Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Wistful Wednesday: Far Guy May 1965

We don’t have many photos of Far Guy as a teenager.  I am positive photos were taken, his Dad had several cameras.  He used to get out boxes of photos and look at them…one year the roof leaked into the closet where the boxes of loose photos were kept.  I am certain now that some photos were destroyed.

Gene in a lawn chir 

Gene in a lawn chir

This is another photo that surfaced at the Class Reunion.  He said “ That cannot be me, I don’t wear shorts.”  WELL apparently he has forgotten cause the proof in the the picture! I would recognize those boney knees anywhere! Who: Far Guy Where: Outside an old girlfriends house.  Why: ?  When: May of 1965

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  1. Oh, he was a cutie alright! We did a lot of things back then we don't do now! LOL! 1965 was THE year too...lots of things going on. I was a sophomore that year. Sometimes it's fun to look back and other times I wouldn't give you a dime to go back to those days. I'm much more content now.....the true gift of getting older. You know yourself and love yourself so much more in old age. LOL!

  2. Yes, he was a handsome young man! He looks tall! Your posts always make me smile.

  3. What a cute guy. No wonder you fell for him. 1965 was the year I graduated from high school - fun times. Thanks for sharing this picture of Far Guy.

  4. He's cute all right. And even though 1965 was a long time ago, he's STILL cute. Sorta. :-)

  5. So I am not the only one who thinks Far Guy sure was a cute guy! I also think it was no wonder you fell for him. You, Far Side - were a darling girl - so you two made a beautiful couple (and still do!).

    Shirley H.

  6. Ah Far Side Schultz... He knows NOTHING!!!!!


  7. Outside a girlfriends house? Hmmm. Cute picture.

  8. I wonder if there is a reason some of those photos have disappeared. They all seem to involve girlfriends and other things he "doesn't remember"! :-) That's what happens when you are young and cute, I guess.

  9. Hubba hubba, nice looking, love those old black and whites. Blessings Francine.

  10. He was a handsome teenager... Boney knees and all. ;0)

  11. Old photos of ourselves that we haven't seen for a long time are pretty scary. I've been looking up some old photos in order to get our small class exchanging photos. Some day they will be on a post.

  12. Yes indeed, looks like a handsome football player to me!

  13. I remember being a freshmen but I was a lot more geeky looking than Far Guy. He looks like a friendly sort in the photo.

  14. Great photo! Funny how our memory fails us!!! lol
    John says he has 87 former girlfriends!!!

  15. He's a handsome teenager! Cute pic.

  16. Yup! Handsome guy! Funny how we don't remember everything...even about ourselves--LOL! ;)


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