Sunday, September 14, 2014

Fall Projects

I worked on Far Guys vehicle yesterday…vacuumed it out and washed Chance’s back seat cover.  I am certain I got rid of enough hair to make another dog.   I also washed all the cloth bags that we get groceries in.   Whilst I was working on that project, Far Guy washed and waxed my vehicle!  Someday soon perhaps we can switch vehicles!

I worked in my garage getting the corners vacuumed out one last time.  Had to make room for the lawn furniture that will soon be stored inside.

When I needed a rest, I brushed Chance.  Far Guy resurrected an old potting bench, covered it with a bit of carpeting and now it is a dog grooming table.  Chance can jump on and off of it…it is about 36 inches off the ground.  I think it is a great improvement for the brusher…and the brushee tolerates most anything you do to him.

For fun I started an indoor project, I am teaching myself how to do a Peyote Stitch with really tiny itsy bitsy beads.  Uffda…after awhile my eyes begin to cross…I think I need larger beads!

We are still waiting on the fellow to replace a couple of windows…waiting patiently!

It will be awhile before all the leaves are on the ground, but I will start mulching leaves soon so that there are not so many to do all at once.  I have new mulching blades now…and I am anxious to try them!  Just like a kid with a new toy!

It is cool here, and it froze two nights in a row.  Fall is in the air.

Canada Geese in the stubble

Canada Geese in the stubble of a wheat field at sunset September 13, 2014

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  1. You are so energetic! And it seems that Far Guy must be feeling better, to wash and wax your entire car. It's been cold here at night, but nowhere near freezing. But then again, I don't live in Minnesota! I love your pretty picture with all the shades of orange and cream. :-)

  2. You are really getting things in order. I remember those days from my life in Illinois with fall approaching. We have friends who summer in Minnesota, so they will be heading south soon. My little dogs do not like brushing, so it's a bit of a chore. I need one of those brushing benches!

  3. What is the Peyote stitch & is it knit or crochet?

  4. Glad you are getting some new mulching blades. What a treat for you. I mulched oak leaves for years when we lived in a MPLS suburb. Much better idea than raking them and putting them in lawn bags. One year I had 70 bags and that is a lot of leaves! Mulched leaves make good natural fertilizer.

    Shirley H.

  5. This post is practically a public service announcement!
    Note to self - wash recycling grocery bags.
    remind husband about the benefits of mulching leaves vs. raking them.
    think about organizing my own lawn furniture.

  6. It's in the 50's here when I get up in the morning and there will be no more AC this year (I pray). You guys are busy! Great idea abut the grooming bench. I am very curious what that Peyote Stitch is with beads and all....what's it going to be?

  7. Sounds like you have all your ducks in a row. Need a break? Come corral mine.

    We've had a few fifties nights but I am not ready. I am still working on spring projects!

  8. Ah yes, time to get all those projects done before the weather changes. I'd love to see your beading project, so please post photos.

  9. I wish I had pulled my vehicle into that line for at least the vacuuming! It's amazing how much fur our animals leave everywhere - - plus the leaves, etc. that come in on our shoes. I have said it before but am really, really glad you two are feeling good enough to do normal activities again. We haven't had frost yet but definitely a couple of cooler nights. We have enjoyed the mornings more - - - still too much humidity this week but it is waning so we aren't fussing about it as much. I do hate sweating. I know it's good for your body but it feels awful with clothes stuck to a person everywhere!

  10. Sigh! Winter is coming. Double sigh!


  11. Autumn is on its way. Winter can wait a bit yet.

    What are mulching blades? I am very proud of my three large containers of mulch in various stages of ripeness, but nature does it (apart from being turned once during a six-months-perid) all by herself and I end up with perfectly crumbly black gold.

    Getting the dog on a table to brush, wjhat a clever idea. My back gets rather stiff from brushing her on the floor, especially when she wriggles.

    1. Mulching blades are blades on your lawn mower that chop up leaves really fine:)

  12. Wow!!!! Can I use you over here??? Great idea about the dog, clever.Blessings Francine.

  13. Oh, I hate the day when the outdoor furniture is put away. We've had a cold snap here too. I've covered my potted flowers for the last two nights. Tonight its suppose to be warmer, so I think they'll be OK. We scheduled one final cookout with friends for Tuesday. I think we'll be gathering around the kitchen table instead of the picnic table.

  14. I love the picture of the Canada Geese. I can't believe you've had a freeze already. I am looking forward to that first frost to make the ticks go away. Right now is the worst time of year for those tiny tiny ticks and I got a bunch of them yesterday.

  15. I tried doing that once...once! Good Luck!



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