Saturday, August 30, 2014


My parents had a garage sale on Thursday and Friday…I got rid of some “stuff.”  The rest of the stuff is packed away in totes in my garage.  I have some “stuff” that will be sold on EBay.  Being gone two days really puts me behind on our projects.

This week Far Guy and I fixed some antler handles on the built in cabinet upstairs.  When we built them we didn’t realized that some of the pointy ends could catch people me in the leg.  He took them off and I cut them on the scroll saw and sanded the cuts smooth.  It was a struggle to get the drawers fronts back on properly but we finally managed.  A  few words of “encouragement” were uttered.

It rained enough that I mowed the lawn one afternoon.  I weeded our tiny flower bed under the bird feeders.

I am working on cleaning the pavers on the patio.  What a yucky, filthy job.  I bought a pressure washer at a garage sale one day…it works great at flinging the moss and dirt up against the house and onto me.  Eventually I will have to put a little more fine sand onto the pavers and work it in. I have at least another day maybe two on that project.

I damaged a window pane (rock from lawn mower) and another window got “cloudy” so they have been measured and are supposed to be replaced.  The fellow was supposed to be here yesterday…but he was a no show.

We have to make a new list of projects.  The garage trim is still awaiting paint…it has been too damp to paint.  I had some primer tinted in town..I guess I got a little wild when I scraped the trim….I can see way more wood than paint.

I finally got some stuff from the kitchen cupboards and deep freeze donated to the area food shelf.  “Stuff” we didn’t like that perhaps someone else will.  Have you tried the Steamers?  I bought a whole bunch of those on sale…oh my we didn’t like them at all.

I am NOT doing anymore sweet corn, the freezer is almost full.

My desk is a mess, it has been the dropping off point all week long.

I am going to work on that list now and add some fun stuff too!

IMG_1593 My Mom’s Rose Wave Petunias

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  1. I'm making a new list of "need to stop ignoring and get it fixed" chores. Hopefully we can get something done this fall, and I don't know if fun will be added to our list or not- not much room! Have a great weekend!

  2. All those little chores that nag at us from around the house. Now that summer's winding down and I've noticed that I have a house to take care of, they're calling to me, too.
    By the way, there's a special kind of sand you can buy - of course I don't know what it's called - that you sift among your pavers and once they get wet, they bind into place somehow.

  3. You are definitely busy. I think I'll admire those pretty petunias awhile before starting any kind of list myself. :-)

  4. Seeing the sun return is high on my list. It's been such a dreary week.

  5. I think the reason Summer flies by so quickly is because everyone is busy doing projects before the weather changes again.

    Isn't is maddening when workmen don't show up when they say they will - Argh!

  6. Too many projects, too little time. Unlike Judith Bell,I'd like to have some of that rain!

  7. I have never tried the wave petunias. I see them in the nurseries and they don't look very good in those plastic containers. You mom's looks really great. I am not donating. I am sending them to the landfill. I noticed yesterday the garbage guys going through the garbage finding things to keep. Maybe I can call that recycle if they take what I throw away.

  8. Stuff? A great word that covers a wide territory. It seems not muchgets done without a list.

  9. Sounds like you are increasing your work load! Don't forget to take time to play with Chance!

  10. Well now I REALLY feel like a slug after reading what all you've been up to. And to think I thought I was doing pretty good...that's what I get for thinking by myself. You mentioned a "cloudy" you have Pella windows by any chance? I have several and I think they have to come out and there's a gas they inject into them or some strange thing? Mine are still "cloudy" as they are on the porch which I don't use.
    I tried putting a flower bed under my bird feeder and the seeds fell and rooted and I had more weeds than ever. How do you do it? I have a few "horns" too and one I use as a towel have to be careful you don't rip the towel though. Ha! Ha! I also have a cow skull but I haven't hung it since I moved down here.
    Our city wide garage sale is the 6th of September so I need to get busy. Good for you guys! It must be that cool air. Hot air makes you lazy....I can't wait for Fall and crisp mornings and windows open! Take care.

  11. You are so busy, you make me feel exhausted! Glad you got so much done, but yeah, put some fun stuff on that list, too!

    My husband has been out cleaning the garage this past week. After one day, he came inside all hot and sweaty, and remarked, "You know, I spent my entire life in a good job just so I'd have the money to buy the stuff I thought I needed, and here I am, getting rid of it all. Every dollar I spent on that stuff came from an irreplaceable hour of my life that I gave up for stuff I'm eventually going to give up, anyhow."

    If only we were able to think like that before it all began...

  12. I flash boiled and froze corn today. I think you inspired me. I want that incredible sweet corn for a few more months.
    We go through our lists too. Next up: I want fireman to paint the dark living and dining room walls, a light grey.
    Probably in November!

  13. Lovely flowers.
    We have a lot of people who are supposed to do things, not show up, too. You wonder how they make money that way.
    Try and relax some thins weekend!

  14. Just maybe we'll get back to list making next week, or maybe not. We have been winding down along with summer.

  15. The less humid weather and cooler nights inspires me to get cracking on "the list", too. My biggest problem is getting someone to come and do the jobs I can't. I've called three "handmen" this summer and they have all pretty much said they have bigger fish to fry than repairing one window or fixing leaking faucets. I'm out of names!

  16. Busy! Busy! Feels so good to get things checked off the list, doesn't it?
    Don't forget to add those fun things. ;)


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