Sunday, January 8, 2017

Cabin Fever

We have  not been out of the yard for many days.  Cabin Fever will get you.   We decided to go for a drive.  Far Guy was antsy…as was Chance and we all enjoyed a drive over to Shell Lake.

Shell Lake Jan 7

There are a few fish houses out there…way out there.

Shell River Jan 7

Shell River winding its way out of Shell Lake headed for the Smoky Hills.

The roads over there are very icy.  I didn’t venture too far away from the car.

Moon Jan 7 The moon was out as we headed for home.

I have been working on many projects.  My desk is still full.  The advice I got from Jen was “ When sorting if you hold something in your hand and it gives you pleasure then keep it…if not THROW IT OUT!”  Good advice and I have been trying it…sometimes I am just a miserable failure at tossing “stuff” out.

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  1. Very nice photos. Glad you three enjoyed the outing. Thankfully, our roads cleared with yesterday's sunlight. We are at a chilly 17 degrees this a.m.
    Hope you have a great day.

  2. I have the same problem with throwing things out.

  3. Glad you were able to get outside. Yeah, I have trouble getting rid of stuff too.

  4. Glad that you were careful about walking on the icy road! So easy to slip and fall, and the repercussions last a long time!

  5. Sometimes I'm a miserable failure also! BUT I NEED TO GET BUSY AND DO IT!


  6. Too cold to get cabin fever--LOL!
    Good thing I don't suffer from that or I would have gone bonkers years ago. ;)

  7. that quote re decluttering is straight from Marie Kondo's amazing book, and Jen is right!

  8. Love the photos! My feet are cold right now and I keep bumping up the thermostat. The cat girls are laying on the heating vents so they must be cold too but they're blocking the heat! Have you ever gotten any of those ice grippers you can put on your shoes/boots? I keep them on one pair so if necessary they are ready. I think mine are called Yaks. Yes, that is the one quote from Marie Kondo's book that I repeat to myself. I also joined a great site which has some great articles about specific areas of decluttering. I hope it helps far so good! Stay warm and dry and safe!

  9. I have a relative by marriage who has a tough time to dispose of anything.

  10. I keep putting off cleaning out. If I think too much about all the stuff in all the closets it drives me crazy. We have had snow for two days now and I'm ready for it to go. I can imagine how you must feel.

  11. We have cabin fever and we have only been cooped up for two days! It was 22degrees this morning and our electricity, including heat, went off at 5 am and not back on until after 10. Southern homes aren't insulated like Minnsota homes and too much demand on the electrical grid because everyone was using heat. No fun.

  12. I am trying to sort things out...but what gives me pleasure versus what gives me pain is hard to distinguish. I am going to go for throw it.

  13. It would be a lot easier to throw things out if it didn't so happen that in the weeks to come I find I need EXACTLY that particular item!

  14. I'm glad you could get out for a little adventure. Even with all of your projects to keep you busy, a change of scenery is a good thing.

  15. I need to do that holding it in your hand thing....but most of my "stuff" gives me's the obligatory stuff that doesn't and I'm not allowed to pitch it.

  16. The power has been off at my house since Saturday 11:30 PM. I finally broke down and got a hotel room, took a hot shower and finally got warm. Power is predicted to be out until sometime tomorrow (Monday). It's been bitter cold here, and I did not want to spend another minute in an unheated house.

  17. Don't be in too great a hurry to toss all that stuff out. I tried heeding those organizing experts a long time ago, and tossed some collections I thought I wouldn't need anymore. Boy, was I wrong. I didn't find out until I was in another season of life that I realized how much I would have loved to have that stuff--not for me, but for my daughter.

  18. I have been tossing stuff until my garbage can gets filled. I did find out last week that they fancy mechanical armed garbage truck has fun picking up garbage bags. I put out four of the and they were tossed into the truck in seconds. We had 22 degrees F. and it was not warm. Our wind made it feel more like arctic weather.

  19. We just took a car load of stuff to the thrift store. I'm sure we will find lots more to get rid of. I find it hard to throw anything out if I think it has any use, so it is slightly easier to send it off to the thrift store where someone might have a need for it.
    I was going to mention that Jen's idea was also in Marie Kondo's decluttering book, but a few other's beat me to it.
    Glad you got out for a ride. I have been clumping around in those slip on crampon thingies for a while now, they are great!
    Supposed to get more snow tonight, but so far it is just rain.

  20. It seems lots of people are talking about decluttering right now. It's inspired me to at least think about it. :-)

  21. That is good advice, can't wait to downsize and par down my JUNK

  22. Sounds like Jen read The Magic Of Tyding up! I don't know if that would help me throw anything away. Lots of snow you have!


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