Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Vine in the rain

There is a beautiful vine covering part of a local cottage.


Virginia Creeper or Parthenocissus quinquefolia. The leaves will turn color soon.


It was raining out but I took photos anyway.  There was no danger of me melting…I am not that sweet.

Chance is about the same, he still has some digestive issues so he is back on the boiled hamburger and rice.  He is a bit depressed after visiting Miney and Little Elvis. They are part of his pack.

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  1. Awwww I hope Chance feels all better soon.

  2. Love the vines on the side of the cottage. Give Chance a big hug from me.

  3. The vines and the cottage are beautiful. I’m so sorry Chance is still not well. Prayers for the sweet furbaby.

  4. That vine is beautiful and the cottage too!! Sweet old Chance, I hope he gets better soon.

  5. Oh, if you get a chance to take another picture, I would love to see the vine when it changes to a Fall color.

  6. The vine and cottage are beautiful.

  7. Virginia creeper is very attractive and I don't know why it's not planted more often.

  8. Love those vines!
    Hope rice and hamburger will work okay for Chance. Fingers crossed.

  9. Virginia creeper is beautiful in the fall- but it does tend to take over. Hope Chance feels all better soon.

  10. Love the cottage, vine and the rock edging! Poor Chance! I hope this is only a temporary setback.

  11. The old farm house where I spent my first years had a creeper vine growing on one wall. Brings back memories.

  12. What a darling cottage/cabin.....love it and the vine is really pretty. I had one growing and I loved it until I found out it was poisonous! LOL!

  13. I hate to hear that Chance isn't up to par. Poor guy! Love the vine!

  14. I find such plants creepy I don't know why I just do


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