Sunday, June 1, 2014

Much needed rain

It started raining late Friday night.  The rain was oh so welcome.  The pollen is settled!

Rain May 31

I heard it…thundering and gushing down.  Far Guy says we got over an inch of rain.   Since then it has been raining off and on.  We may get another five inches of rain into early Sunday…when it rains it pours.

Rain may 31 on walkway

The entire patio and walkway are covered in twigs and other parts of Oak Trees…a spring cleaning of sorts.

My sorts were out yesterday, I slept most of the day…I had a tickly/sore throat with a massive headache.  I started some Claritin Allergy Tablets …and used Zicam so hopefully I am over the worst of it! 

There was free recycling of electronic “stuff” at the County Landfill yesterday.  Far Guy took in all the dead electronics…old computer, printer, power supply ...etc. Usually they charge $5.00 per item.  So it was bargain day at the dump.

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  1. Washing away the pollen will make you guys feel better. Sorry about you being under the weather.
    Take care.

  2. It's been storming here since 3:00 yesterday afternoon- when I was in the middle of painting the morning glory trellis. I was startled by sudden lightning and thunder and did manage to pull the trellis out and into the garage. I hope it helps your allergies and you don't float away!

  3. We, who usually have rain on the weekends, have a really nice weather period right now. You've got our rain, I guess, and you needed it. I think I got that same bug a few weeks back, massive headache and feeling terrible, but it went away pretty quickly. Hope the same happens for you.

  4. All of this rain is giving me job security. It certainly makes the grass grow! ;)

  5. Five inches? Really? That's about a third of our annual rainfall!
    We had a shredding day not too long ago. Sadly I was away - hope they have another one soon as I have tons of stuff to shred.
    Glad they make it easy (and affordable) to get rid of the stuff that is bad for the landfill.

  6. I told ya you'd get some rain. there should be more free dumps as some stuff is discarded in very inappropriate places.

  7. So glad to hear you could take your old electronics free for disposal. It is so great when there is a chance to do that. You take care of yourself Far Side so that you avoid getting sick. We want you to be able to post every day for our enjoyment! Selfish us!

    Shirley H.

  8. I hope you are feeling better today!

    We are beginning to need some rain here too! I am glad you were blessed with some!

  9. What seems like an ordinary day can be satisfying: a much-needed rain, clearing out the old electronics. Even the hope that you've conquered the sniffles!

  10. Hope you are feeling better today.

    Several years ago, waste management had weekend when they accepted old paint, batteries, electronics, etc. I wish they would do it again.

  11. Hope you're feeling better. Glad you finally got some rain.

  12. Getting the pollen washed away will help. I'm glad you got got the rain you wanted and needed.
    We have an electronics recycling company very near by where we can just "donate" to their business, free of charge.

  13. So glad you are getting moisture. We have it going every way around us and have lots of wind. Oh well, no control over that! :) Hope you are feeling better.

  14. I"m always interested in what people throw out in the glass recycling part of our dump, it's amazing how nice some of those jars are, especially when they are Mason's. But now there is a big sign no touching, lol...not that I did.

    Glad to hear that the pollen is coming down, we are in the midst of the cottonwood tree puffs everywhere. It's clouds of stuff.


  15. We're having a thunderstorm right now.
    Good we got the mowing done when we did.
    Have a great week!

  16. Hooray for if it will only stop for a while! I read back and saw your comment about purple leaf sand cherries. Both of mine are in the same sad condition as yours...a little growth around the base. I think they've done that before, in some other difficult winter, so maybe they'll eventually just replace themselves. Hang in there and have a good week!

  17. I just discovered you commented on my blog in January, and I missed it before.
    Hope you recover quickly and I too have a cold, but it's winter here :)

  18. Nothing like a good rain to scrub the air clean! Hope that helps Far Guy recuperate better. And you? You aren't allergic to rain, are you? =/

  19. Hope you feel better soon! I had the worse birch pollen allergy this year - it went on for about five weeks. I've never suffered as much as this year...

  20. I think that is the hardest stuff to get rid of ---I'm glad your dump works with everyone. Hope you get to feeling better today. I"m sick with allergies so I understand.


  21. The rain and heat has made everything so very green. :)
    That was definitely bargain day at the dump!

  22. I hope you feel better. Good weather to crawl "neath the kivers".


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