Monday, December 1, 2014

OMHD and other eyes

Son in Law Handy Andy is testing out a pair of Google Glass  es to see how they could be used in his Robotic’s program.  (He teaches robotics and other cool stuff)

Haven’t heard of Google Glass?  That is where the OMHD come in. Optical Mounted Head Display.  Basically a computer screen in a set of glasses…you can read your mail, find the weather, record a video…all kinds of cool stuff.

I tried them on, I love that it takes voice commands…oh yes your Smart Phone must be linked to the OMHD.  It found my blog problem.   It was like being in your own little world…and you scroll by making up and down movements in the area of the bow.

Google Glass

Google Glass

Andy and Google Glass

Side view of Handy Andy and Google Glass

Carl in focus

Front view of Handy Andy’s brother Carl.  He is focused!!

Ain’t technology grand!  Just so you know I received no compensation for this endorsement…but if Google Glass is reading this I am all set to do a winter trial for you…oh crap that would mean I would have to get a phone…no thanks.

Ok now for the other eyes.  A few weeks ago Noah showed me a pair of contact lenses that he ordered.  Uffda.

Well here they are.

Noah scary eyes He enjoyed posing for photos.  I think they are kinda scary…but hey when you are 15 you should be allowed to try some weird stuff.

eyes and kinda purple hair

You might also notice a purple cast to his hair…I understand it was mostly purple before the temporary color washed out.

For the record his Mom dislikes his new eyes…of course anything to do with eyeballs makes her weak at the knees…she requested that he remove the contacts before Thanksgiving Dinner…and he did. Because he loves his Mom and of course he was hungry.

Blog Signature


  1. Wow those glasses are amazing! Handy Andy looks a lot like Blake Shelton, country singer!
    I've never seen anything like Noah's contact lenses. Cool!

  2. That is a little too advanced for me. I've only recently learned to use my cell phone and camera! That was sweet of Noah to remove the contacts for his Mom. He is so cute!

  3. Too advanced for this old lady. I still haven't figured out to send a text on a cell phone. Besides I don't think I would be able to function if my eyes were always on a computer screen. don't think I like Noah's new contacts; makes his eyes look creepy. But then I'm not 15 either.

  4. I love your new header, but then I have loved them all. You always have such artistic arrangements. Thanks for giving us a new one every month.
    It is exactly zero degrees here in MPLS this morning and there is a Wind Chill Advisory for -25 today! BRRR!

    Shirley H..

  5. I too love your new header, as long as they have Chance (which they all do) they can't be beat! And I've wondered about those glasses--are they fun to use? Those contacts are super scary! Just what they are intended to be, I expect. :-)

  6. I think I have a headache coming on. I have enough trouble reading those little IPhone screens without going to the glasses. And those are some awesome contacts. It would certainly make people look at you like you had marbles in your head!

  7. Wow!!!! those are really different contacts, look almost scary. I also love the Header pictures, always are beautiful. Blessings Francine.

  8. The contacts in the distance picture definitely look better than the up-close shot. He is still quite a cutie-pie though. I LOVE my Smartphone but don't think I would care about the Google glasses. Fun post.

  9. Those are some spooky looking contacts!

  10. Don't like the contacts....BUT...they are a lot less permanent than a tattoo or those big disks in the ear lobes or.......
    Definitely Blake Shelton in the side shot of the glasses. Kind of a cool idea, but I'm not sure that I would like them.
    Having bought about the cheapest smart phone you can get ($60) with no contract, I'm really enjoying it. It takes decent pictures too:)

  11. All very cool ! What will they think of next eh ? lol ! Thanks for sharing, Have a good day !

  12. I think they are sorta scary also. But...heck if your a kid...why not!


  13. I love the contacts. If you need them, it would be fun to have some that aren't just like everybody else's!

  14. Better not be caught driving in Wyoming wearing Google glasses, they may be confiscated and a ticket will be issued.

  15. I use to be a tech director for the school and the past 6 years things have just passed me by. I am amazed at all the new stuff and more confused about how the new stuff keeps getting put to the side for more new stuff. We are going to get a good phone-computer someday but I know that they are outdated within a couple of years.

  16. Wow, all kings of new stuff! I saw a young man in the store the other day with neon green lizard eyes! Certainly caught my attention, lol. Those glasses are kinda cool.

  17. While I was teaching I had a student come back to my desk and tell me that another student was having a hard time with the assignment but did not want to ask for help. I went to his desk and when he looked up he had red contacts that looked like the T-Rex in Jurassic Park. It was wierd...

  18. I used to get blue contacts for my eyes, but boy, those are some wild contacts! I have heard about those glasses, you are so lucky to get a chance to try them out!

  19. You just wonder how much cool stuff is in the pipeline. It seems technology development increase more rapidly every year.

  20. Cool glasses and lenses!

  21. Hunger can become a very convincing argument. Glad everyone saw eye to eye on that Thanksgiving Dinner time.

  22. I think my smart phone is amazing. Goolgle Glass is even more so!

  23. I think former "techies" should get discounts on new stuff that comes out. I love those glasses but I don't have a phone either.
    Yes, each generation has to be able to do what the adults think is awful or disgusting else what's the use of being a teenager and god knows he could do worse! Lots worse! He looks pretty nice to me even with the cat eyes.

  24. I had heard of google glass because of Dagan and Leah who are pretty up to date with any of the new technological gadgets. Sounds amazing! Wouldn't you have a blast with those?! ;)


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