Monday, August 18, 2014

A B.E.A.R.

Jen called Sunday morning and said “It is cloudy, do you want to go to Bergeson Gardens near Fertile MN to take photos?”  Well sure I did.

Far Guy was not feeling well..he is getting yet another cold.  I called next door neighbor Jo who was going to sew and can peaches…but I told her she could do those things tomorrow!  She is easily led astray.

The gardens were lovely, many photos were taken. 

On the way home over on Highway 113.  Jo said “There was a bear!”  I drove to the next approach “Are you sure it was a bear?”  YES. TURN AROUND.  We did and couldn’t find the bear.  I turned around again you know one of those big old U turns that I partially completed and there was a cop…darn…I motioned for him to go..he motioned for me to go…finally I backed up and he left the area.  We are still looking for the bear…Jo is sure she saw it.  We scan the trees on the way back again…there he/she is up in a tree…cars are coming and someone who is not driving says “I could get out and take some photos but what if he/she comes out of the tree?” ( I am certain that the bear could out run an old lady…and someone has to can those peaches!)

We go back to the turn around spot again.  A plan is developed, Jo will take photos going by the tree and then we will do another U turn and I will take some photos while watching for traffic.

The bear

This was my best shot!

We stopped at a nearby hobby farm to tell them about the bear…but no one was home. 

This was the first time Jo has seen a bear in the wild in Minnesota.  I have seen them twice before so this is my third sighting.  B.U.T.  My first time photographing a bear!

IMG_1043 (2)

It is a black bear.  I suspect that he had raided the bee boxes in the next field over and was resting in the tree with a full belly just watching old ladies going back and forth down the road.

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  1. Funny story. My husband was taking photos of Cicada Killers yesterday. Not nearly as exciting as a bear.

  2. I can hear that bear now - "What a bunch of silly old ladies. Al they do is go round and round. Someone should point then in the right direction." Haha ,very funny story. But it is neat to see a bear sleeping in the trees.

  3. Neat! I've done that U turn business many times myself.

  4. Glad you were able to capture him in a picture! It's a good one, and I think I would have stayed in the car, too. :-)

  5. That looked like a pretty big guy! I had a grizzly sighting up in the Canadian Rockies but it was so far away it looked like a speck! Great picture.

  6. Wonder if he was watching and wondering what you all were doing... I sure wouldn't want one in my bee boxes or sheep shed, but I'd like to see one sometime. Up in a tree. Just watching me ;-).

  7. No doubt he was just lounging about wondering what all the fuss was about. Sounds like you girls had a great day... I'm jealous.

  8. Your perseverance paid off! What a great shot!

  9. …and I meant to add how cool that Jo saw him on the first pass.

  10. Not getting out of the car, was a "wise decision". Great photos !!

  11. Hey - wasn't that kind of risky getting close enough to photo that bear? Was pretty big bear!

    Sorry to hear Far Guy has another cold and I hope you both will keep a good eye on him and get to the doctor if things seem to be getting worse. Please don't take any chances considering the time you both have had with colds this winter.

    Shirley H.

  12. I live in the UP in a very rural area. A few years ago a bear came out of the woods from the west and walked across the front of the house and meandered to the woods to the east. We also have a camp in "no man's land' and every once in a while we see a bear out there. Nice to see them, but somehow I never have my camera with me.

  13. How fun! I'm surprised the trooper didn't ask about all the U-turns, but perhaps he had seen the bear, too. ;o)

  14. That is a huge bear!

  15. Wow, great shots of the bear. He does look cute resting up in the tree.Blessings Francine.

  16. Oh my! What an experience. Great photo!

  17. Funny and so exciting! And he's having a fine nap.

  18. You all crack me up. You were on a mission and not even the law was going to stop you!!! Kind of reminds me of Dukes of Hazard! We are thankful you were successful in capturing this sighting.
    Poor Far Guy - - - sure hope this doesn't get him down like last time. Did the oxygen situation get straightened out? There are enough companies that I hope you found one that was service oriented with compassion for the person needing the service.
    George and/or Betsy Adams may be looking at your blog. They both do photography - - both are good. He is the better of the two and she will tell you that. I told them that you and your daughter get excellent pics, too and your blog is very interesting in telling of the culture/festivals/plants/history of the area - - - and that your dog writes some of the best stories of your lives! They are super sweet.

  19. Wow. We've seen a few bears about. This is really fun! I could picture you doing U turns!!!!
    (ツ) from Cottage Country Ontario , ON, Canada!

  20. Congratulations on this bear photo.

  21. He certainly does look restful and unconcerned about being photographed. How fun to see him. Good eye, Jo, and good maneuvering skills, Far Side, and so sorry about Far Guy's cold.

  22. My sister lives in Princeton Minnesota - out in the country. They have had a black bear visit there bird feeders on a couple of occasions - probably the same bear. They tried to run it off and it climbed their elm tree and hung out until the crazy, yelling people went back into the house and went to bed. It ambled off sometime in the night. They await his next visit.

  23. He/she does indeed look a little sleepy!!!!

    I hope FarGuy feels ALL better ASAP... :( The continuing illness must really be wearing both of you down.

  24. Sounds like a good thing somebody decided to wait 'til Monday to can her peaches! Oh, the adventures you would have otherwise missed ;)

  25. My wife went on walk a few years back on the access road to where we were staying. She saw a bear. It was funny no one really believed her until the neighbors went on the same walk the next day and yes there was a bear. The one you shot looks like a clean looking guy. I don't think I have ever seen one in a tree.

  26. That is so neat! The bear looks big and so beautiful! Don't you love it when a drive turns out to be fun and exciting.

  27. Great bear capture, he/she looks very healthy and relatively comfortable resting on those branches! I can relate to the u-turns:) Lots of bears farther out than where we live, although we have seen one once here, and seen evidence another time.
    Hope FarGuy gets rid of that cold quickly.

  28. great shot! and the bear is just gorgeous. you were lucky. cheers!!

  29. So cool. I love seeing bears in the safely of my car. LUCKY Great pictures

  30. It looks quite comfy in that tree!

  31. bears cause quite stir because they are cute but dangerous. I don't think you had to be that cautious as long as you don't have food or come near the cubs.

  32. I think that bear must have had a good laugh. My mind movie of your turning around and around and strategizing is pretty funny.

  33. How neat is THAT! We have bears come up from the canyon's now and then...I always like to see them. But I'm careful! On never knows.


  34. Haha that sounds EXACTLY like the sheenanigans I would pull to get a shot of an animal! So made me smile and glad you found him!

  35. You got a really good picture to share with us. I'm grateful for all that effort and bravery. :)


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