Thursday, November 8, 2018

Snow November 6th and 7th

It snowed for two days.  We have a couple of inches at the snow stick.

Snow Nov 6

The first day the snow was kinda pretty after that the novelty wore off.

I moved the snow shovel to the front door.  Seems like only yesterday that I moved it away from the front door.

We finished off a number of Far Guy’s woodcarvings.  They turned out real nice.  He likes to carve flowers and that butterfly was a first for him.  He did lots of painting!

Genes Carvings

Far Guy is still ill.  No better no worse.  He is up and about walking and doing small projects.  One of these days he should get better…he is real tired of being sick.  I think he is a bit stir crazy too as he hasn’t gone anyplace other than the clinic for a week.  He started a new carving project…he can carve at the dining room table.  I did our weekly shopping alone so he wouldn’t be exposed to more germs.

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  1. So sorry Far Guy is still not up to par. I have gotten in the habit when I come back from the stores I wash my hands first thing. The carvings are so beautiful and his first butterfly? It's perfect! I'm glad he has his carving and can carve inside.
    I stay in whether it snows or not so I would just as soon it snow. I watched a documentary on You Tube last night about the 1949 Blizzard in Wyoming, Nebraska and North or South Dakota. It was right around my birthday 1/4/49 and it was a great documentary....very interesting and the farmers fared the best as they had all their 'canned' items but lots of livestock died and some people who got strnaded. I was born in a snowstorm...I wonder if it was part of the same system?
    Stock up when you go to the store...just in case!

  2. His flowers are so PRETTY! Hope he starts improving soon.

  3. I love his carvings, especially the butterfly. Sure hope his health starts to improve soon. Tomorrow we are supposed to get snow.

  4. Uh oh, it's way too early to be tired of snow. The carvings are BEAUTIFUL!! I hope he feels better right away, he's been sick way too long.

  5. They're so cute! Being housebound can make you stir crazy, hope he's feeling better soon.

  6. Glad Far Guy is no worse. Hope he starts getting better soon.

    I love snow. Hubby says I love it so much because we get so little. He might be right. Either way, I wish I could be there enjoying yours. Still, I hope it doesn't get too bad for you this year.

  7. The carvings are beautiful! You two are so talented.I hope Far Guy feels better soon! Hopefully no more snow for a while!

  8. His carvings are lovely! He has a real talent. Hope he feels better soon.

  9. Those carvings are outstanding! Hope recovery comes soon.

  10. Far Guy's carvings are beautiful... he's very talented. Hope he feels better soon.

  11. I love the carvings and the painting, especially the little iris. Excellent job on the colors. I've always loved the first snow, making the world look all clean, being cozy inside. That wears off fast, though!

  12. ❤️ the carvings, especially the butterfly and the lily.

  13. Sorry Far Guy is still ill. Hope he feels better soon. Love the carvings, especially the butterfly

  14. Snow is pretty when it first falls...after that I'm done! Your carvings is beautiful!

  15. Far Guys Lady Slippers are beautiful. His butterfly is gorgeous. I hope he is better very soon.

  16. Sorry to hear Far Guy is not feeling well still . I do hope he can get to feeling better soon . Lovely carvings you both do . No snow for us as of yet maybe a mixing over the weekend with mostly rain but it is going to be damp and cold .

  17. Oh my! Those carvings are absolutely beautiful. That was his first butterfly? Unbelievable. It’s perfect. I am so sorry he is still sick. You would think a corner would be turned soon and he would be feeling better. I am washing my hands constantly these days. It seems like every time I go anywhere, people are coughing and sneezing and just look terrible. I think it’s going to be a bad season for illness this winter. Praying for him to get better and you to stay healthy my friend.

  18. I'm so sorry Far Guy is still so sick. *sigh* "Tired of being sick"... that about sums it up, doesn't it. I don't know if it's just my imagination or what but the illnesses of "today" seem to be so much worse and last so much longer than they used to. And they talk about our antibiotics of today not being enough to combat them. I will pray for Far Guy... and for you too! Love, Andrea xoxo

  19. Beautiful! Does Far Guy have any breathing treatments at home that can help?

  20. The carvings are all gorgeous! I hope FarGuy feels better soon. Takes so much longer to get over stuff when your immune system is compromised. Glad he's up and carving, though. Being creative always helps lift one's spirits. Love and hugs!

  21. Lovely carvings.
    I think snow is always so nice to watch coming down and covering everything with pure white. After a few days one wishes it would just melt already!!

    Hope Far Guy feels better soon.

  22. I am always so impressed with FG's carvings. They are truly treasures.

  23. I too hope for Far Guy to get better. All of these items are wonderful. The lady slippers are a personal favorite because it is a very special flower.

  24. The carvings are absolutely beautiful! You are both quite talented! I'm keeping Far Guy in my prayers that he will turn the corner and start getting better soon. Your snow is a pretty one. We are having our first snow today. It's been coming down hard for over two hours but not cold enough to stick yet. Tonight the temps will drop though so maybe we will get a pretty one.

  25. I've used my snow shovel a few times one time it was heavy wet snow. All the est to Far Guy that he gets better rapidly.

  26. Sure hope Far Guy get's better soon. I know it must be hard, because I was sick all last Winter. Wasn't fun for sure. Such talent and a beautiful job you do too.Hopefully you will have some to give to the girls to keep and pass down! Sharon

  27. I am not usually one for prayers but I am now in that mode for Far Guy. He needs to get better and it's the only thing I can do. Your family feels like part of me.

  28. Far Guy's work is beautiful. Both of you are so talented. Can't comment much about the snow. Have seen it just a few times in my life. The theory of visiting the snow is lovely; reality not so much.

    Sending good thoughts, prayers and pixie dust for Far Guy's improvement. And a bit of extra pixie dust to remind you to take care of yourself!


  29. The butterfly must have taken a lot of careful painting and patience! I think I would have been cross-eyed after a few hours.

  30. That butterfly looks gorgeous. Can't believe it's a first!

  31. Beautiful projects. Hope Far Guy is feeling better.


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