Monday, May 15, 2017

At the lake

It is still early spring at the lake.

Lilly Pads are waiting under the surface of the water.




The Trillium has not bloomed yet.


Ferns and Ribbon Grass have awakened.


The lake was reasonably calm as we headed back up the hill away from the lake there was some commotion.

The Loons were calling a distress call, a Bald Eagle circled a few times…there were terrible noises and the crows were dive bombing the Eagle as he took off with something in his talons.

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  1. Lilacs are finally blooming here. Spring finally sprung.

  2. Our trillium is in the process of blooming, and I saw one Thursday that has already turned pink and is on its way out. And yours are still waiting to bloom. Wonder what the crows were trying to save.

  3. Definitely starting to look like spring. We'll be flying to Montana with a layover in Minnesota, my first time there, Mac was there years ago when he was in the Army.

  4. Loved this post. Made me feel like I was out wandering with you guys--and Chance. ;)

  5. Between the crows and the Eagle you know there will be a ruckus!

  6. Your spring is still in the unfolding, full of promise stage. Here it is all now going too fast.
    Eagles gotta eat, but it's not fun to contemplate the fate of their prey.

  7. things develop quickly once the days lengthen.

  8. Well, we all have to eat and survive although we get uncomfortable when we see it up close. I would be hard pressed to kill anything for my supper...I'd have to become a vegetarian. Love seeing your Springtime!

  9. We have bald eagles now in our area. We see them once in a while fishing but nothing like what you described. The road that I take to go to the old home crosses the lake twice and one area has eagles soaring a lot of the times in early morning.

  10. Nature is amazing isn't it?! Lovely photos . All is blooming here and green very green with all the rain we have had the past few weeks . Thanks for sharing , Have a good day !

  11. I think our trilliums are mostly done, and the dandelions have all gone to seed, although much later than what has been usual these last years. Spring would be wonderful here if we could just get rid of some of the rain. We get nice days, but often just one and then it rains again, and we need at least a couple for things to dry up enough. Oh well, time to stop complaining. Your Spring looks nice.

  12. Lovely shots. It's still pretty cold over here!


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