Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Skeeters and Poison Ivy

Hello August.  August can be a miserable hot month in Minnesota.  We already know that the skeeters will be bad. 

One of our friends said he mowed his yard in shorts and a t shirt and was regretting it when he had bug bites all over his arms and legs.  I told him that he was nuts. ( He agreed.) I wear long pants with my socks up over my pants legs and a hooded  long sleeved fleece, when I am done mowing it all goes in the wash and I head for a bath with the Jewelweed soap that prevents the spread of the Poison Ivy oil.  I don’t like bugs and more than that I don’t like Poison Ivy…which we still have a lots of at the edge of our yard.  It has been raining too much to spray.

The yard

The lawn looks good but when it rains every other day it should.  I am mowing every five days or so.

We order Jewelweed Soap from a place called Turkey Foot Trading Company and it is the best soap we have found for the prevention and treatment of poison ivy. 

We have not been compensated in any way…just passing the information on.

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  1. Thanks for the info about the Jewelweed Soap. We have a lot of poison ivy in this yard. The mosquitoes have not been terrible here but oh, the heat/humidity are horrible. Hope you guys enjoy your day.
    Your yard looks so pretty!

  2. It's so dry that I cut my weeds every three weeks.

  3. Thanks for the information on the soap. Since I'm never out after dark and I don't live in the woods I am not bothered much by "skeeters". However, the humidity levels have been so high around here that even walking to the mail box saps your strength. We really need rain here in S.E. WI. What is making our grass grow is the high humidity which leaves a heavy dew every morning. Your yard does look pretty, though.

  4. It's the dry season here, which means the lawns are brown and not needing to be mowed. I don't miss the sound of the lawn mowers, but I sure do miss the pretty green lawn, like you've got. It's always a tradeoff. :-)

  5. I wear Avon's Skin So Soft sunscreen and it acts as a bug repellent too.

  6. I had never heard of jewel weed soap but it makes sense. Someone's smart! Down here we bundle up to mow, too. Fire ants, mosquitos, gnats -- our share of six-legged terrorists. I love your swing.

  7. Yeah, I'm not a fan of poison ivy. Good tip about the soap.

  8. Thank you. I'm heading over to purchase some.


  9. I have never heard of jewelweed soap, either. Glad it works! The mosquitoes can be vicious and with all the rain and heat they are plentiful. Your yard looks great, though. :)

  10. Oh gosh, I am going to check the soap out...I have had one case of poison ivy and it was enough to make me learn my lesson to steer clear of it.

  11. Mosquitoes sure can ruin the summer! A case of poison ivy would too!

  12. Our skeeters will subside now that it is beyond dry but replaced with fires (I'd rather have the bugs). They will still be bad at our kayak spot though I'd bet. I've never heard of that soap but it sounds like a great thing to have in the trailer for camping! Going off to find some now!

  13. I'll tell my son about the soap. He suffers terribly from poison ivy. Although I don't think he has had any for awhile. Mosquitoes keep me from enjoying my outdoor spaces. They just love to nibble on me!

  14. I like that swing in your photo. Stay cool and mosquito and poison ivy free.

  15. Good to know - thanks! Yard is lovely!

  16. August for us is our hottest and most humid month all though it has been quite that way already in July ! We have poison ivy in the field beside us . Skeeters aren't to bad for now this year . Thanks for sharing , Have a good day .

  17. Poison ivy is not a problem here, but mosquitoes are! They seem to be especially bad this year. I'm sure it's because we water our yard all summer. I sure would like to get rid of the bugs and still have a green yard.


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