Monday, November 24, 2014

Warm Spell

We had a warm spell!  It got up to 37F or 2C eh on Sunday!! Much of our snow melted!

I took advantage of the warm weather to clean my car one last time.  Chance’s quilt that he has in the backseat needed to be washed.  He was real worried when I brought it into the house…I think he equates that quilt with rides.

I finally changed out the Halloween Decorations for Thanksgiving ones.  Blew some leaves off the patio and carried away two plastic chairs that were left out. And gave the outside windows where Chance looks inside a quick wash!

Smoky Hills snow melting

Saturday the snow was melting in the fields.

I have to make a grocery list and do some baking…I guess the grands want some pumpkin bread.  Thanksgiving wouldn’t be Thanksgiving without pumpkin bread.

Smoky Hills November22

Paige liked the bracelet I made for her.  Eventually I will show it to you along with the dress it is supposed to match!  The girls are getting excited for the Winter Formal…they asked us to go out to dinner with them that night…how nice is that!

The warm spell was short lived we are headed back to the cold temperatures again and some below zero temperatures too.

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  1. How fun to be invited to the girls' formal dinner. Your pumpkin bread sounds very good. We bathed Harriet over the weekend and washed all her fluffy blankets, too. Give Chance a big hug from us and I wish you all a nice Thanksgiving. Love ya.

  2. We are having a warm spell to as of yesterday the temps have been 13°C and rain all our snow is gone as well and today there is high wind warnings and yup the winds are roaring out there now and possible thunderstorm that's Ontario Canada's weather for ya whacky lol ! Sounds like you are a busy gal these days ! Thanks for sharing , Lovely photos ,have a good day !

  3. We are starting with strange weather too. One measurable snow and now rain with cold returning soon. I think someone forgot to tell the weather maker we are in the south.

  4. Makes me realise how fortunate most parts of the UK are when I read about the extreme weather you guys have sometimes!

  5. Glad to hear you've had a break in the weather. We got the snowstorm, too but now the temperatures are in the fifties.

  6. Warming up down here too. Maybe I'll get a chance to wash some windows and do some caulking after all.
    Your Thanksgiving header and decorations look great. I want to see this jewelry you're making and that is sweet for the grands to ask you out. Who's picking up the tab? LOL! I have labs and doctor today and then tomorrow probably groceries for Thanksgiving. Shopping really tires me out. Hope the weather stays nice for all of us for awhile. Take care and have a nice day.

  7. We also are having a warm spell. It has rained for the last two days and all the snow is gone. Today all that will change and we are expecting one to three inches of snow by this time tomorrow, along with cold temps. I still feel like I went to sleep and woke up some time in January. Can't wait to see the pictures of the bracelet.

  8. It is snowing like crazy in the mountains here, but we are spared at sea level. We only had a few flakes last year, but many times it's been enough to take some great pictures. If we got our rain in the form of snow, we'd look like New York! :-)

  9. We got back up to 75 degrees in Texas yesterday, and it was welcome. You can keep all that cold weather. My dogs get really nervous when I wash their beds also. Not sure what they think is going to happen?

  10. Between higher temperatures and the wind that roared through the valley much of the snow here melted, too. I'm thankful for the warmer temps.

  11. Lovely pastel colours in the sky.

  12. Glad you got a weather break, you need as many of those breaks as you can get at this time of the year:)

  13. Morning, such a beautiful sky, nice picture. We also had a warm spell on the weekend but look out today, windchill and all.Blessings Francine.

  14. It's nice when the kids don't out grow the grandparents and want them along for all the big events. Have FUN!


  15. Yes, as we slept the cold came blowing in from all directions. South winds were strong all day Sunday and by late evening the northwest winds took over. I was glad to get rid of the snow as I know more will come. Pumpkin bread is good stuff.

  16. Hey, I've had 2 C eh. I even had 9 C ( 48 F) last week eh. I like the way you poke fun at us with "eh" I notice it every time and have a chuckle.

    1. I have to always include my Canadian friends Red! :)

  17. We had about 12 hours when the snow was gone and things were brown again. The roads were terrible this morning with ice and then snow on top. Parking lots, too.
    Nice you are invited to join your granddaughters for dinner before their winter formal. Then you will be able to take photos of them all dressed up!

  18. It's a hardy bunch that considers 37 to be a warm spell. Getting a few pies in the oven will help a bit, next time the temps dive outside :)

  19. I can just see Chance watching you with that quilt.
    I went shopping today for ingredients for my pie baking for Thanksgiving. Have pies, will travel.

  20. Our weather, here in Texas, is up and down, too. I'm baking two loaves of pumpkin bread today. The grand kids will love it for, too!

  21. The crazy winter weather has returned but glad you had some warm days as did we. Sadly they are "saying" snow for the holiday (travel). Have a Happy Thanksgiving and as always thank you for all of the kind comments on my blog!


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