Friday, November 30, 2018

Keeping busy

I have many crochet projects in the works.  I finished off a bunch of scrubbies for kitchen or bath this week and mailed most of them off.


I created such a long line at the Post Office that they opened a second checkout.

I love my plastic basket it keeps this project all in one spot!

It snowed again.  Roads are a bit slippery.

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  1. We just had a about 1/2 an inch, enough to make things slippery yesterday morning. I love the colors of your projects! So bright and cheery.

  2. Glad you've been getting some projects finished, and got most of the stuff mailed. I have to laugh about them needing to open a second counter at the post office though.

    If you don't want your snow, feel free to send it to me.

  3. Good for you! What pattern do you use for those scrubbies? I'm still looking for a good one! Yours are so colorful. Did they come out with a variegated yarn? What yarn, where? Curious minds want to!

  4. What do you make them out of? I cut strips of nylon net and crochet them. They work really well for s rubbing, but it kills my fingers to crochet them from that stuff.

  5. Good for you. Glad you are getting projects done. i have been very negligent in that area this year. Bet there were a few people at the post office that were a tad displeased with you. Have a good weekend.

  6. Always busy, it seems. Those scrubbies look like they would work great. :-)

  7. A fun but practical item to make. The post office would love having you bring lots of things if it was "mail count" week.

  8. Scrubbies are wonderful gifts - something everyone can use.

  9. I love those scrubby‘s. Years are beautiful. I have never found a pattern that I like though. The ones I like best are the ones like yours that I buy at craft fairs. That’s ridiculous when I can crochet. :-). What pattern do you use? Stay safe and don’t slide around to much on the snow. Blessings, Betsy

  10. I had never seen a scrubbie until you sent me one and I LOVE mine. Ian and I dedicated it for art clean up. What a cute little basket. :)

  11. Good for you with the scrubbies. I have wanted to try crocheting the ones out of tulle. Have collected some tulle, I found a pattern on line, I just need a kick in the you know what to actually make some.

  12. Love those scrubbies! I'm looking forward to tomorrow's post to learn all about them! They look like they could be a good beginner crochet project. I keep trying to learn but I always seem to crochet too tight.

  13. I love those little scrubbies - ha that is funny at the post office (happy they had a second clerk) :) I stood in line today to purchase my holiday stamps.

  14. Yes it is pretty easy to get a line going as they have only one person working in the morning at the old place. I intend to blog about it but I closed down old Box 413 this week. I had opened the box at the post office back in 1976. Of all of life that has been lived since then 42 years ago, I was’t so sad. My post office woman was really sad. We have an herb business in town and they come in every other day to ship out things and they smell so strong.


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