Friday, October 3, 2014

Chance: Fall Photos

Hiya it’s me Chance the best blogging Border Collie in North Central Minnesota!  I get to blog today…Far Side is hibernating.  She heard the s word…even if it doesn’t get here it is turning cold.

Here I am at the fence near the wild gardens.Chance and the fence

Note all the leaves…Far Side raked and mulched again yesterday.  She is making progress and if the wind comes with the snow maybe she can finish up in the next warm spell…IF we get one.

Chance October 1

Far Side says this is the best photo of me this week.  She says I look regal!

Chance and the rose hips

These are Rose Hips…I like them…they are oh so tasty.  Did you know that they are good for what ails you if you are constipated?   YES I got the squirts…they couldn’t figure out what upset my usually oh so regular self.  Then I was caught eating Rose Hips.  I got a lecture.

 Leaving the rose hips alone

Honest I am leaving them alone.

Keep Smiling!

Chance smiles


  1. Fun post. I take it that Chance is one of your more regular guest bloggers...

  2. Chance you are as always the handsomest Border Collie I know. You do look very regal in that one picture. Thank you for your post today. PS Leave the Rose Hips alone!!!

  3. Yes, you are a fine border collie, very handsome and definitely regal. It helps to contrast your magnificent coat with those red leaves behind you. :-)

  4. Fun, fun, fun... I love Chance. Such a beautiful dog.

  5. You're supposed to drink the tea, not eat the hips whole, Chance! Such a nice smile you have. It makes me smile.

  6. Chance, these photos are keepers and need to be added to your portfolio!

  7. Chance, you are regal! So, so beautiful and charming too! I know sometimes it's hard to resist things that taste delicious even though we know they aren't good for us. Do your best.

  8. Chance you do look great against the red leaves. Love the casual neighbourly pose in the first photo, and that sheepish smile in the last one! Hullo from Tess, Reba and Amber up in the south east of BC! We just got our first hard frost here, so maybe now the leaves will turn colour and fall off for them to have their annual photo shoot on the leaves.

  9. Hey, Chance! I pinned your regal photo to my Country Living spot on Pinterest...You are the best!

    Fuzzy and Boomer


  10. Wonderful post and photos Chance ! It is still a bit humid and sunny here but the winds are blowing rain is on it's way and temps are to drop but no S word for us yet in the south of Ontario but S word for them up north ! Thanks for sharing , Have a good weekend !

  11. You are such a beautiful dog Chance that there is no such thing as a "bad picture" of you!! But FarSide is right, the one photo of you is magnificent - it captures your personality and all!

  12. Adorable fur person shots! Nature looks so beautiful with your doggie added!

    artmusedog and carol ~ A Creative Harbor
    Happy Weekend to you!

  13. Oh Chance, I love all the pictures but the regal looking one is my favorite. It should be on a calendar. Actually all the pictures would make a beautiful calendar.

  14. Afternoon Chance, oh you are such a handsome boy in your pictures. Such a nice time of year, Love it.Hugs Francine.

  15. Now Chance, you'e the first dog I've known to eat rose hips. It Far Side ate them right off the bush like you we'd have to put her in the hospital!

  16. I'm snorting....laughing so hard at the rosehips part....Giggle...

    Oh Chance, you always look regal to us, you are so very gorgeous.

    Bet Far Side wasn't pleased about the


  17. Hi Chance! I was going to write earlier but the electric went out. We don't know why as the storm was LAST night (it was very windy today though) was gorgeous and cool...finally. 2 black dogs living in the South in the summer isn't what it's cracked up to be. We saw pictures on the news tonight of hail (looked like snow) in Cloquet. It's only 59 here now and supposed to go down to the low 40's tonight. Mom's so happy and busy digging out her flannel pajamas etc. She loves the cold....she has no business here. You'd think someone would take pity on her and buy this house so she could move back North.
    You are very photogenic and I did not know about the rose hips....whoa Nellie! The only one in the house that seems to have that problem is the cat and that can be a real mess when they're a "long hair". Mom's always saying "What was I thinking?".
    Well, it's time to start winding down here as we need to make sure we're in the right place when Mom starts handing out the nightly treats. Have a good weekend and take say hi to your folks from all of us.
    Roof......from Nitty Yip....from Annie

  18. I like the fence picture best. But they are all great!
    Have a great weekend!

  19. Oh Chance, you always make me smile. Thank you!

  20. Well Chance, maybe you had better to stick to the food that you can beg for inside. Both of my boys love to eat grass but they have not discovered rose hips. Barney loves to drink from the gross buckets of stagnant water rather than the fresh water inside.

  21. Regal, rose-hip-eating Chance. My aunt told me there were flakes in the air along with the rain in Minneapolis yesterday. Too soon!! Too soon!! I don't want to hear the S-word yet, either. ;)


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