Tuesday, January 20, 2015


Yesterday I took the Defensive Driving Class that allows Minnesota Drivers over 55 years old to receive a 10% discount on their auto insurance.  You have to first take an eight hour class and then every three years take a four hour refresher.  This was my year.

Now I have had all the instructors in the area.  I was not impressed with the number of stories told by the old Highway Patrolman…most of the class was laughing hysterically at his jokes and stories…me not so much I was there to LEARN something.

I was not impressed with the story about the ambulance that was hit in an intersection…supposively the rig spun around and as it did the back doors flew open and the fellow that was on the gurney having a heart attack was propelled gurney and all into a field where the fellow died.  Well the last I knew from my days as an EMT the gurney is locked into place during transport….it being propelled out of an ambulance is highly unlikely…the locking mechanism must have failed.  

Nor was I entertained by the tale of the 99 mile 100 MPH high speed chase.   I don’t understand why Law Enforcement puts the general public in danger in high speed chases.

I did learn that one of our traffic laws was changed, you can accelerate 10 MPH above the 55 MPH speed limit to pass another vehicle.

It is not illegal to ride in the back of a fifth wheel trailer, a house trailer or a pickup truck…although it is pretty stupid.

I am glad to be done for another three years.  Saw some neighbors and relatives there taking the class too.


Old car at the fair last summer

I had a Parking Ticket once over at NDSU but I went by the cop shop and got it fixed.  So far I have avoided all speeding tickets..knock on wood…I do have a heavy foot sometimes.

Towanda…if I had my way anyone with a DUI would not pass go and go directly to jail for five years.  Throw away the freaking key.  The Retired Highway Patrolman said “1 out of every 3 vehicles after 12 midnight is being driven by a drunk driver.”  Now that is scary.

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  1. I took that class through our Parks and Recreation to years ago. the class was offered by AARP and the instructor was very good and I learned a lot. Unfortunately my auto insurance company didn't allow a reduction in my rate, but I do not regret taking the class as I felt it was so helpful. I am right there with you about the drunk drivers and lets lump cell phone users in with them.

  2. I should check this class out, there must be one in my area. It's a really good idea if they have decent instructors. I didn't know that about driving after midnight, but I'm not surprised. I just hope they are all in bed or off the streets by the time I get out there at 7:00am! :-)

  3. I wish we had that in Arkansas, I would surely take it to save some on our vehicle insurance- it is ridiculously high and I know it is just so that we can help pay for all the ones who do not have any. It sounds like you got a clown for your class.I, too, would have been there to learn something, not laugh at jokes or mean stories. I also wish we had the 10 over law here- maybe we do and I just don't know it. Glad it's over for you for another few years. I do believe what he said about drunks after midnight..almost every weekend I pick up beer bottles and worse out by my mailbox from the night before..I am glad I don't have to be out at that time of night.

  4. I have to agree with you about the DUI drivers. My husband was a police officer and I told him I thought all those ever convicted of DUI should be forced to paint their vehicles hunter orange so we can se them and get the heck put of the way! I don't like making a joke out of the safe driving class. The last time I attended, the instructor kept saying "gendarmes" for any member of law enforcement and I got the impression that he was just trying to impress the class with his travels.

  5. Interesting! Here you get an automatic reduction in your insurance when you hit 65, as long as you are not driving to work. No testing required. I think at the 80 mark you may have to get a letter from your doctor to state you are still able to drive, otherwise I think you might have to take a driving test. I agree with you about drunk drivers:(
    Oh boy, I would have found it frustrating with some of those instructors you had.....

  6. I've taken the class and the refresher course, but here the refresher is also 8 hours of instruction. One thing I learned was how to adjust my side mirrors to avoid blind spots - very helpful.

  7. 1 and 3 WHEW! That is scary!


  8. I wouldn't have been amused either ~ driving is a privilege and shouldn't be taken lightly. I think we would all be shocked to know how many of those cars you meet every day don't have any type of insurance.... Have a great day - hope you both are feeling better over there!

  9. That is scary. Glad you are done for three years. I will have to look into that 10 mph when passing.

  10. I don't doubt the 1 in 3 DUI stat. However, I sure got sick of the Becker County Sheriff or the DL Police Department pulling me over late at night for a check. You see I was coming home to DL to visit from 'sconieland and it was real late. They like to pick on out-of-staters. It was always the creative "you ran the red light at Roosevelt". Never a ticket, but... Your readers may be interested to know that MN has "whiskey plates". They are plain blue letter and numbers on a white plate and the first letter is W. You have to display those license plates at some point in your DUI saga. Everyone, including the LEOs, can keep an eye on you! We could use something like that here in 'sconieland.

  11. Too many stories at Hunter Education Classes too!

  12. It is scary , Over here in Ontario it is illegal to ride in the back of a fifth wheel , or any trailer of any kind whilst being driven and the bed of a pick up truck, it is even illegal to have your dog in the bed of an open pick up truck whilst being driven ! Over here the average age of drunk driving is of 22 year olds and to many truck drivers cause accidents due to being over tired from long hauls and fall asleep at the wheel ! Then you get your racers and just plain idiots who should not be behind the wheel of anything let alone a car . Vehicles can become weapons with the wrong person behind the wheel and people need to learn that ! I have lost to many friends from car accidents for being stupid behind the wheel or hit by some other idiot . I am glad you did well and for the stories that's just cops showing off lol ! Thanks for sharing love that vintage car . Have a good day !

  13. I think that refresher driver's courses are extremely important. I'd go one step further and say evrry body should have to take them.

  14. I have read that texting while driving, driving while tired, and driving under the influence of drugs including some cold and pain medications are equally dangerous. That is a lot of people!

  15. Yet another reason to get home before midnight...besides being turned into a pumpkin ;)

  16. I have never heard of this before so I am sure Iowa doesn't have it. I see my skills being less efficient as in the past and dread thinking that I will start driving like my dad.

  17. They also say 1 out of 10 cars on the highway contains a criminal.....I just stay home now. Thanks for the update on the rules though just in case I get a wild hair and decide to ride in the back of a pickup truck...NOT!

  18. How could people laugh at other people dying or being hurt? That's not a cartoon character who flew out the back of the ambulance and died in a field--good lord! I'm glad you are done for another time block. :)

  19. That is ridiculous! Actually, pretty much all of that was ridiculous!


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