Saturday, November 10, 2018

Still Alive

Multiple naps keep me going.  Far Guy brings me warm rice bags for my feet and makes sure I am covered up….and reports I was snoring.

My sore thoat is finally gone…just have a stuffy head, temperature and a headache.

Far Guy is feeling a bit better.

grey day 

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  1. Here's hoping you are both on the upside of this awful bug! Glad you're on the mend. :-)

  2. Hope that both of you continue to feel better and better. Very glad that your sore throat is gone. I hope that Far Guy's throat is feeling OK, also.

  3. I'm glad to hear that you guys are both feeling better. Naps and soup are the best cures!

  4. That is good news. Hope you both continue to improve.

  5. Good news! I hope the worst is over for both of you! It is freezing here this morning...literally.

  6. Keep getting better and better!!!!

  7. I know when my wife is better when she refuses to eat any more soup. I am glad you had made ahead soup. We eat chicken soup only when we are ill and then its beef soup after that. I am glad the Guy is better and gets more better. Take care.

  8. Nice that you and Far Guy can take turns taking care of each other, keep resting and healing.

  9. Glad he feels well enough to take care of you.

  10. I'm glad you are both sorta, kinda, starting to recover!

  11. Glad to hear that you are both on the road to recovery!

  12. Oh, I hope you’re both feeling much better soon. That is a nasty, nasty bug.

  13. Both of you - feel better soon!

  14. It's never good when you're both sick at the same time. Glad you're able to take care of each other, and I hope this next week will bring you both some relief!

  15. Glad to hear the sore throat is gone. Sleep is the best medicine. And staying warm will be important this weekend with highs of 20s.

  16. Sorry to hear you were both sick.... but I hope it is the only cold you get this winter. One and done! Far Guy's carvings are very nice, and he did a really good job on the butterfly.
    Stay warm and snuggly, and take it easy! No snow shovelling!

  17. I hope you are both able to coninue healing! It is good to know Far Guy has been able to help you out. Rest, rest, rest and lots of liquids! Hugs!

  18. The caretaker is being taken care of for a change. Hope soon both of you will be well again.

  19. Good thing you have a very able caretaker.

  20. You two sure take good care of each other. Hope you're feeling better now.

  21. I love how you take care of each other and I am happy that both are finally feeling better.

  22. Glad you're both still alive, and both showing signs of improvement.


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