Sunday, January 11, 2015

January Projects

I am working on a bunch of projects all at once…seems to be my modus operandi style.Grandpas Farm Diary

We are transcribing Far Guy’s Grandfather’s 1918 diary.  Far Guy reads and I type…it is a fun part of the day to be transported back in time to those early days on the farm.  Our goal is two months a day…Grandpa wrote in pencil and his penmanship is hard to read…a magnifying glass is our best tool. 1916 and 1917 were completed last year.

I am making more photo greeting cards.  I had to order some more supplies.  I seem to send out Sympathy Cards every week.

I am back to working on my bead projects too…I had to order more supplies for that too as through trial and error I have discovered the best string (Wildline )to use. I have one inferior product that has been driving me nuts.  When the new string arrives I will rip that project apart and start over.

Bead work

A bracelet I am working on.

I finally got all of Christmas put away from downstairs..upstairs is still in progress.

I am in the process of editing Far Side of Fifty 2010 into book form. It is a pain…but it will be worth it…I think.  Jen and Andy gifted me with Far Side of Fifty 2009 a few years ago.  I am using Blurb Booksmart to make the book.

I have been scanning a bunch of old photos that were gifted to me for The Forgotten Old Photo Blog.  Homes are being found for a few photos…one family only had one photo of their father as a small child now they have two.  Another couple took us to lunch just before Christmas because I had a photo of their Grandmother and a hand written note from their Great Grandmother.   I still have a glut of old photos from antique shops….if they have a name on them I have a hard time resisting them.  I keep some in a drawer in the armoire…the other day Far Guy had to repair that drawer…it seems I had filled the drawer to capacity.

I have several other projects that I haven’t found time for yet…a crochet project and a drawing class that I am taking online. The prototype of next years Christmas Ornament is ready to be painted to see if it will work or not. My helper has not carved one yet…I am certain he can do it!  We will have to spend a day in the shop cutting out the blanks if and when it is a go.

All this In between normal house cleaning, organizing and getting all better the days are full and there is no time to be bored.

I have refrained from making a list, I want to be flexible and flit around at will and nap when ever I feel like it.  Far Guy is getting better too it is a slow process one day at a time.

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  1. Always good to have a project. Glad your feeling better and Far Guy, takes so long.Blessings Francine.

  2. You sound plenty busy for a sick gal. That's a pretty bracelet. Makes me wonder who will end up wearing it, with all the gorgeous wrists in your family. :-)

  3. Sounds like you have recovered from your illnesses. Good to hear of all your projects.

  4. Lots of project keep the mind sharp (I keep telling myself that), so do not fear of having too many.

    I hope you will tell more about the blog book project in the future.

  5. You have lots of projects going! How neat to have the journal..that must be so interesting! I'm starting on a few leftover projects from last year that just need a day or two to finish up and when that hot mess is done, I intend to finish two genealogies that I have been promising to two for over a year now. I seem to get tangled up in one thing and forget about time..I look up and the day is over. But "stay busy" is wonderful advice for anyone. Have a blessed Sunday.

  6. Happy you are both feeling better. Just don't stay to busy and over worked.

  7. Pretty bracelet! I think what you're doing is called multitasking, and we women are pretty darn good at it. I myself have a few irons in the fire right now too. :) Good luck on all your projects, they are all very interesting.

  8. Wow! that is a long list of very interesting projects! It reminds me that I have a few unfinished projects to get back too, as well as others I should start.

  9. You really do have a lot of projects going. Wish I was as ambitious as you are. This cold weather seems to have zapped all my ambition. The bracelet sure is pretty. Glad you and Far guy are starting to feel better.

  10. I love your bracelet. Glad to hear you are feeling better. Hope you are both better and stay warm.

  11. I can tell you are getting better cuz I can hear your optimistic energy about the upcoming projects!!! You are accomplishing a LOT! I so need to get at my photos - - - got some on computer but need to work on the loose ones. Days fly by so quickly with little extra time after babysitting all day.

  12. I thought you were supposed to be sick! You,re getting a lot of stuff done. The photos must give a lot of satisfaction.

  13. Keeping busy means you don't have to notice the cold outside so much! I try to keep a line-up, too, so when I get tired of one I have something else in the chute to move on to. Pretty colors in the bracelet.

  14. Glad you two are on the mend. I can't begin to imagine what "busy" looks like for you when you are healthy!

  15. Oh oh oh! I can't WAIT to see your projects. Love the bracelet and I too want to get back to my beading and my braiding. Have fun and be sure to share the results!!!!!

  16. I may make lists, but they are merely optimistic suggestions. My life has to remain very flexible...sometimes it appears to be at a standstill but there is always movement beneath the surface--LOL! I love that you two are working on the diary together and that you always work on the Christmas ornaments together, too. With the cold weather it is a good time to move a bit less and nap and stay away from other germy folks as much as possible. ;)

  17. I keep wondering if I should print up my blog into a book. Doing so sounds overwhelming.



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