Friday, December 22, 2017

White Christmas

We got about 5 inches of new fluffy dry snow.  That makes the total at the snowstick 7 inches.

Far Guy shoveled some, I shoveled some…and my brother came along and cleared our driveway and yard.  There is still some shoveling to do.  I like to clear the patio of snow…right now it is covered.

snow removal

I took this photo out of the kitchen window.

Sunset was really pretty on Dec 21 the shortest day of the year.

Sunset Dec 21

This is a sunset view I had as a child. The wind would rip through that field and the snow used to settle in our driveway.  This is where I would stand and wait for the bus. It is just two miles from where we live now. The view of the trees in the distance and the field have not changed in 64 years….I find it comforting that some things stay the same.


The downstairs tree is finished.  Jinx the Lumberjack is visiting there for a few days.

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  1. That sure is a peaceful view of the trees in the distance. So comforting that "progress" has not taken that away from you in all these years. I enjoyed your snow photos and of course, Jinx!

  2. Beautiful photos. So far no snow here.

  3. Yes!! Things that remain the same and have withstood the test of time are always a comfort to me too. Blessings this Christmas season to you & yours. Sincerely~ Andrea xxx

  4. So much has changed in my life over the years, I cannot even think where I might have been 64 years ago. Well, I would have been eleven, so I'd have been in California living on a Air Force Base. Your life has been so different! :-)

  5. The snow looks so pretty in your yard. We just got a dusting yesterday. Jinx looks happy where he is. Merry Christmas

  6. I grew up with a view of the mountains, and thankfully, they haven't changed much.

  7. Certain mountains have been in my life for the last 54 years. I might be seeing them from a different angle, but it's still the same mountains. What bits of your tree we see are pretty. Lots of named ornaments I see, that is pretty cool! Oh that Jinx!!

  8. That's a beautiful sunset photo. I'm glad you'll have a white Christmas as that means my grandsons will, too and they will be really happy about that!

  9. There's nothing the same as when I was two years old...except me--LOL! Sometimes I don't know how much I've changed over this lifetime. In some ways I have and in some ways I haven't. One thing that hasn't changed--I love a white Christmas and we have one this year! Too cold to melt, that's for sure. ;)

  10. LOOKS LIKE YOU HAVE MORE SNOW THAN WE DO. Hope you have a lovely Holiday!

  11. That's some sundog. I find it comforting when some things don't change either.

  12. You need a good horizon view to get the best of sunset shots. Nice photo and good memory.

  13. You got a good dump of snow! We're also having a white Christmas, something that doesn't happen too often.

  14. How wonderful that you have lived in the same area for most of your life and can still see the same view you saw as a child! I can see how that would be quite comforting. As I was growing up we moved every two or three years so I never knew a steady spot except for my Grandmother's house. Unfortunately, it has been gone now for many years but I still find myself going to google earth and looking at that blank spot of land where it once stood.

    Your snow is lovely! It's fun to hear how it is stacking up against the snow stick. You say Jinx is visiting the downstairs tree - uh-oh...

    Merry Christmas to you, Far Guy, Chance and all of your family Connie! Thank you for sharing your blog with us!

  15. All of us are gone from the neighborhood where we grew up. The nearest of my siblings to our home farm is two hours away. But when we have had occasion to drive past the old farm, the neighborhood still looks much the same.
    It somehow feels right that the snow is now accumulating on your snowstick.

  16. Yes, the view in your backyard looks familiar at the old place but we really don't have snow yet. We do have the extreme cold this morning with the blue jeans freezing to the skin. I have no idea what will happen when we get a lot of snow. The sidewalk will be simple to clear but the driveway will be a new thing for me. I have to watch and see what the neighbors are doing and where they put it.

  17. My "backyard view" growing up was very different. In the late afternoon, fog would often roll in off the ocean, and so as the sun lowered in the sky, it began to resemble a glowing orange "hole" in the sky that one could look at directly. It was beautiful but in a different way.

  18. Beautiful view! It is nice that some things don't change. I love your cute!


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