Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Last of the blooms

A few days ago I walked around the yard to see what was left of the wildflowers and perennials.

Rudbeckia Indian Summer

Rudbeckia ‘Indian Summer’


Achillea  or Yarrow


Echinacea purpurea or Purple Coneflower

Rose in October

And finally the last rose of the season. 

It is kind of sad that there will be no more flowers…only frost..and then snow.

The snowbirds (Juncos) have showed up…right before the snow last week AND the little buggers are still here. 

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  1. I love to see the leaves changing colors but I don't like to see the flowers fade and die. Haven't seen any Juncos yet. I like them.

  2. Juncos are one of my favorite migratory birds. But you're right: it's a little sad to see the last of the flowers. At least I don't live in MinneSNOWda, like some people I know. :-)

  3. Our flowers are done for now too - with snow and then a hard freeze and just as that happened the juncos showed up here last week too.

  4. Looks like they are just about done for. Then it's all about cleaning them out for next year, right?

  5. I haven't seen a junco yet but I expect to see one before the end of the month.

  6. There's something special about the last blooms of Summer; it's like they don't want to let go.

    My geraniums are still blooming. Being close to the house, they escaped the hard frost that hit a couple of weeks ago. I treasure every day they continue blooming.

  7. Your growing season seems so short:( My dahlias are still going strong. Slightly less blooms each week, but when I looked at them yesterday there were lots of blooms again despite having picked them all on Saturday.

  8. that's how I feel this morning...last of the blooms.

  9. Lots of Juncos here. Some stay all winter. We get them in our Christmas bird count.

  10. Here we go again...another winter. Your poor flowers look a little weather worn already. I keep hoping the frost will hold off until after I get home again. I'd love to get in the last of the tomatoes before our growing season is over, since I boycott winter tomatoes from the stores. Taste like cardboard :P

  11. Mama always called Juncos "snow birds" and I guess that's what they are. I didn't know for years that they had a real name. It is sad to see the last of the flowers.

  12. The last rose of summer...I hope the little snow birds are enjoying the rose. They should have beauty for a spell.


  13. I am still getting some morning glories blooming on my arbor. It is not long though and they will be gone. I am looking forward to seeing the snow birds and feeding them so that I can enjoy them when I am stuck in the house.

  14. Yup, we have had some hard freezes and most of our pretty blooms are dead as well. Soon everything will be covered in a blanket of white.

  15. Oh sad to see the blooms ending, I have the same as you just about Connie. Dare I say flakes tonight, hope not. Blessings Francvne.

  16. No junko's here yet!! The goldfinches left a couple of weeks ago. They went on a feeding frenzy then split.

  17. I love that last shot - so pretty!

  18. I love October, it's my favorite month. But, I'm always sad to see the flowers winding down for the year. I still have flowers blooming in pots and my Knockout roses and a few others are still blooming. But not for long, it''s only a matter of time before a frost gets them.

  19. If we have a mild winter, which it sounds like we might, we could have something blooming somewhere all winter. But here too the floriferous season is fading. We get in and clean things up and enjoy the "bare" look for a few months, and then revel in the new growth in early spring.

  20. Mine are still blooming here but not for long....even if there's not a freeze they just get tired! LOL! Usually we can buy winter pansies that people plant here for the winter but I haven't seen them yet. And to think I always thought pansies to be delicate but I've seen them keep blooming with snow on them! Amazing little flowers.
    I'm wondering if my roses will bloom again. They bloom in the Spring and then sometimes again in the Fall....it's crazy here!

  21. I hope to see Juncos this year. I really want things to slow down a little but I am saying good bye to a lot of things. I will being removing tomatoes soon. I really like the last rose of the season.


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