Sunday, July 27, 2014

Along the road

The golden glow of the evening sunset makes the purple and yellow wildflowers shine.


Bee Balm and False Sunflowers

During our evening drives the heavy fragrance of the Common Milkweed hangs in the air.   We saw two Monarch Butterflies in our yard! That is two more than we saw last year.


Common Milkweed

We saw this one night and it caused quite a bit of excitement.

Stinky skunk

It was a skunk digging holes and acting funny.  It was down on the corner.  Yesterday after running an errand we saw a sail skunk at the edge of the road and it wasn’t even smelly…imagine that.  I hope those two skunks are one and the same.

Far Guy and Chance walk the area where the skunk was seen…I would rather that neither of them get skunked.

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  1. Skunks can be a real problem....I had one take of residence in my barn. You don't want to surprise them !!

  2. Glad to hear you saw a Monarch. I was pleased when we saw two on the Brukner Butterfly Transit. Maybe there was some quirk in the weather that made them scarce in 2013.

  3. Glad to hear you saw that Monarch. Monarchs were scarce in Ohio last year, too.

  4. Pretty flowers. I hope the skunk will keep his distance!

  5. I do hope the monarchs will come back after all they have suffered. And a skunk acting funny worries me. Hope it's not rabid. Stay away, Chance. :-(

  6. Skunks are just pain weird. This guy was probably looking for insects just under the surface. But keep away from him. He doesn't need any surprises. Neither do you.

  7. Beautiful roadside pictures, love Bee Balm. Watch out for Pepe, he is a stinker, Blessings Francine.

  8. There have been some monarchs around the refuge, and I've found one caterpillar on a milkweed plant.

  9. Funny-acting skunks are a concern because of the threat of rabies. I hope Far Guy and Chance can avoid the skunk on their walks.

  10. I was just going to say what Nancy just said. Especially if you see nocturnal animals out during the day. Be very careful at this time of year. I miss the smell of the midwest summer...fresh mown hay and even cow manure are all great smells to me! LOL!

  11. I've been keeping an eye on Monarch's especially since reading Barbara Kingsolver's "Flight Behavior" excellent read. To date, one Monarch has graced my flower beds.

  12. I would definitely not like a skunk that close to us.
    Hope you all have a blessed Sunday!

  13. I would keep a fair distance from that skunk! The thing is once you see them, you are already too close! Have a great Sunday!

  14. Wildflowers are just beautiful. They do a whole lot better that what I try to grow here in the uard!

  15. Beautiful wildflowers ~ great color! Skunks ICK!

  16. We see a lot of that last photo around here. Not sure why. One night, we drove up on a skunky couple ambling down the road. We gave them due respect, but it was funny to see them waddle along. Just hope the lovebirds don't decide to make their new home near us.

  17. SKUNK!!! I usually run at the site...Now the dogs...of course they don't run...I make them run WITH me though.


  18. The counties seemed so concerned about weeds that we rarely see milkweed in the ditches. I like fireweed but only saw it in Minnesota. We have an unseen skunk near us and I see the raccoons are enjoying the last of my raspberries.

  19. I know they can be smelly to the extreme, but I adore skunks. I had one when I was a kid and loved him dearly. He was fixed and de-scented, of course, though. Lovable as all get out--unless he was eating. You do not want to get near a skunk who has discovered some culinary treasure. They are also so very nearsighted and either have poor hearing or don't bother to listen because generally nobody bothers them so you don't want to startle them, either. Jorj may not have had the spray but he knew how to assume the position--LOL! He loved baths and being combed and brushed--and being carried about and given lots of attention. Quite a comical character. :)


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