Saturday, October 25, 2014

Chance: Happy Birthday to me!

Yesiree today is my birthday!  I am now ten years old.  I am older than Far Guy if you count in dog years.

Here is my birthday photograph!

Happy Birthday Chance

I am doing great for being ten.  I have some arthritis especially in my front left shoulder and one of my hips.  I take a special pill everyday to help. 

I wake someone up every morning when I have to go out…a nose in the face usually wakes one of them up.   Then I come in and wake the other one up…so they are all awake.  They watch the morning news half asleep…sometimes we all take another nap.  Then it is time for breakfast…I can usually get a bit of peanut butter toast from Far Guy and a sliver of cheese from Far Side….then it is time to get the mail.  After mail we play ball and most days go for a long walk.  I play ball off and on throughout the day and then we might go for a ride…at 5 to 5:30 PM someone should be cooking cause I am getting hungry.   I keep them company in the kitchen by dropping my ball so they can kick it for me.  I get a treat after supper IF I have finished all my food.   Then later in the evening IF I whine I can usually get another treat out of one of them.   Sometimes they forget and they each give me a treat…those are really good days!

I am rarely left all alone.  I cry howl carry on like I am dying whimper loudly.  Most days I go along in the car…unless it is too hot.

Here are some great photos of me!

Chance December 2004

Chance December 26, 2004

Learning how to drop Spring 2005

Spring of 2005, Far Guy is teaching me how to “drop it” in his hand.  We worked on that a really long time…I finally got it and will drop a ball in some ones hand…BUT I will try to fool them …I would like them to try and grab the ball out of my mouth.   It is not allowed but I still try.

Chance  and Daiseys

Here I am in the daisies!   Summer 2014

Chance October 2014

Here I am stalking a ball…waiting for it to be thrown. October 2014

A good singer in 2009

Did you know I am a singer?  Well I am!  I am probably singing Happy Birthday to me!



  1. Happy Birthday Chance! Hope you enjoy your special day.

  2. What a special boy you are and just so handsome! You have a great family there! Happy Birthday Chance!

  3. Ten years old in dog years? We are the same age almost! You are such a fine looking dog, Chance, and a blogging one at that. Love your musical ability. :-)

  4. You are such a beautiful boy, Chance. You deserve an extra treat on your special day!

  5. Happy Birthday, Chance! You have always been very good looking. I love your baby picture. What a little cutie you were.
    Shirley H.

  6. Happy Birthday to Chance! Love that dog, and enjoyed the puppy pic. My puppy howls when I play the you think I should worry about that???

  7. Happy Birthday Chance! You are fluffed and clean for your birthday:) Sounds like you have your Far Family well trained! You might suggest to Far Side that a topic for a Wistful Wednesday would be lots of puppy pictures of you:)

  8. Happy Birthday, Chance! Enjoy your day -- I'm sure you'll get some special treats!

  9. Happy Birthday, Chance! I'm singing, can you hear me?

    I hope that you get TWO treats tonight after supper.

  10. Happy Birthday Chance, you beautiful boy!

  11. Happy Birthday, Chance. You were an adorable puppy and you are still handsome...and a wonderful companion for the Far Folks.

  12. Happy Birthday! The big 1-0, eh? My, you were a cute puppy. I didn't hear any mention of a birthday cake. Maybe they are going to surprise you.

  13. Happy Birthday Chance ! You and our Miggs are so much alike we don't leave her alone much at all either as she howls and serenades the neighborhood to lol which right now it is 5pm and Miggs is bugging me that it is our supper time to lol . Have a good day !

  14. Happy Birthday Chance, you are a handsome devil. love your pictures, you were such a sweet puppy.Blessings Francine.

  15. Happy Happy birthday dear Chance. wishing you an ice cream cone to yourself or some bacon!

  16. Happy birthday Chance. I'd say you're lucky be with Far Side and Far Guy

  17. I really like the picture of you stalking the ball, Chance. Someone needs a treat for taking such a great photo. I am sure your birthday celebration has been great - - - but it sounds like everyday is a celebration for you!

  18. You look great for a 10 year-old, Chance. Happy Birthday!

  19. Well happy birthday Chance! Tess would like you to know that her birthday is tomorrow and that she will be 8 years old, and that she thinks you are cute.

  20. Happy Birthday Chance!!!!

    Awww.. such a cute puppy! No wonder you are so handsome!!! You had a good start!

  21. Happy Birthday Chance, You are looking so good at 10 years old. Barney is a couple of years ahead of you and his walking has improved a lot since taking the calcium tablets. He is slow at getting up but was worse when he couldn't get up without a few tries. He is doing the steps well again. I am glad you got to go on a grand tour of the country. I know dogs like you like to see the world while riding in a vehicle I hope you can stay clean for awhile so you don't have to go get a new hair cut again.

  22. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Chance! I adore that last photo! I could just hear you sing!!!

    Fuzzy, Boomer and Linda


  23. Happy, happy birthday to you, Chance!!!

  24. Chance, you don't look ten at all. Handsome now and cute when you were a puppy. Happy Birthday!! :)

  25. Well! That is indeed a special occasion. Happy birthday, Chance!

  26. I am so glad you had a happy birthday :-D. Looks like all is well in your world. Been busy and have missed you!


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