Thursday, November 1, 2018

Halloween Report

We had a dozen trick or treaters…we are related to all but three of them.

Megs kids Supergirl, Darth Vader and a Storm Trooper

Staceys family Halloween

Supergirl, Doctor, Dinosaur, Logger and a Spider Girl

Anna and her cousins

Skeleton, Princess, Monkey being held by a little girl

It is a tradition to sit on the steps and get your photo taken before you get treats.

The children all asked “Where is Chance?”  Or “Where is your dog?”  We explained that Chance was old and very sick and he died.  Teddy didn’t think that was good at all, but Ava and Brooke said that was sad because their dog Ivy died too.

We have left over candy... Far Guy picked out his favorite candy for the extra…Mounds and Almond Joy.

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  1. They are so cute!!! Thank you for sharing as I had none this year with the pouring rain. Just as well as Annie had pooped on the front porch as she didn't want to venture out very far....I was just grateful she went outside and not inside which she has been known to do! I never get pictures because I am usually busy handing out the candy plus since I don't know them their parents would probably be suspect if I pulled them into my house! LOL! A few I know...the pharmacy employees kids....we're on a first name basis at my age! LOL! I love to see the kids though. I forgot to get Almond Joy and Mounds....they are my favs too along with Reeses peanut butter cups. Can you believe it's November? October flew by...probably because it is my favorite month of the year. So sweet how the kids express missing Chance. Their costumes were great too.

  2. Cute bunch kids. There weren't as many around here this year.

  3. We didn't get any. A lot of families arrange for their kids to go to parties instead over here anyhow, and where we live they'd be unlikely to bother even if they were around, since it's an apartment building. I carved a pumpkin anyway, because I wanted to.

    That's sweet that the kids all missed Chance.

  4. I love how you take their picture on the steps before giving out the treats. We never get Trick or Treaters out here and I miss that. Love seeing their costumes. Miss having that leftover candy too.

  5. I didn't have any, either, but I had candy standing by just in case. At least they are fruit bars and I can eat them myself without guilt. Love the pictures of the cute kids. I miss Chance, too. :-(

  6. It's so fun to see the little ones at your door. We gave out 35 treats, to some not so little. I love to visit with them all and they were a friendly bunch last night.

  7. Sweet! They all look so cute. And they noticed Chance wasn't there. Awww!

    Yes, you always get some extra candy that's your favorite. ;)

  8. What cute trick or treaters! I was wishing last night that my grandkids lived close enough to come visit in their costumes. Their moms sent me photos but it wasn't quite the same. I planned for our usual 80 kids and only got 38. We had a gorgeous evening - no cold or wind or rain/snow - so I'm not sure why we didn't see more. Needless to say there is a lot of leftover candy which will go into the freezer for the next time the grandkids are around.

  9. You have a great group that shows up! Ah they missed Chance that is a great honor to good ol' Chance! Far Guy - I like that choice of candy too but Snickers is my ultimate favorite!!

  10. Those were sweet costumes. They all look so happy and how wonderful that they missed Chance.

  11. What precious pictures! I love seeing the children in their costumes. We don't get beggars out where we live and I miss that from when we used to live in town... many years ago. It always tugs at my heart when a child asks "Where's.....??" after a pet has passed. :-( Love, Andrea xoxo

  12. Love all your traditional pictures :-).

  13. Fun for the kids when they can come in the house for a little visit.

  14. When I had subbed for 7th grand english, I was reading a book “Wonder” each day to the kids. I got to the part where the family dog had died, I couldn’t read it. I had just buried Button a few weeks before that. Another girl in the front had lost her family dog too so we both cried through that chapter. A girl volunteered to read it for me as I couldn’t read it. The author must have experienced losing a dog as she really wrote a tear making set of paragraphs. Our grandson AJ was concerned about losing Button but he didn’t understand that much about it at the age of three. As time goes by your visitors will remember but won’t ask you about your wonderful dog.

  15. I am so glad Halloween is over for another year. Bracken had such an upsetting evening/night with kids coming and going and the noise of fire crackers in the neighbourhood. My grands think I'm a grinch for not caring for this particular 'holiday' but that's just me.

  16. I always enjoy your Halloween reports. :-) They take me back to the old days when i was a child liing in the country and we drove around to house of people we knew.
    We had no trick-or-treaters here.

  17. Sad but sweet that everyone remembered Chance :(

    Cute costumes, and fun to pass out all the candy...but once the night is over, that candy has to get out of the house--in self-defense!

  18. What adorable trick or treaters you had! We don't get many here anymore so we go to our son's house in the city and pass out candy so they can take their boys trick or treating. We gave candy to more than 200 kiddos! How sweet that the children wondered about Chance... he touched so many!


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