Friday, January 2, 2015

Snow for the New Year

We woke up to snow on New Years Day.  We got about 1 1/2 inches.

Sunset Jan 1

The snow stick has something to report!  I took this photo at sunset just incase we got more snow during the day…but we didn’t.

We had a quiet day.  We worked on the puzzle.

Puzzle side view

We were certain it was missing pieces…but it wasn’t.  They were all there.

Puzzle Completed

We finished it just in time to use my desk for an ornament packing station.

We took the ornaments off the downstairs tree and packed them away.  The tree and the lights are still up…maybe tomorrow we will attack the rest of it.  The upstairs Shiny Brite tree will be up for a few more days.

I made a lovely meal of lobster and vegetables for supper.  Chance likes lobster.  There was a bit of moonshine out so in the evening Chance and I played ball outside.  Nothing worse than a bored Border Collie who lays his head in your lap and drools on your pant leg and looks up at you with big brown sad eyes.

We are both feeling better just a tad tired.  So we are being kind to ourselves and resting whenever we feel like it.  We don’t want any relapses! 

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  1. Yes, get a lot of rest now so that you can recover from your recent infections.

    We have a Boston Terrier who is so expert at looking needy and pathetic when he wants to play ball. Those pleading doggy eyes are hard to resist.

    I am recovering from a bad cough and cold and plan to take it easy for a couple of days to try to get over this infection. So, let us all take good care of ourselves.

    Your finished puzzle is beautiful - and congratulations for getting it done so fast!

    Shirley H.

  2. Did you break the puzzle apart and put it away? It seems like we should have some way to display them after all that work. And you are being smart by taking it easy as your body recovers. :-)

  3. That looks like a hard puzzle to put together. It's funny how you always think pieces are missing until the very last. :) Glad you're feeling better.

  4. That looks like a difficult one and you seemed to put it together quickly.

  5. That is an awesome puzzle. Wish I had the patience to do one of those. I can just picture Chance looking up at you with his big brown eyes begging to go outside.

  6. Praise God! You are actually recovering pretty quickly!!! Especially if you compare it to last winter. I have learned to work the way you have described - - - do what energy allows and then stop to try and regain it by resting.
    Taking down ornaments seems to go quicker than decorating trees. Even though it still takes a portion or all of a day, I like it better. It's funny how we love the festive atmosphere created by the trees, etc. but the "back to normal" clearing out spaces is wonderful, too.

  7. What a neat puzzle. I bet it was fun to work on. Did you really tear it apart and put it away? All that work. I've framed a few that I was really fond of. I saw you were going to get some snow but not as much as Minneapolis?
    We're getting rain but it's above freezing, thank goodness. So glad you are feeling better! I leave my decorations up as my birthday is the 4th so they stay up through then and it's too nasty to go out and take down the outside. I think the actual Christmas season goes through the 10th but don't quote me. LOL!

  8. I've been carrying around a jigsaw puzzle for a couple of years now. You may have inspired me to dig it out. No room to work on it in the rig, but maybe I can use the volunteer shack for that. Was yours one of those 1000 piece puzzles? Those are just too tedious for me.

  9. The snow is beautiful! Congrats for finishing your puzzle. My hubby loves puzzles, and he says the same thing "I think there's a piece missing!" (but there never is)

  10. Bladen and I worked on a puzzle over Christmas...we struggled along until my son, Uncle Evan showed up...within 30 minutes Evan had us 1/2 was through! YAY for Evan!


  11. I like that puzzle. I hate it when a piece is missing, so I'm glad yours were all there.

  12. Glad you are feeling better. A quiet day working on a puzzle sounds nice. The lobster and vegetable supper sounds wonderful.
    Wishing you a happy, healthy New Year!

  13. Don't worry! Thing will get done. Don't sweat the small stuff. Number one: Get better so that you don't catch the next bug floating around.

  14. That's a great puzzle! I felt great yesterday, but was rudely reminded this morning that I'm not cured yet, which is pretty aggravating because Larry has now come down with something. So I can sure relate to what you have been going through. And I think quite possibly two bored borders are going to be slightly more aggravating than one!

  15. Sounds like Chance has really good taste...lobster! Love your puzzle. Hubby got one for Christmas, but we haven't started it yet....I'll be glued to it until it is finished.

  16. It is a beautiful puzzle. My brother would almost always take a piece and hide it so he could say that he put the last piece in to finish it. I haven't done one for quite a while but it would be nice to set one up on the dining room table.

  17. I am learning about the laying head on my leg looking up so expectantly :-).

    Happy New Year!

  18. Agreed! No relapses! Rest up and enjoy the New Year's weekend. Slow and steady can still get stuff done :)

  19. After breakfast out, and then a 3.5 mile walk, I began the undecorating process. About 4:30 I ran out of gas. I'll be back at it tomorrow.

  20. Glad all the pieces were there! We took Christmas down New Years day. It was nice having the house back again.

  21. Hope you all have a blessed New Year and good health to enjoy it with. God bless. ♥

  22. Rain snow mix for us this weekend but temps are to be mild . Miggs does the same thing all though she has been known to lay by the door moaning to go out and play lol ! Glad you are all feeling better . Thanks for sharing , stay cozy , rest get better and have a good weekend !

  23. Snowing here right now.... Love the bird puzzle, so darn cute.... Glad to hear your feeling better, that's great.Blessings Francine.

  24. What an interesting puzzle! My niece and I assembled three puzzles over the weekend, too.


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