Friday, December 12, 2014

Shiny Brite Tree

Slowly but surely we are getting the Shiny Brite tree up.

half and half

The Shiny Brite tree is assembled.  The top is decorated and then lifted onto the bottom section because a person could kill herself going up and down a ladder and break more ornaments than she could hang.

Tree Topper

The Shiny Brite Tree Topper, Far Guy bought it for me a number of years ago.  It is always the first thing I put on the tree….the beginning.

Some more ornaments

The beds and the couch and every other available space is used for the staging area.  Each box has a sticky note.  I like them to go back into their own assigned boxes.  It is an OCD thing.

some ornaments

The four boxes and the small group on the bottom right are the new old ornaments this year. 

Twin bed full of ornaments

Here is another bed full.  Good thing no one is coming to visit.

I won’t show the couch or my work table or any other area for fear you will call me a ornament hoarder.

Top is decorated

The top has been decorated.  We have a system and it was lifted successfully onto the bottom part yesterday.

The bottom part takes a number of days to decorate.

This is the box of New Retro Shiny Brites that we added to the collection this year.

2014 box of retro Shiny Brites

I have six boxes of retros now one for each of my grands and a spare just incase some are broken.  Well you never know.

I walked around looking at other shorter fake trees the other day…ones that the elderly can easily put up.  I am considering a smaller shorter tree….no big decisions have been made yet.  I had a brilliant thought that if the tree was smaller I could decorate all in red one year…blue the next…silver…gold…pink...

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  1. Wow, that is a lot of ornaments, you hoarder you!!! The top part of the tree looks big enough to be a tree on it's own. Just saying....:)

    1. Honestly, I think this is the first time EVER I have been the first to leave a comment, being on the west coast and all!

    2. Okay, just read why that is.

  2. I look forward to your tree and ornaments each year. You and L.D. have some gorgeous ornaments. John and I have given up decorating as "elderly" set in on us a while back!!! lol

  3. p.s. clarification.....L.D. posted on his Shiny Brites today too and that is what I was referring too.

  4. It's not ornament hoarding it's selective storage. Love your tree and ornaments. I can't do glass ones due to feline issues.

  5. Shorter means yo have to have more trees to showcase all those AMAZING ornaments!

  6. That is amazing! You are amazing! You must have the patience of Job! :)

  7. I can tell you don't have cats because you would never be able to open all those ornament boxes and leave them out like you do. I hope you will tell us how many ornaments you have on the tree when you are done. Glad you got your Blogger issue fixed.

  8. Wow! I don't think we're doing a tree this year. The kids aren't coming until Dec. 26th, my birthday. Your tree is lovely!

  9. I love it! I like the idea of a themed tree, but these ornaments like variety. ;o) It's what makes them so pretty!

  10. I really like the macaroni comment. You have a great collection. Maybe you should get three different trees in different sizes and you then would have a forest instead of a redwood tree. I just saw a taller fake tree at hobby lobby and my wife says we have to buy a house to put it in as our tall ceilings in our house would still not be tall enough. I never thought of falling off of a ladder. Great job with the collection. I really like the new ones that they are selling now. Our shiny brites at home on our cedar tree were always blended in with tons of silver ice cycles. Do we get to see the whole tree, together, tomorrow?

  11. Wow!!!! You are the Shiny Brites Queen, that is a lot of beautiful ornaments. Blessings Francine.

  12. Ah, the season is in full swing now, with the Shiny Brite tree almost ready for viewing! And I like the idea of decorating it with different colors each year. Gives all the pretty ornaments a moment to shine. :-)

  13. You've got enough ideas in your head to keep you busy for at least a 100 more years!

  14. OK, hurry up. I want to see the whole thing!

  15. I thought that was the tree.....that's only half of it? Oh my! I love those retro colorful. Well, they all are. You could just have multiple small trees around the house so you could use all your ornaments. Be careful now....don't break any! LOL!

  16. I always love your shiny brite trees. Especially when I see ornaments we had when growing up.
    That's a LOT of boxes. You aren't a hoarder. Just a collector. ;-)
    Hope you all have a blessed weekend!

  17. Sometimes, it gets to the point where this needs to turn into a family event. Keep the bigger tree, but deputize some able-bodied grandkids. I'm sure they would be glad to help out :)

    Besides, there's nothing like tradition at Christmastime. This, my dear, is your family's tradition!

  18. We already knew you were an ornament hoarder--LOL!
    I like the suggestion of using the able-bodied grandkids to help but getting a smaller tree and doing a rotation of shiny brites would be the winner for me, I think. Be easier all around. If I was a grandchild I'd be terrified of dropping one of those treasures! ;) Can hardly wait to see the whole tree done!

  19. So, how big is the tree fully assembled?


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