Friday, July 20, 2018

Rainy Day Thursday

Good thing I got outside jobs done before it began to rain.  The Burr Oak trees have enough of a canopy that I can stand under them while Chance is doing his thing.  We have cooled off here, highs are in the 70’s which is just perfect summer weather.

Rainy Day activities included; a lunch date, a load of laundry, a nap, odd ball things around the house that I needed to get to and some Find A Grave work. Before I knew it the day was over.

Some yellow flowers are beginning to bloom in the wildflower area over the septic system.  That dead plant in the middle is a Canada Thistle.  I killed it.

IMG_0880 I put some old probably not working anymore solar lights in there to mark a few Lilac Bushes. Far Guy mowed around the edges for me.  We mowed this entire area last spring and we inadvertantly mowed down the Lilac bushes…they have come back nicely since then.


I wander through this area looking for poison ivy and thistle with my red muck boots on. We mowed part of it that had a plant (Stickseed) with burrs that Chance was getting into.  Nothing worse than a dogs covered in burrs.


Some parts are prettier than others.  Far Guy threw wildflower seed back there this spring and it is fun to see what comes up.

Thursday is always the day for Far Guy’s Infusion.  It usually goes well, we seem to be able to handle small glitches.  His port is slowing down.  Not enough to be a concern at this time, except he worries about it.

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  1. Sounds like a busy day. Glad you got a lot done, and the temperatures have cooled off some.

  2. You certainly have a lot going on.
    I do love tossing in those mixed seed packets and seeing what comes up! Last year I did that in my veggie garden. It was amazing!

  3. Rainy days are good for those kind of projects. Today is our rainy day here and of course
    iIhave some indoor things to do. Have a great weekend.

  4. You are always industrious and sure do contribute a lot to the family's chores. I hope that port can be replaced before it gives out completely.

  5. Beautiful photos. You always seem to have plenty to get done. We need rain here desperately. Fires are popping up all over and the air is so bad this morning that I have to keep the windows shut. Many blessings, Betsy

  6. I love thee wildflowers FarGuy tossed out there. ;)
    Glad you mowed down the burrs but not the lilacs.
    Thursdays must feel like long days. They all do go by quickly, don't they? I seem to putter mine away pretty easily. But they are sweet days. :)

  7. With the port - - will it have to be flushed heavily or replaced at some point? Or - - not think about it until something more happens? You are still doing the infusions, aren't you? It is wonderful you know how.

    1. yes we are still doing the infusions. We are monitoring the rate at which the gravity flow takes to empty the IV bag. There is a clot buster solution that they can inject into his port at the Infusion Center, but at this time the Nurses just want us to moniter the times it takes to infuse. If the clot buster doesn't work when it becomes clogged then he will have to get a new port.

  8. Those wild flower packages can have some big surprises.

  9. All the wildflower patches are really neat...:)

  10. Your wildflowers are lovely. I am especially envious of your rudbeckias.

  11. I'm surprised the lilacs grew even after being mowed down. They must be a very hardy sort. Using solar lights to mark the lilacs seems like a good idea.

  12. Wish we'd get some rain here in Portland. It's been a super dry spring and summer, and we've already had a couple of bad wildfires.

  13. Love your wildflowers! I wish it was in the 70's here but high 90's with heat index in the 100' can't enjoy a summer that hot in my opinion and every summer is that way. I would take your weather year round any day!


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