Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Along the road

It was a great year for Michigan Lilies or Lilium michiganense!

Lilium michiganense

She is a beauty and is blooming in a ditch about 9 miles south of us.   There are many colorful clumps growing in the ditch in a wet area. Deer on a two track road

As we stopped to admire the Lilies, Far Guy noticed this deer on a two track road.  You can see how tall the weeds have grown this year.  The deer come out into clearings to graze in the evenings and to escape the skeeters in the woods.

We have been busy for a number of days, today we plan to stay home all day and rest up a tad before the next round of activity begins.

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  1. Good Morning, Beautiful lilies. Sending wishes for a relaxing day.

  2. Beautiful picture of the Lilies and of the deer.

  3. Oh I love those lillies we have them here growing on all those side roads that people forget are there. Beautiful and the deer well you know:) Rest up OK HUGS B

  4. It was a great year for Lilies all over. :) We enjoyed a bumper crop on the east coast too!

  5. Lovely photos . Yes this time of year is busy for us as well . Thanks for sharing , a have a good day !

  6. Gorgeous flowers and a deer! A worthwhile stop.

  7. I love the photo of the flowers, but the one of the deer is by far my favorite.

  8. You certainly have some beautiful flowers growing by the wayside! That deer is so intent!

  9. The lilies are beautiful, such a bright addition to the roadsides.

  10. Your world has flowers we plant here to TRY and get to grow. Lovely.


  11. The lily looks like a tiger lily. I don't remember the stems structure but that is an unusual plant for with all the blooms umbrella like down off the stems.

  12. You have your own lilies? How cool is that!

  13. Great shot of the lily! And I'm with the deer on getting into the clering to get away from the skeeters! Have a good rest!

  14. What a gorgeous wild flower! And your deer photo is lovely.

  15. pretty lily ~ busy is good :)

  16. I have some Lilies in my garden that look a lot like your Michigan Lilies, the same colour and having the petals turned back the same way. I got mine at a nursery years ago and have lost the tags by now. Mine grow about 4 or 5 feet high. I wonder if in the wild they would be less tall. They sure are pretty.

    1. These were very tall, since it was a swampy ditch it is hard to tell exactly how tall they are but at least 4 feet tall maybe taller:)

  17. Such a vibrant color that lily has! Beautiful! How big do the blooms usually get?

    1. The blooms are about five inches across, they are quite large blooms:)

  18. Thank you so much for visiting my blog today! Your words give me hope and something to hang on to!! Love your photos. Hope you and Far Guy are having a restful week!

  19. Our wild tiger lilies were wonderful while we had them. The drought dried up all the wildflowers from their usual places, since there is no water at all. The fields are brown and look very sad now. Our rain WILL return and it won't be soon enough for me. :-)

  20. You live in such a great place...a little cold, but full of gorgeous plants and critters and lakes and skies.


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