had just the reverse when I moved down here and it hasn't changed so that's why I stay to myself. Tha tman needs to trade places with me! LOL!


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