Friday, June 15, 2018

First Wild Rose

Even if you are not perfect you can bloom anyway!

Imperfect bloom Wild Rose

Busy week with appointments everyday and travel.  One day Far Guy dropped me off at a Hobby Lobby and I walked up and down every aisle while he was at a really long appointment.  I finally got tired of walking and sat outside in the shade people watching, there is the perfect little spot to sit in between two stores.  I bought some yarn for a project, some card stock, some envelopes and some “stuff” to put on the wreath outside for the 4th of July and Flag Day which was yesterday!

I broke my toe (again) this time it bled all over…what a mess. Tis very sore and I walk a little funny…it hurt too bad to say bad word bad word…but I may have thought them.

Chance had a very boring week as he was left safely at home all but one day…one day it was rainy and cool so he got to go along.

Bingo Report:  Dad and I didn’t win a thing.  Dad says “Maybe we should stop going to bingo?”  I told him “No we will try again next week.”

Today I will mow unless it rains…and make some potato salad….and stay at home!

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  1. Ouch! A broken toe really hurts. I had a little toe I broke twice many years ago and limped along for a very long time.
    It is supposed to get very hot today and this weekend ... stay home and stay cool!

  2. Yikes! Sorry about your toe. Your rose advice is great for people, too, right? "Bloom anway." Love it.

  3. Ouch, sorry to hear about your toe. Hope it feels better real soon. We are expecting a hot weekend here, so staying home sounds good to me. Have a great weekend.

  4. I hope your toe heals nicely and you stop abusing it like that! And our wild roses have been out for awhile, blooming whether perfect or not. :-)

  5. Perfect or not, the wild rose is a beauty. If the weatherman can be trusted, I'm looking forward to cooler temperatures all next week.

  6. I'm trying to figure out the broken toe and bleeding, was it a broken toenail? Anyway, hope it heals quickly and you don't break it again! For us too this has been a week up of appointments, going places and having to get once in a year things finished (income tax). Messes up with me accomplishing things at home ;-)

    1. I stubbed it so badly that I ripped off part of the side of my little toe. I had to cut away hanging skin and then bandage it...I know it is broken because it still hurts so bad...:(

  7. OH! MY! HEAVENS! A toe so broke it bled! WOW! You have got to take it easy...that is one bad break!

  8. OMG! You broke a toe again!? Your body must be telling you to slow down. Watch out for infection! A day wandering a craft store is a good day, though. Sounds like you found a lot of goodies. Take it easy! :)

  9. Such a beautiful picture of the rose. It reminds me to bloom and be the best that I can be no matter how ragged round the edges I may be feeling and looking! The wild rose also reminds me of my childhood growing up in Iowa. We had many bushes of them in our yard. I’m so very sorry to hear about your toe. I hope it will soon be feeling much, much better. Many blessings, Betsy

  10. I love roses!

    Sorry about your toe. Hope it heals up quickly. Also, hope the appointments went well. Enjoy your quiet day at home... I bet Chance is glad you get to stay home this time.

  11. We have those wild roses at our driveway entrance- oh how I love the smell of them! Pure heaven.
    Sorry about your toe!

  12. There is something special about imperfect beauty and that rose is beautiful. I can spend hours at Hobby Lobby - so much to see. Don't you hate those weeks that are full of appointments? Seems like you can't get anything else done. I hope your toe feels better soon.

  13. OUCHHHHHH!! A broken toe!! But it sounds like you bloomed anyway, my friend, despite it all. *hugs* Wandering through Hobby Lobby's aisles and then sitting outside in the shade. Sounds like an absolutely wonderful way to spend the day, to me. Take good care. Lovingly, Andrea

  14. Broken toes are a big pain. I hope you recover rapidly so that you can run around and do all the things you want.

  15. I'm planning to mow later today too. I hope you have a rider. Hope your toe is better soon.

  16. Oh your poor poor toe. It must have hurt terribly if you couldn't even say Bad Word, Bad Word. Hope it heals quickly ( I don't imagine you can wear shoes right about now).

  17. So sorry about your toe. It has to be miserable I know! Connie , you mentioned your ant hill that you had to get rid of. I get them in my raised Garden beds so much and tried finding a natural way to kill them without all that killer stuff in my food. Finally found a great product that if food grade they say you can even eat and it kills Parasites among other stuff. It kills them right away because it cuts their shell when they crawl on it. Works great and found it at Lowes but I suppose it's at other places too. I know it's on-line. Just thought I'd mention it! Sharon

  18. It took a long time for the imperfect rose that I am to bloom, but bloom I did.
    I hope you are safe at home. Take care of that toe, watch it for signs of infection. Maybe Chance needs to take care of you for a while.

  19. Makes me hurt to think about you breaking your toe. I have a lot of toe pain lately anyhow. Hope it heals up real fast. I like what you said about the wild rose. Maybe there's still time for me to bloom one day.

  20. I have decided to not move that to the new place. It spreads to all places across borders.


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