Saturday, December 27, 2014

Gloomy Weather

We are both resting and taking it easy.  Far Guy slept most of yesterday he is running a temperature.  Chance and I went for a walk and got the mail…the driveway is icy…so we walked through the woods part of the way….then we played ball and picked up doggy do.  I vacuumed and did some laundry then watched a movie on Netflix ( In Your Eyes…I give it a 4 out of a 5) and had a nap. 

I have a sore throat too…hopefully I will fight it off.

Supper was easy..leftovers!  Chance and I played another round of ball after supper, it helps him to be less of a pest in the evening.  We are both quite good at playing ball in the dark…although we would rather play on nights when the stars are out and the moon is shining brightly.

The weather is downright gloomy.

December 23 

I need some sunshine…I think all of December had about three days of sunshine.

As you can see we don’t have much snow.  Not exactly a winter wonderland.

December 23 snowstick at zero

December 23, 2014  That water has turned to ice.  The snow stick is at zero.

From what I hear we are scheduled to get some freezing rain…we aren’t going any place.

I am certain that the snow and sub zero temperatures will be arriving soon…it has been a really weird fall and beginning of winter…October so warm, November so bitterly cold and December warm for Minnesota and icy but little snow.

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  1. Hope Far Guy feels better soon ! It is mild here this morning and I just heard a rumble of thunder , rain for the day here ! They think we may not get very much snow here at all this year or very cold temps either . Global warming I say they did say years ago the balance of weather will change around the world . Thanks for sharing , Have a good day and stay safe and cozy !

  2. Take care of yourself and take care of Far Guy, too. Tom and I are taking it easy, hoping to get rid of sinus infections soon.

  3. Love the sunshine in Texas, although we might even get some "winter rain" sometime next week. Keep warm and get well!

  4. That's a wonderful header, with Chance in portrait in front of the Shiny Brite tree. I do hope the two of you are well soon. So strange to see it almost without snow up there at the end of December. Just plain weird. Another blogger from the Maritimes said they broke all kinds of records yesterday for warmth. :-)

  5. Hi:
    Sorry to hear you both are sick. Please take good care of each other and I know that Chance is the best nurse ever. At our house we are having some kind of cough/cold. Must be that infections are going through the whole state of MN right now. So far we have escaped he flu and hope you do too.

    Shirley H.

  6. So sorry the bugs found you! Time to settle in for a long winter's nap, I think. We got snow last night and it is still snowing, maybe 3 inches in all, and I heard we might see some sunshine later in the day. I hope so because we have not seen the sun for most of December either. Sending get well thoughts your way!

  7. Gloomy weather is a good time to hunker down and take it easy. Rest and hot liquids are the best defensive moves against the flu bug, so take it easy.

  8. Is Far Guy following your instructions about the eating and drinking? It sounds like he is resting as he should. Did he have the fever when you went to the doctor and it's hopefully not a new symptom? Praying your sore throat can be fought off with good nutrition and rest, too. When you all get better, you should consider a place to visit where there is some sunshine!!! You don't even have enough snow for reflection from any sun you do get. Like you, I do believe we are in for winter once January gets here. We are in for a bunch of cold rain coming up but I can live with that as long as it doesn't freeze!!! - - - - - And I need to find time to blog today - - - if I remember how - - - haha - - - - You are ALWAYS so good to post no matter how busy you are. I love hearing from you. You write more often than some of my family!!!

  9. Almost a month without sunshine,,,,,,sounds like winter here in the Pacific NW. :) Hope you get some sun and snow, and that you and your hubby start feeling better.

  10. I hope you both feel better. According to the Weather Channel you are supposed to get snow today and they keep showing MN in a blizzard...I swear they sensationalize the weather just like the news media does the news. But they cry wolf too many times and people stop listening when it's important.
    It's foggy here today and 50 F but so damp you constantly feel cold when you look outside either that or I have blockage of my arteries. Stay warm and cozy and thank goodness for Netflix!

  11. Raining here again - as you say only about 3 days of sunshine all month. Yesterday we saw the sun for about 1 1/2 hours then the clouds moved in again. My hubby is now down with the flu, oh boy! come on Spring!!

  12. It's interesting that your fall weather pattern has been exactly the same as ours. We do have quite a bit of snow on the ground but it's very icy as we had rain.

  13. Hope you are both feeling better. Today is the first day I have seen sun since I was in Florida 2 weeks ago. It finally snowed last night and the sun is shining so we got our white Christmas a couple of days late.

  14. We tend to be on a hold pattern of cold enough to freeze but nothing coming out of the sky. The wind makes it feel very cold. We are both just taking it easy today. Both you must rest and get more rest to beat the crud that is going a round.

  15. That kind of gloomy weather is awful. (We only had 8 hours of sunshine all November!) Hoping you all feel better soon and get some lovely blue skies.

  16. It's a gloomy day here in Seattle too. Off and on light rain, breezy, about 47 degrees, and heavy, dark clouds. We just cleaned house, and are finishing up the laundry. We have left overs too, for dinner, and I think we'll go out to see a movie this evening. There are actually several worth seeing right now.
    I'm hoping you get well/stay well as you hunker down for winter.

  17. Gloomy here too, where is the sunshine. Get well soon, Blessings Francine.

  18. Sounds like you need some sunshine therapy :)

    I wouldn't be surprised if the weather continues to be unusual. Seems like some big weather systems are going through major changes. Out here in California, we are finally getting back some of our normal winter rainfall, for which we are grateful. Believe me, I don't think anyone around here would give that up lightly! It's been such a round of drought, the rain is welcome. We need it desperately, especially in the agricultural Central Valley.

  19. I do hope you don't get too sick! Chance looks quite thoughtful in front of the tree... maybe wondering why you don't throw all those shiny brite balls for him.....

  20. My Mom said they had rain in Michigan for Christmas.
    Said a prayer for you all. Praying that Far Guy heals quickly.

  21. Be well, you two, and stay warm.

  22. I hope FarGuy is on the mend soon here. And I hope you don't catch something now. Glad you're both just resting and staying home. There's actually been some sun out over here today (Sunday) so I hope you got some of it, too. :)

  23. December is usually bright and sunny, but we too have seen the sun only three times (and not for long, at that). Hope you get well soon. I've been eating Airborne tabs (the new chewable kind) once or twice a day hoping to ward off all the flu-like illnesses going around. Your header is cheery even if the skies are not.

  24. We are cold, with a nasty chilled wind and very little snow, but enough snow to have to wear boots!
    I am ready for spring. Sigh!



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