Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Wistful Wednesday: Christmas 1969

Christmas Day in 1969.  Far Guy and I had been married five days.  We spent Christmas Eve with my family and Christmas Day with Far Guy’s family.

Christmas 1969

This is an old Polaroid photo taken by Far Guy’s Dad…he liked to take photographs.

In this photo we have Far Guy’s Mom, Far Guy’s sister Janice with Muggy, Far Guy and me.  Looks like we had a bunch of snow that year…as I recall it was a very cold that Christmas.  Note the flocked Christmas tree, Far Guy’s Mom wanted a white tree that year…something puzzling about this photo…the drapes to the East  (behind the couch) were hardly ever open. The photographer must have need more light.

When we visited the old house last summer I took a photo from just about the same spot.  I wonder where they will put the tree?  It was always in its place in front of that window for years and years.

Living Room  House in Park Rapids

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  1. Lots of hair going on in this old picture! Janice has that big hairdo that was so much the rage at that time. And Far Guy had lots of hair too. You wore a style currenly popular - long and not curled.

  2. So much fun to look at old photos. We are lucky the camera was in common use by the time we were born.

  3. We had a Polaroid camera, too, around that same time, and my dad took lots of pictures with it. I wonder where they all went? Love that old photo and the comparison with last year. The tree would fit just fine in the corner, I think. :-)

  4. Love old photos. I remember our first Christmas, Mac was home from Boot Camp (he'd been drafted) and we split Christmas between my parents' house and his parents'.

  5. Very sixties! Interesting styles.

  6. Flocked trees were so popular for quite a few years. My mom liked her white flocked tree with big red ball ornaments and three red cardinals. But we talked them into a small green tree in the basement us kids could decorate. We always went tinsel-wild.
    Great photo. Glad he took lots of pictures. :)

  7. What FUN pictures, comparing then and now. The picture of Janice looks very similar to my mom in that era, as far as the beehive/French twist hairdo, etc. My mom was older, of course, but the same style was there. I would love to "go back there" again, just once, to see & experience life. Course, I probably wouldn't want to "come back" again. I'd be hugging my Daddy and wouldn't want to ever let go. Christmas blessings~ Andrea xxx

  8. It's fun to look back and see how we were back in the days! Your hair sure was long and lovely.

  9. Oh how I remember those early days of marriage. We had Christmas dinner at one parents and then race across St. Paul to the other ones. No wonder the went from a svelte 144 to near 200. Of course my early brides including mine must have felt a wifely duty to fatten their prize catch up....:)

  10. 1969 was our first Christmas as a married couple, but we had been married for nine months by then.

  11. Oh, my! The hair! And those glasses! Interesting to see both of those pictures together. Would have been fun to recreate the entire scene, people and all...

  12. Goodnes, that's an amazing beehive Janice has! Must have been special for Christmas. I remember the flocked trees. We never had one but my rich friend Sandy's family seemed to have a different color every year for several years--white, pink, blue, and green I seem to remember. Wonderful photo!

  13. I like that classic light fixture. My parents built their home on the farm in the early 60's and one of there hanging fixtures that moved from that house did finally get dumped by me. It was just like a flying sauce with a set of lights inside of it. I just let it go.

  14. You were still on your honeymoon! How young you were and I barely recognized Far Guy...he doesn't have a mustache in that picture does he? Wow, that was some big hair your SIL had....did she do that herself? Amazing! So fun to look at these old pictures. The house reminds me of my grandparents-in-law similar.


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