Tuesday, August 14, 2018


Chance is very ill.  He has pancreatitis, just as I figured the medications were too hard on his system.

He is finally resting after having a few ice cubes that seemed to make him more comfortable.  All medications have been stopped until he can keep something down without puking.  I have made some sugar and salt water for him... a doggy slushy.

Yesterday afternoon and last night we sat outside with him, he seems to like it better outside...he hates puking in the house.

I weeded and trimmed the flower bed and when I watered he came for his cold drink of hose water.
One day at a time.
Far Side


  1. Poor Chance! Hope he feels better soon.

  2. Poor baby. I hope he is better this morning.

  3. Poor Chance, I feel so bad for him. Sure hope he feels better soon. Sending him a big hug!

  4. I am sending Chance all the good energy I can manage through the airwaves. He is my favorite blog dog. I hope he gets better. :-(

  5. So sorry for you all and Chance with that rough night. Even in his illness, he is still a gentleman who will take his business outside if possible. Makes it easier for everyone. Poor sweet puppy.

  6. Sending Chance love from all of us here.

  7. I am so sorry that he is having a rough time. I know from experience with our dog that they do go off food and do level off with time. Keep the water and ice cubes going. He is such a regal guy.

  8. Oh, I am so sorry to read this. I hope he gets through all this. Sending good wishes and an ear scratch from "the cities" (ear scratch for Chance)

  9. Oh poor Chance, hoping he will be better very soon!

  10. Oh! My! Gosh! I'm so sorry you are not doing well...you are such a special dog! You hang in there and get well we are all pulling for you!

  11. Keeping Chance and his human family in my prayers.

  12. I'm so sorry. I hope he can get through this. Pancreatitis is no fun. Katie had a mild bout of it about 4 years ago. It was terrible. Poor boy, I'm sure he feels miserable.

  13. So sorry to hear this, hope he's better soon.

  14. Hope Chance feels all better soonest.

  15. Sorry to hear my favorite border collie is struggling. Sending virtual pats and ear scratches his way.

  16. Sending love and hugs. Breaks our hearts when our fur-family is miserable. I hope this shall pass and Chance will feel better soon.

  17. Hope he's feeling better. I know you are taking such good care of him!

  18. I sure hate to hear this. Hope he gets over all this soon.

  19. I know you are prepared for whatever comes of this, but we all love your dog, and want him to stick around longer. I know you will treasure every minute that you have with him.

  20. I hope that there is some relief for Chance.

  21. Oh no, sending lots of positive thoughts and hugs to you Chance!

  22. Oh no, poor Chance. Sending love and prayers to your sweet boy.

  23. I'm so sorry. Sending lots of love to Chance and you two as well.

  24. I wish you all well and a good nights sleep.

  25. diane in northern wisAugust 14, 2018 at 6:35 PM

    Oh no....so sorry to hear about Chance. Sure hope he's feeling all better soon. Such a nice dog! Hope things are better each day for all of you!

  26. Poor Chance. He's lucky you take such good care of him. Hope he rallies.

  27. Oh, no! Poor Chance! I hope he pulls through and gets feeling better soon!

  28. So sorry to hear this. Our first dog got very sick with this after licking up spilled goose grease so I empathize. Best wishes to everybody there

  29. We're sending positive vibes for Chance (and for both of you). Life is so hard when our pets are sick. We now have our Lucy on Hill's Prescription diet and it seems to be better tolerated. It comes in both cans and kibble and we mix them together. When she has acute episodes we give her only plain unseasoned canned pumpkin and rice until she is better.

  30. Awww.... I'm so sorry about Chance. Our Standard Poodles had pancreatitis for years and years. Our vet said we'd NEVER get their liver enzymes down. Well, that's the wrong thing to say to me: "never". *haha* The vet was in amazement at how fast their counts came down with my homemade food. He wanted the recipe and gave it out to all their clients who were dealing with the same problem. I'll give you the recipe too. Give it a whirl if you choose to.

    This is the recipe for one meal for two dogs. You can adjust as you see fit. I fed my dogs 4x a day with this.

    Take 2 slices of Ezekiel-brand bread (found at the health food store & many regular big chain grocery stores) and heat them in the microwave. Tear them up and put them in a bowl. Next: Tear up a good sized chunk (a quarter pound piece) of boiled skinless chicken or turkey breast and add it to the bowl. In a toaster put 2 Gardenburger-brand patties and heat/toast them thoroughly (Gardenburger-brand patties can be found or at least ordered through your local health food store. We ordered both the Gardenburger patties & Ezekiel bread by the case through our local health food co-op). Once toasted, tear up the patties and add them to the mixture in the bowl. Add warm water to this entire mixture until it forms a nice moist texture (hint: it takes a minute or two for the Ezekiel bread to absorb enough water). Serve to your dog. Ours LOVED this mixture and it's virtually got no fat in it so it's wonderful to treat pancreatitis. Our dogs got very thin on this mixture, because of no fat, but our vet said that's normal. The vitamins, minerals, garlic, etc. in this mixture was very nutritious for our dogs and they thrived on it. I made this for many many years, until our dogs died of old age. Their pancreatitis was acute and the vet thought he was going to have to put them down because of it. He was absolutely SHOCKED that I could heal them with this natural food. Hope this helps. XOXO Love, Andrea

  31. Oh, I pray Chance recovers and thank you Andrea for the recipe....I may be needing it before long too.


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