Tuesday, December 16, 2014

December 15 Precipitation

Rain, sleet and snow.  Most everything is icy now.

Crappy snow anyway

The roads into town were slick.


Traffic was moving slowly and snow plows and sand/salt trucks even slower.


December 15 2 inches of snow

We went from NO snow to 2 inches at the snow stick just like that.  Someone flipped the winter switch again.

The fog that has been hanging around for days lifted enough to snow.  We have to turn lights on in the house in the daytime.  Sunset if you could see it happens around 4:30.  We have eight hours and 34 minutes of daylight IF you can call it that.  I am certain if and when the sun returns I will be blinded.

Far Guy says “It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas.”

I still have many loose ends to finish up before company arrives.  No doubt they want a bed without ornaments and possibly they will be hungry.

I still have time…nine days and counting.

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  1. Well, winter moved in quickly. I giggled reading that your guests might want a place to sleep and something to eat!!! lol Take care and don't overdo.....wishing you all a very Merry Christmas.

  2. The snow switch has been turned on here, too. With some ice underneath to make the trip to my daughter's quite "interesting" this morning.
    My company starts arriving Friday and I imagine they will be hungry and thirsty, too! Much to do before then.

  3. Nice photos ! It is amazing how the weather can change so fast . We haven't had any snow for some time all green and it is mild the temps are +6 C and it has been raining on and off for days dull wet damp and just plain YUK ! This time of year I prefer snow ! Thanks for sharing , Have a good dya !

  4. The "white stuff" (I'm not allowed to say the "s" word) looks pretty on the ground. Don't worry about your guests. They will be happy just to spend the time with you. Our weather has been nothing but fog and rain for over a week now. Temps are in the low to mid 40's. The dampness is playing havoc with my arthritis. Take care and don't overdo.

  5. I'm holding my breath that my family can all make it here from Illinois to Texas without having to content with too much of the snow and ice. We have a little cooler weather this morning, but it will still get up into the upper 50s or low 60s today. Stay safe on those icy roads.

  6. Two inches! Knowing how much you will be getting, it seems like such a small amount for mid-December. And yeah, if your guests tried to sleep on those Shiny Brites, I think I could hear your response all the way to here! :-)

  7. I wish we could have a snow stick. Mud stick just doesn't seem the same ;-).

  8. Nine days! I laughed too at your company wanting a bed and being hungry! Still can't get over the view you have driving to town. I like it!

  9. Winter has returned to Wyoming as well. It's foggy this morning, so thanks for sending it west. ;o( sure glad I'm retired and don't have to drive in it much anymore.

    The next nine days are going to slip by quickly.

  10. Morning, yes, winter has arrived, cold here once again.Blessings Francine.

  11. Nine days seems like a luxury amount of time but I know it will be to the wire for us as it is every year. My snow stick has not had any action yet and if it keeps it from snowing that it great. I expected snow this morning but it stayed west of us. I did yank the furnace fan early this morning and it seems to be an easy fix in spite of its age. Two rusty old screws held the whole think up against that ancient furnace. You two take care.

  12. I am so happy we receive small amounts of snow. The entire county goes into a spin with a desperate rush to empty the shelves at the grocery stores.

  13. These photos just make me very cold . . . but they do remind me of my childhood growing up in Northern Indiana on the south end of Lake Michigan. We used to get some terrific snow storms. We live in the desert area of Washington state and some years we get snow and others we don't see any. So far this year it has been a dry year, even our summer was one of the driest on record. We are an irrigation farmland. I just found your blog and became your newest follower. I would love to invite you over to visit my blog and if you like it, please follow me back. I'm a retired wife, mom and grandma . . . that is on the far side of sixty. Life is good!
    Your new blogging sister, Connie :)

  14. I wish we had some cold weather like that. It doesn't even feel like Christmas here in Texas. Today we are almost at 70 degrees. :) Merry Christmas!

  15. It's been equally yuky here. I'll take snow over ice and fog any day...:(

  16. It will be here before you know it. We are warm and getting rain, sleet and ice. I think I would prefer just snow sometimes to the rain that likes to freeze.

  17. Nothing like a little bad weather to put a kink in the plans. Our forecast is fine up to Christmas. That could change. My snow stick still has more snow than yours .

  18. I've never been one to like the style that some folks have of putting up all the Christmas decorations the day after Thanksgiving. But just thinking, "nine days and counting" almost makes me want to change my mind.

  19. Have you and Far Guy ever considered coming south for part of the winter? Emma and I are possibly expecting a few drops of rain overnight. May even have to contend with temps in 60's tomorrow. ;)

  20. Maybe this is it, real winter, and time to watch the snow level begin to rise on the stick.
    We had quite a bit of snow in our mountains around Thanksgiving and ski season was ready to open, that then we got warm rain and it all washed away. Not good for many reasons.

  21. I'm into the count down also...it's snowing here. We have dark at 4:45---I am ready for spring.


  22. Lucky you! I get to look at the brown lawns. You're having company? Oh goody! What fun especially when they stay overnight. How many crockpots do you have? Just have a bunch of crock pots going 24/7! LOL!
    You're so organized ...it will be wonderful. Now me, I'd be in panic mode.

  23. You are starting to look a little wintery again, but there's lots of room on that snow stick yet!

  24. You have snow? I am jealous. All we got was the ice. We're still looking at a brown Christmas so far. ;)


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