Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Wistful Wednesday: Second Grade 1957-1958

I am trying to organize some of my husbands class photos.   I looked at this one and took it into my scrapbook program and added some names.

There are a few unknowns…but less if it were left for me to do all by myself.

All these second graders will turn 65 this year…and get their Medicare Cards.  Far Guy is waiting for his to show up.

Second graders 1957 1958

Three of these classmates are known to be dead.  Their names are in red.

That would be Far Guy in the back row next to the gal with the question mark.  I cannot figure out why he doesn’t remember who he was standing next to…certainly he liked her!

We see and hear for a few of these youngsters/oldsters.  We see Jackie all the time…she is our Pharmacist.  We see Connie in the grocery stores some days and had a really nice visit with Carol after a Funeral.  We haven’t seen Dave C in quite some time.   We saw Vern just the other day he is the newest Hubbard County Commissioner now that he is retired from Waste Management….or maybe it is the same thing just a different building…shame on me.. or not.

I wonder who the teacher was? 27 is a fairly large class…and this class was a handful all throughout their years in school.  I know because I was in the next years class and the teachers were always relieved to be done with them.

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  1. I went to pretty big schools and also moved quite a bit, so the idea of staying with the same gang of kids through those early years seems downright magical to me.
    As a teacher, I learned that one year of kids can be very different from the next one. It could be the dynamics of the way they all interact with each other, but I remember one class of 8th graders that was so awful we decided there must have been something in the water at the hospital!

  2. I too was one of those that had the same group of kids from 1st grade thru 8th grade. I lost track of all but one of then when I married and moved away. My class was large 25+ and I know of at least 2 that are deceased - one died in VietNam. Great memories!

  3. It is funny how classes are like that in personality. How they end up grouping and being labeled as "handfuls" and then some are "productive achievers" is odd. Logically it would seem they would be a mix of all every year but I know it is not so. I love seeing your older pics - - - - looks like ours, too - - - - Memories.....

  4. I was an Air Force brat and never got a chance to see everybody through a lifetime like this. It's something I'll never experience, but my blogging friends give me a chance to see what it's like. You're really lucky. They were all cute kids, weren't they? :-)

  5. I stayed with the same class from 1st grade through high school. I wonder what our class reputation was??? My small rural school didn't have kindergarten, and our classes were much smaller, often doubling up grades. We looked much the same but I think these kids are dressed up for the photo. We all had "school oxfords" for everyday, not patent leather Mary Janes!

  6. Curious as to whether your hubby was one of the trouble makers??? You did such a great job with this, and it was a special idea to do so. I went all through school with my class. There are a minimal number who show up for class reunions, but we are still doing them every five years. Our next one will be in Hawaii in 2017, as we have a classmate who lives there. We are looking forward to it, for sure.

  7. What fun pictures, you really are doing a great job.Blessings Francine.

  8. Classes from that time were usually large, or at least all of my grade school photos have a similar number as do many others that I've seen. Hard to compare to today's classes that have aides and speciality teachers. The teachers from the 40-60s did it ALL on their own.

  9. Funny how Gene doesn't remember any of the ladies... but then he married the love of his life and soul mate - so there isn't any need for him to do so!

  10. I laugh when you say 'large class.' We had 50!!! And I usually had around 27 when I taught. Maybe east coast schools were bigger.

  11. All so cute! I think our classes were that size or bigger. Now if you had said you were in that picture, I would have picked Linda in the front row, with the glasses. Does she look anything like you as a youngster:)?

    1. Well I was blonde and had glasses, but she is thinner and smaller than I was:)

  12. It is a large class. Lots of kids born after the war. My brother was in a large class and they too were all very misbehaved. I think large numbers in classes do tend to think they can run the room. A fun classroom photo.

  13. I remember the days when 25-30 was a "normal" size class for us. I'm thinking that some of that was just that kids and society made that do-able.

  14. That is so cool. One of the perks of living in a small town!

  15. Oh how neat that your hubby still has a grade school class photo! I'll bet it was fun to try and name all his classmates.

  16. I moved away from my home town when I went to college and never lived there again, but my parents did, so I had a bit of contact with some of my former classmates. It was a small town with a large rural service area, and we lived seven miles out of town, so my bus riding buddies were the ones I knew best.
    I still have all of my class photos. A few years ago I reclaimed them from a falling apart scrap book and made a new album. I have some of the names, but not all.

  17. I don't think I could even remember, the ones I went to school with back then. I seem to have a very short memory when it comes to names. Great that he had the picture still. I don't think I have any of my school pictures. I really hated school, got teased all the time.

  18. He liked a girl? Nah, this was second grade. Girls had cooties. She was probably placed there because the teacher made her. The curse of being tall when so young...

  19. My first year of teaching was in 1958. I had ten students. They looked exactly like these guys.

  20. I went from 3 in my class when I went to a one room country school the first 6 years to being in junior high which was at that time in the same building as the high schoolers. My class numbered over 60 then. And I'm from a small town. Of course we weren't all in the same classroom every hour. :) So far, I've remember most all my classmates names. Hubby doesn't remember his as well.
    I remember the dresses. We couldn't wear jeans or long pants unless it was extremely cold and then they were worn under dresses! Oh, how times have changed.

  21. I was thinking about dresses, too! We had to wear skirts or dresses all the way through to senior year in 1967-68. (Fridley High in Minneapolis, MN) We had "slack days" when we had home games after school and we couldn't wear jeans--they had to be slacks. They used to patrol the lunch room and the hallways with rulers. They'd make the girls get down on their knees and skirts couldn't be more than 2 inches off the floor or you got sent home. Boys couldn't have hair longer than 2 inches anywhere on top of their heads and their hair couldn't go over their collars or they got sent home. Some girls wore long granny dresses in protest (I wish I had know--wish I had a granny dress, for that matter) and they sent them home for being too distracting. A couple years after I graduated they were wearing jeans and t-shirts to school! Times changed so quickly! :)


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