Sunday, August 19, 2018

Shopping with Maddie

I was asked to go shopping.

All kind of dresses; white, ivory and champagne.


It was a fun outing. Lace or bling or both.  Veils short or long. 

Yes she said yes to a dress, it takes six months for the dress to come in. So it will be here in plenty of time for next summer.


Far Guy and Chance stayed at home…doing guy stuff.  I left them some “suggestions” and they got everything done.

Chance is holding his own and so far is not vomiting….he is more demanding so I think he feels a bit better.  How much is due to the sheer will power of a Border Collie and how much is because of the medication is anyones guess. Thank you for all your kind comments about him …he is a very special spoiled elderly dog. ( He just demanded ice cubes…he loves to crunch them…and make a watery mess on the floor that I must clean up before Far Guy steps in the cold water!  Ice Cubes are Chance’s version of snowbanks and ice in the summer.  He eats snow and ice all winter long.)

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  1. How fun to be there for the Yes to the Dress moment!. So glad to hear Chance is a bit better and begging for ice cubes. He is truly a Minnesota boy!

  2. Oh how exciting to shop for a dress like that! Good to here Chance is demanding attention, it means he feels better for sure.

  3. Glad to hear that Chance seems to be doing better. He is a tough dog.

  4. How exciting to be asked to go on such a special shopping trip. And to be there for her “yes to the dress” is extra exciting. I’m glad to hear Chance seems to be doing better.
    Blessings, Betsy

  5. Good news all around! Chance is fortunate to have such caring owners. I'm glad to hear he's feeling better. How exciting to share a very special shopping trip with Maddie.

  6. Wedding dress shopping! Only did that once myself (justice of the peace in Vegas for the second one) so that brings back memories from 46 years ago--LOL! I always wish people better luck than I had. ;)

    So glad Chance is feeling better. Probably a combination of both--medication and stubbornness. ;)

  7. So glad you got to go shopping! I think that would be so much fun, especially if there was no pressure on me! I'm also glad Chance is feeling better. Good dog!

  8. So glad Maddie found her dress, I am happy that your Chance is feeling better, sending hugs and prayers.
    Thank you for your sweet thoughts on our loss of jack, it meant so much.
    Read your last post, my dh had a BCC removed from his nose a few years ago, he healed so well. praying all turns out with the wisdom tooth.

  9. Good to hear he's holding his own. That's exciting that Maddie found her dress.

  10. What a special shopping trip to be able to share with your granddaughter! How exciting!

  11. Good news that the guys are getting better and good fun dress shopping too. All your grandkids are really growing up. Our oldest grandkid starts kindergarten soon.

  12. How fun to be there for the dress moment and good to hear Chance is feeling better and enjoying ice cubes.

  13. We'll keep our fingers crossed for Chance.

  14. Always glad to hear that Chance is hanging in there. And six months for a dress? You're right, it will be ready for next summer. :-)

  15. Shopping for that special dress is a great time to make memories!

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  21. You mean a lot to to be asked to go shopping for 'the dress' special! Poor Chance and all of us who are aging as best we can!


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