Sunday, April 3, 2016

Say is isn’t snow

It was snow, it was way past dark when Chance came in covered in snow.  The next morning told the tale of a April’s Fool joke Mother Nature style.

Snow April 2

One day late but the point was made…Winter is not over yet.

This colder snow took all day to kinda melt…at nightfall the northern parts of the yard still have snow.

What to do on a cold day…laundry and make a trip to the “dump” we make a trip there about every three weeks with one bag of garbage.  Since we recycle…we pay $3.00 a bag for garbage…that figures out to $4.00 a month.  Not bad.

Our home April 2016

See we have a bit of green coming in the grass!

Spring is trying to get here!

We walked over to see Mason for his birthday, he is eleven now!  Chance went along and visited Bailey.  We were invited to the evening birthday party but…too many germs for Far Guy when there is a large group of little kids.

Then we came home and I watched a movie on Netflix called Little Boy, well worth watching, I give is a 5 +++ out of 5 stars.

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  1. Your home is beautiful. John talked to his sis in MI yesterday and they had snow too. I hope you enjoy your Sunday.

  2. April snow, how unkind. One year when we were living in Colorado we had a May 5 snow. Really like the look of your house.

  3. Typical spring weather with snow. we haven't had our spring snow yet. I will be close to the snow stick guess with this snow.LOL. I'll bet you forgot about your snow stick and put it away.

  4. I laughed at your clever title, and then I commiserated with you about the snow. I will definitely watch a movie that gets that kind of rating! Thanks for the tip. :-)

  5. Oh no snow! Although believe it or not we have had snow here in April, although not for many many years. We have had summer here this past week. Looks like it is coming to an end for a couple of days, and then right back into it, if those forecasters can be believed.
    Probably a wise choice to stay away from the B Day party, no need to invite trouble!

  6. Snow this time of year is so discouraging, although I tell myself it does melt fast and water things.


  7. I enjoyed watching Little Boy, too.

    Winter still has a grip here, too: somewhere between 10-12" of snow fell Mon - Wed and thankfully most has melted - lots of good moisture.

  8. Not nice, Mother Nature! Love your title. And I hope it all melted today.

  9. What a beautiful photo of your home! It reminds me of the Lincoln logs I played with as a child. The roof pieces were green.mInthink thenlogs gave me an early appreciation of tha 'up north' feel. Youngot more snow than we did. We had a white ground cover, but it didn't last. Hapoy Sunday!

  10. I was thinking of you as the snow storms rolled across the northland.

  11. I thought Al Gore said that we would soon have a world without snow.

  12. The one good thing about the snow is your colors of your feeders and flowers stand out brilliantly against the white background! I like the kind of schedule you describe - - - leisurely with no appointments.
    FG and you are smart in protecting him. There are still a lot of viruses circulating in the South - - - coughing as well as the nasty stomach bug. Praying we are still able to avoid them as we have to this point.

  13. You have a beautiful home. Too bad, but so right, about all the germs. Have to keep your guy protected!! Hope you see spring real soon!

  14. Yes, we had some snow as well. I always expect at least some April snow and will never forget that we once got 14 inches on the 14th, or 16 inches on the 16th, or something like that. I love the photo of your home...there's a lot of cheerful color to liven things up. Have a great week.

  15. Hi Connie, same here, snow on the ground after it melted. I love your home, looks so beautiful. Blessings Francine.

  16. Sounds like a lot of folks got snow lately. The sun looks pretty shining there on your house. I love the color of the wood. Still wish I could change my mind about the red! :)

  17. I remember getting snow in April several times! It never lasted but it was a little cuff on the cheek. Love the picture of your house...what a cozy cabin in the North woods! Good for you and Far Guy not hanging out with a bunch of little germ carriers. Love them but they can be very germy! LOL!

  18. Lovely log house . Yup here to snow YUK ! thanks fully most of it melted as it landed but still to much stayed for my liking and the temps are freaking cold again YIKES , BLAH ! At this rate our spring flowers will be reverting back into the ground lol ! Thanks for sharing , have a good day !

  19. A few years ago we had a bunch of snow in one snowfall in April- not this year, we are well into spring now. Capricious weather!

  20. How nice to see a pic of your home.
    Thanks for the tip on Little Boy. I just requested it from our local library.

  21. Oh, I love April snow when it glitters in the sun... Nice shots.

  22. We'd take the moisture right now but I'd rather it's snow in May that I hate most.

  23. Grasses feel happy to welcome the spring season. good shot...

  24. Beautiful spring like photos. I love the name of your blog. From another far side of fifty woman :)


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