Friday, September 14, 2018

50 years

Well it is almost done.  That 50th Reunion that my husband was instrumental in planning. They had one evening of activities and one day full of activities…ending with a buffet meal last night.

Bulliten Board 

One last thing to do is have breakfast with a few of them…and Far Guy has to have a follow up meeting to make sure everyone and everything was paid for…rumor has it that they are in the hole.  Good thing the photographer was donating her time.

The photo shoot was a nightmare…I couldn’t get everyone to stop talking and look at the camera at the same time. Some people were late and they didn’t get in the photo…sorry…be on time next time.  The photographer had to get the photos processed and back to be distributed. Large groups are so hard to photograph.

Class of 1968


Since some people missed the first photo shoot a few people asked if I would do an inside photo… we attempted one inside…

Inside class photo

It is what it is.

I am not certain how the “class babysitter” will fill his time now…althought the class gifted us with a couple of puzzles.

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  1. Congratulations to Far Guy on all his efforts and a job well done.

  2. That is a huge group of people to try to photograph. I think you did a great job! :-)

  3. That is a great turn out - kudos to the planning and doing! I hope Far Guy had a wonderful time!!!

  4. Like herding cats! LOL Bet everyone had a great time. My 45 year class reunion was just a year ago. I appreciated all the work everyone put into it.

  5. That was a huge group to photograph. I like the shots you did from above. A good way to get better views of more faces. I don't think I would have thought of it.

  6. Bravo to Far Guy and others who planned the reunion. These events take a lot of time to coordinate.

  7. I think you did an admirable job with the photographs. I have never understood why people who are perpetually late seem to think it’s OK to inconvenience the people who were on time. Taking the picture from above was a wonderful idea. I hope far guy can relax and enjoy his break. I would imagine that he’ll begin planning the 55th reunion before too long! Ha! Blessings, Betsy

  8. Perfect angle for the group photo from above! What a great idea.

    They just had our 50th, too, down in Minneapolis and I saw some pictures of some of the people who attended on facebook. Many I didn't recognize but quite a few of them I did. It's harder for me to recognize people when I can't see them moving and hear their voices. I wonder if they are going to have an official picture we'll get?

    I think you did a great job! Now it's time to relax...till the next reunion. ;)

    1. Looks like you both did a great job! The photos are excellent!

  9. What a great accomplishment by both of you! That was a big group! I think there were 30 in my class. It sounds like a great time too! I went to a private school so people were from all over the world. It's hard to get even those 30 together for a reunion but I have touched base with a few on FB. No sense getting to know one another now if we haven't communicated for 40 years! LOL! Glad you could stay in touch with your class mates. Love the picture from are a pro!


  10. Great photos. I admire Far Guy's efforts and yours too! I remember trying to locate folks and planning meetings etc. It was fun but quite a job. Congratulations! Next year will be 70th but we haven't had one since 2009.

  11. That was such a large group to photograph. You did a great job of it.

  12. You did a great job to get everybody's head in there.

  13. I can see almost everyone's face! Well done. Any group of adults is just like any group of children, hard to herd.

  14. Bet Far Guy is glad it is all over! Sounds like it went well, and the photographer did a good job! If those people are all the same age, well it's quite interesting to look at them all and see the difference in aging.

  15. What a great setting for the outdoor shot. It turned out wonderful! take a vacation so you can relax???

  16. I don't think I could handle the job of organizing a reunion OR a group photo. They look good.

  17. We had small towns everywhere so the kids were scattered in the county. The numbers in Park Rapids still amazes me. I guess you needed to have a cap gun go off to get everyone to look your way. I won’t say more because maybe some of them will look on your blog. Purple is a nice color. I think you did a great job on taking such a large group.


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