Monday, December 26, 2016

The Christmas Report

We ate …pulled pork and corn bread pudding on Christmas Eve after church.  Christmas morning was cinnamon rolls, egg bake and sausages.  Christmas evening we had a skillet meal of hash browns, scrambled eggs, pulled pork and cheese.  AND the plates of goodies Jen brought with her are awesome! 

We exchanged gifts and had a round of White Elephant Gifts…where the “hot” gifts were a package of Gushers, colorful Chip Clips and a package of Pistachios. We all get a gift and then roll dice for doubles, a two or a five to steal a gift from someone else.

It started sleeting on Christmas Day in the afternoon, then it rained and it is snowing at the moment (10 PM Christmas Night as I am writing this.)  Earlier when I walked the dogs the tree branches were coated in ice.
 Shortest to tallest
The Four Grands shortest to tallest…Noah gets to be tallest for one more Christmas but his brother is gaining fast!
Tall ones
Official stocking footed back to back photo…Adam has taller shoulders than his brother but as Adam said “Noah has a longer neck.”
Jen and andy and boys
Jennifer, Andy and the boys.
jen and Trica
Our daughters Jennifer and Trica
We missed Savannah again this year, but she was in her own home and she had her first real tree this year.
Next Christmas our group will have a newcomer.
Maddies baby bump
Maddie and her baby bump
Next year our oldest daughter Trica will be a Grandmother and in turn we will be Great Grandparents.
Gene and Connie at the shiny brite tree
Me and Far Guy by the Shiny Brite Tree  Christmas 2016
Jen, Andy and the boys will stay here until it is safe to travel.  Trica and Richard and the girls are safe at Richard’s brothers.
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  1. Wonderful pictures! Wishing each of you many blessings in the new year.

  2. Enjoyed the pictures of happiness together. We had Christmas with family, too. Instead of snow and ice, we had rain. Our first cold spell has come and gone. There will be more. :)

  3. So happy to see your family pictures. Kids all growing fast and also you are to be great grandparents! What fun that will be.

    Shirley H.

  4. The pictures are sooooo good! I love seeing family pictures. Looks and sounds like a joyful Christmas celebration there. You have a great family.

  5. You have a lovely family! Sounds like there was some great meals.

  6. How wonderful to hear of your sweet family Christmas. And thanks so much for the picture of you, FG, and the Shiny Bride tree! What a gift. :-)

  7. Well, that was a two day celebration. It's nice to spend that much time with family.

  8. I love hearing about the eating, and grandkids and kids and ....all of it!

  9. Boxing Day here and we are getting the same wicked weather. I always take photos of the kids in front of the fire at Christmas too! Some years when they argued playfully over who was tallest, it came down to who had the biggest hair. hahaha.
    Congratulations on the new/first great grand! Two of my grandsons are now of childbearing age but I hope it doesn't come too soon. As a genealogist, I'm just not ready to see GGM attached to my name yet!
    Going to be turkey soup for lunch and manicotti for dinner at our house today.
    Best Wishes to you and yours.

  10. Always great to have family over for Christmas. But somebody is missing in your photos..... a li'l black and white cutey....

  11. glad you had a wonderful holiday, and how fun with a grandbaby on the way!

  12. Wonderful pictures! Glad you had a good Christmas with family. Congratulations on the great-grandbaby!

  13. What a nice Christmas! Glad people weren't trying to get out and drive in that ice storm! Exciting about the great-grandbaby!! Nice pictures. Good memories. :)

  14. Love all your family photos! And great shot of you and Far Guy.

  15. Beautiful family photos and a great picture of you and Far Guy! I bet you are the best looking soon to be Great Grandparents in the whole state! The term "baby bump" wasn't around when we had ours and people would have been shocked had we worn "baby bump" hugging clothes. Right about now my figure could use some of those old fashioned maternity tops but they don't make them anymore! LOL! It sounds like you all had a wonderful Christmas together and I have played that game and it is hysterical! My daughter's church group does it every year at their Christmas party and they have a ball. Thanks for sharing your family with us...I'm starting to feel related to you all! LOL!

  16. diane in northern wisDecember 26, 2016 at 6:34 PM

    Thanks for all the great pictures of your family. How wonderful that they all came to visit. We got the nasty weather here too and our family just departed this afternoon on a skating rink with high winds, but they say the main highways were ok. whew. Happy New Year to you two and thanks for the great blog!

  17. Time marches on so cherish every family moment. We lost our eldest son 19 years ago at Christmas time..

  18. Thanks for sharing these wonderful pictures. Lovely pictures of a great family! Happy New Year, and all the very best for all of you!

  19. You're all looking good....even old Blake😝

  20. What sweet photos. What a lovely Christmas gathering it must have been for your family!

  21. What a glorious time you all had! Thanks for sharing with us! Oh and tell Far Guy that the Christmas letter is my all time favorite and it made me laugh!!!! I loved the card and yes, I saw the doodle! Hugs to you two and Chance.


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