Monday, September 29, 2014

Back Home

The retreat was a success.  I created what I wanted to and got one project under control!!   Time away is good but getting home is good too.   I think I was missed…at least that is what they say.

The house was perfectly cleaned when I got home…dishes done…no dust in sightSmile

The weather was warm and then a cold front came through and the temperatures dropped 30 degrees just like that.


Our summery interlude is over.

Lind Lake

Lind Lake

It will be a busy week.  A funeral to attend.  A meeting and program I should go to…but I am undecided.  Carving…and a group gathering which I may or may not go to. AND we get October this week.  I should think about making an October list of projects.

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  1. Happy to hear your retreat was a success. Must have been nice to come home to a clean house. Good luck with your October projects. We have had summer like weather all week here in SE WI. Sure hope Fall weather comes soon.

  2. I have to agree, it is nice to get away but always nicer to get back home. Glad to hear you had a wonderful getaway. Yes, I think for the most part the summer is finished. We had high 70's this weekend and now we will be back down in the sixties. (good enough for me)

  3. The clean house was a gift in itself. Or it would have been for me. I'm sure they missed you. Welcome home! :-)

  4. How lovely you got so much done at your retreat and isn't it amazing how just being away from the "every day" can kick those projects out. You are one busy lady!

  5. The weather changed here abruptly, too.

    I'm glad you had a productive retreat and that all was well at home when you returned.

  6. Glad to hear about a lovely retreat. I do like it when the leaves turn colour.

  7. :) The cookbook sounds like a MAJOR project!!! Is it offered for sale?

  8. You are one busy lady! I may follow your lead and make up an October to do list. This is a busy week here, too, with a dinner for carousel volunteers Tuesday and a board meeting Thursday. Then we'll go leaf-peeping if the weather is clear.

  9. It is good to get home! A 30 degree drop in temperature is drastic! Winter surely is just around the corner. Almost time to start raking leaves again too!

  10. Glad you had a successful retreat and glad you were missed! We are beginning to see touches of fall in the woods here.

  11. Yeah to catching up ~ I have never done a retreat of that kind (not sure I would be good at it) --- it would take me days to plan on what to take and gather it and organize it :) Yes we did get a cold snap :(

  12. I think we have seen the last of summer. Quite a difference today and much more seasonal.

  13. In college we would go on retreats, not for work, but it was always good to get back to normal life. When I repair my bird feeder by nailing it back together with bigger nails I will make a snow stick. It will be good to keep track of it and see how the snowfall lands here in central Iowa and compare. I can see how Canada's fall leaves are going strong right now just like Michigan's. I know Minnesota leaves were always turning while we were returning from Minnesota to going back to school.

  14. Glad you had a good time.

    According to the fogs we had here in August it's going to be a rough winter.

  15. Okay, my nasty weather got to Minnesota. You will get some great weather in a few days.

  16. I made my October list last night...a freeze is coming here I suspect. Very soon. We are cold.

  17. Ahhhh! To come home to a clean house and souls happy to see you...two legged and four-legged. What more could one ask for!
    Ya! That 30 degree drop was sudden. You really did go on the perfect weekend. Well, if the cold would have waited till Monday it would have been perfect. ;)
    Only go to what you really feel you want to. Glad you're back home. :)

  18. I wonder if I went on a retreat if I would come home to a clean house? Only if I cleaned it before I left! LOL! YOu fall colors are so pretty....nothing much here yet and hotter than ever.....I'm tired of it!
    I miss the Fall of the unpredictable and could be anything! Lucky you!


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