Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Summer is flying by

Where does the time go?  Who turns the pages so fast?  It seems as if the summer is disappearing before our very eyes.

The grass is turning brown in some spots…especially spots in the sun.  I am mowing about every ten days now instead of every seven days. I have finally made my peace with the lawn mower’s hydrostatic drive…will wonders never cease…goes to show you even old people can learn new stuff.  I am a sight to behold on that mower with every inch of my body covered except my face…I had one small spot of Poison Ivy earlier and since then I cover up when I mow.   Soon the grass should go dormant.

Pretty petunias at Moms

My Mother had some real pretty petunias.

Our Wood Carving group was featured in an area publication called Boomers.   The reporter took photos and wrote a great story.  She featured the Christmas Ornament that I designed…and now people have been calling wanting to purchase them.  So now we have to work on those orders.

We have 63 Christmas ornaments completed and ready to go for Christmas….a few more and we will be done with that project!

It doesn’t help that we have spent most of the summer recuperating from “the crud” we had this spring.

Health Update: I have almost completely recovered, I have some lingering tiredness.   Far Guy still has his cough and his oxygen saturation numbers are down, he has seen a Pulmonary specialist and will go on oxygen when he exercises and as needed for his COPD and Emphysema.  Some days he feels just fine and other days he feels just rotten. His lung function is down to 27 %.  Not the news that either of us had hoped for. We have to be real proactive with his health, stay away from sick people and germy crowds, and not wait around if he gets a cold.  The specialist said that 50% of the time it will be a bacterial infection that needs to be treated promptly. 

One day at a time.  

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  1. Good Morning, How nice that your wood carving group was featured. Summer does seem to be going too fast. I'm sorry you guys have been so sick. Glad to know there is some improvement with you. Praying that the O2 during exercise will be helpful to FG. My dad had very low immunity and ever since then, we are paranoid about crowds/germs. Thinking of you both.

  2. Can't wait to see your ornaments. Wishing Far Guy better health!

  3. I'm glad FG is at least better, and very glad to hear that you are pretty much recovered. I kind of thought so, since your posts have reflected your mood fairly accurately, it seems. And congratulations on being featured in the magazine. Just what you needed, more projects! :-)

  4. Wonderful that your wood carving skills featured in the article and my goodness, think of getting requests for them! Glad you are recovered(ing?) from the crud and I am concerned that Far Guy's oxygen stats are too low. Take good care of yourselves.

    Shirley H.

  5. Oh dear re Far Guy and his lungs. Wishing him all the best. Glad to hear you are mostly recovered. Congrats on the magazine coverage and the orders on the ornaments! Yes, summer is going way too fast. I think I am somewhere back in May still:(

  6. The summer is almost a summer that wasn't! Not a whole lot of nice days to this summer. It is hard to believe that the end of July is staring us in the face! I sure give you all my prayers for Far Guy! I am glad to hear you are feeling better and on the mend!

  7. Glad you have made peace with your mower and that you are feeling mostly well. Poor Far Guy, though. What a siege it has been.

  8. We'll still have much summer left here. However, it hasn't been that bad, weather-wise. I'm glad you're feeling better, but sorry that Far Guy isn't springing back. Is there anything that can be done for him? Your carved ornaments are so beautiful, no wonder people want them!!

  9. I'm so glad that the summer has been so great here...cooler than normal. Those petunias are gorgeous and congrats on the article and your overnight fame! It reminds of that ad they used to have about a start up internet company that went online and were overnight successes flooded with orders! I want to order one of your carvings but will have to wait until next month as I've already spent my limit this month and the grands will be here and I need some "cash" to spend on them. We're going to the fair too. I hope you have one left after all this notoriety?
    27% must feel awful for Far Guy. I too am supposed to stay away from sick people and hospitals and such but then you have to live too. Who knows whose sick when you go to Walmart and the pharmacy. I sure hope he gets better and his lung capacity improves. TTYL!

  10. I hope Far Guy feels better soonest. I'm sure he isn't happy feeling miserable (some folks do - oddly enough).

  11. Ugh! That is not good news. Lucky that you have beautiful flowers nearby to keep you company. Do be careful with Far Guy out and about.

  12. I'm glad Far Guy's doctor is staying on top of things. Pulmonary issues are difficult to manage.

    The article about your carving sounds great. Glad it resulted in some orders for your design.

  13. I am glad that at least you are recuperating. Was hoping for better news about Far Guy, but at least his doctor is on top of things. Tell him to just take things slowly.

  14. Nice metaphor to start your post. Time does fly by quickly. You have many things going to keep busy and that's when time goes by quickly.

  15. It is taking a long time for the Bennie to recuperate also. Still seeing the kidney doctor.
    His lungs or better still a cough but not as bad. We have not seen the grandchildren in so long
    because their children are sick with something all the time. All under 6 years old. We had been with them
    all and after that Bennie got sick.

  16. Congratulations on the new business...
    Glad to hear you are doing better!
    Sorry to hear about Far Guy. Keeping you in my prayers. ♥

  17. Back from a vacation trip and catching up. Indeed the summer is zipping by to fast after a slow and wet start. No biking or boating trips yet. This has to change though I have a Mantrap trip scheduled for the second week in Sept. Yay!

  18. We have been lucky over here, it has been a glorious summer from a weather perspective. Hope your summer lingers but all illnesses do not. Greetings from Yorkshire

  19. Congrats on being featured, now you are famous!

    Summer is playing on fast forward, and on the excessively hot days I don't mind, but the balmy days it feels too fast.

    Take good care of each other, this is not the best news for either of you.


  20. Oh, gosh, Connie! I'm so sorry about Far Guy! I guess, he now knows he can't 'tough it' out. Here are prayers and magic thoughts and crossed fingers he doesn't get anymore infections!


  21. I'm sorry Far Guy is having a hard time. Lung problems are no fun at all. Sounds like he has been taking care of himself lately. That will help. Glad to hear you are feeling better.

  22. Those are some serious numbers Far Guy has about his lung condition. It's good that you know how to react now to problems.

  23. Congrats on the article! And making a little spare money is never a bad thing--if you feel like doing additional carving, that is--LOL!
    I'm glad you are both feeling better. What a long summer it has been for you guys. I hope the O2 helps FarGuy. My aunt is on it and it has helped her quite a bit. You have both been in my prayers. :)


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