Monday, March 13, 2017


We turned most of the clocks ahead…we forgot a few…the thermostat does not go ahead automatically …duh.

I worked on some genealogy…going down different rabbit trails…cousins.  I know more than I did before…but not much. I still have lots of questions…and need to keep better notes. I need to have my questions someplace besides in my head.

I cleared one stack of papers off my desk… then I got an email from one of Far Guy’s Maternal Cousins ( I would call him a long lost cousin but he is doing research just like me)  and another project was added to the ongoing project list.  No progress is made there except this cousin may have some info to share…never can tell.

Ratibida pinnata July 2016

Ratibida pinnata  July 2016

I have the menus planned for the week.  Far Guy has become a bit testy when I am the first to ask what’s for supper.  Ribs and a baked potato, soup from the freezer, baked chicken and salad, venison and a steakburger round out the week with two supper dates during the week. Yeah for two nights of no cooking!  We had a huge break through last week…Far Guy discovered that he kinda likes roasted asparagus!!  I will roast another batch this week.

I was going to say I hope to get many projects done this week…but then that may jinx me…so I will just do what I can do to stay ahead.

It snowed again, it almost covered up the gray snow.

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  1. Two nights without cooking sounds good to me. Deciding what to cook every day gets old! We had roasted asparagus with dinner last night.

  2. I have to plan meal ahead - usually two weeks worth. The way I can shop once a week and hubby can just look at the plan and know what's for supper. Hahaha

  3. You are so organized. I watched "The Great Gilly Hopkins" yesterday and blubbered my way to the end. A wonderful movie, now I'll read the book, which I had never heard of. :-)

  4. I admire the way you plan out your menus for the week. I seem able to get to four days, then it all falls apart! Good luck with your projects—I hope you accomplish them on schedule!

  5. Making a menu is more difficult to me than actually cooking so I am happy for you that you have that planning done!

  6. I like to take asparagus, roll it in beaten egg, then in parmesan cheese and bake until the cheese is crispy. YUMMM

  7. Yup--don't jinx yourself--LOL!
    Just enough snow here to cover most of the ground again...enough to see the rabbit and bird tracks. :)

  8. I am interested in genealogy but not organized or willing to do research. I can't even spell genealogy.

  9. There has to be a good way to keep geneology notes and questions, so many other people have done it. But if they have a better system, they aren't sharing it with me. I've been at this for over 25 years and haven't learned the secret yet.

  10. I admire you for planning your meals in advance. Hope your week goes smoothly.
    Lovely flower picture.

  11. You seem to be keeping busy. Roll on spring!

  12. In my dream world, I would hope for five nights away from cooking and then a delivered pizza for Friday night and then popcorn and ice-cream for dinner on Saturday night. I know...not based in reality, so I'm cheering you on for your two nights of not cooking!!! We had enough snow here to shovel, plow and roof rake. :-(

  13. I don't manage to plan out my menus ahead. I sort of think it out one day ahead. I'm trying to keep Tom well fed while I lose weight, and it's tricky. I get kind of "hangry" sometimes.

  14. It's cold here and damp and gloomy...the winter that was forgotten evidently! I planed my menu this week too which I never do but it's been nice except I need to follow through! I'm making the breakfast burritos as I type. I've had lots of dead ends this week and interruptions and people asking for money...tsk, tsk! But at the end of the day I have a full tummy and a warm bed so I can't complain!

  15. I'm impressed with the meals you make. I used to have a 2 week rotation of meals but that was when we were 7 around the table. Now its just the two of us and I've never liked cooking much so....


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