Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Wistful Wednesday: 2004

In 2004 Far Guy’s Mom was 90 years old.  We had a small gathering at the Nursing Home for her birthday.  Far Guy and I got married on her birthday…what a gift.  I am certain that no one could ever meet her standards as a perfect wife for her son.
Willard Louise and Evelyn 2004
Uncle Willard, Aunt Louise and Evelyn.  Willard and Evelyn are brother and sister.
2004 Evelyn Gene and Connie December 18
Far Guy, Evelyn and me.
Gene Evelyn Jenny and Adam 2004
Others guests were Jennifer and Adam.  Adam was a little guy back then.
Gene Evelyn Jen and Adam 2004
In the background of this photo our dear friend Rhonda who had Multiple Sclerosis since the age of 25 is being wheeled back to her room in the corner.

A few days after these photos were taken Chance would pick Far Guy for his owner.  Evelyn was just thrilled with Chance. He would learn all about wheel chairs, walkers, automatic doors and cookies at the home.  Chance was a regular visitor at the home until Evelyn died early one morning in March of 2006.

Christmas in the Nursing Home was a little depressing, for as long as we could manage we brought her to our home and when that didn’t work we made a meal to take to the home to share…usually Salmon because that was one of her favorites.
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  1. Reminds me of visiting my mother in the assisted living home where she lived the last year and a half of her life. Happy she was in a safe place but sad she had to be there.

  2. She looked good for 90, I think. It was very kind of you to get her to your home, or make her favorite meal when she couldn't get out.

  3. She looks really youthful to me, at 90. She lived a good long life, and she had a wonderful son and daughter-in-law, for sure! :-)

  4. She had a wonderful daughter-in-law - anyone that visits a nursing home around Christmas - let alone takes dinner is a gem.

  5. I think that your mother in law got the perfect wife for her son and you got the perfect husband for yourself! So glad that you could take Chance for nursing home visits. I know that he gladdened many hearts there. And it meant so much for Far Guy's mother to have you come so often and also bring a lovely meal. Visitors mean so much at nursing homes.

    Shirley H.

  6. I agree, she looked very good at 90. You were good to her.
    My two kids will go to visit my mother in the nursing home on Christmas Day, and if it is nice enough they will push her outside for a 'walk'. To try bring her here and then back would involve 3 hours of driving, (two trips there and back). Since her legs aren't weight bearing any more, a workout for someone's back lifting her in and out of the vehicle and getting her up the stairs here. So I'm afraid it won't happen this year. Maybe they can take Jake with them for some extra 'excitement'. He has been once before.

  7. Your mother-in-law does not look 90 years old. Yes, you were a very good daughter-in-law! I like Adam in that last picture. Wonder what he was thinking with that big smile, looking at grandpa.

  8. Boy! she sure looked good for 90 BUT YOU LOOK LIKE YOU WERE ABOUT TO CRY?
    I am having past memories on one of my post today.Sure miss my family, only have my little brother left.

  9. Total agreement that she looked really great for 90!!
    Those nursing home birthdays and holidays are always a little sad. I'm sure many of us have done our visiting of friends and loved ones in good and bad nursing homes. My paternal grandmother went to one in her 90s and lived to be 104, so the pictures look familiar. Only eventually she didn't recognize any of us and the only thing she remembered was she was going to have cake and ice cream. LOL!

  10. She did look good for 90....I don't even look good for 67~LOL. You and your daughter could be twins. I thought it was you until I noticed the difference in clothes. Good to have those pictures and thanks for sharing them.

  11. Wow! She does not look 90. Good genes. I know how nursing homes are. My dad spend about five years in one before he died. You have to go and take cheer with you! xo Lynn

  12. Merry Christmas to you both. May you have a wonderful Christmas at home this year or with friends or family around! Hope you're feeling better too!

  13. I was married a day after my Mom's birthday. Christmases in the nursing home are a bummer. I think my Dad spent the last two Christmases in the nursing home. Merry Christmas to all your family.

  14. What a wonderful story.

    Merry Christmas.

  15. Bittersweet memories. Have a wonderful Christmas!!

  16. "Wistful" is a good word for this post with its memories.

  17. You were a wonderful daughter-in-law! Wishing you and yours a very Merry Christmas!

  18. Having two sets of in laws was a real challenge. I had my own parents to deal with too. Our two daughters in law are lucky as we just back off and let them live their lives. We appreciate the idea of kids growing free from all that control. Enjoy you Christmas gathering. Our thing is pending due to the weather.


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