Sunday, June 15, 2014

June 15 2014

Still recuperating.  No big miracles, I still have a raw throat and my arthritis in my sternum and back is worse.  The Doctor calls it Costochrondritis, in the hospital they gave me injections.  I am trying to manage it with Ecotrin.

We had a big day yesterday, Far Guy and Chance went to the landfill and to recycle.  I made a pan of rhubarb tart cherry bran muffins.  Just a normal bran muffin recipe but I added tart cherries and rhubarb because I have lots in the freezer.  We went to sauna and sat watching the rain again, it rained most of the day.  Chance and I went for a walk in the rain.

I don’t remember much of what has gone on the past ten days…just bits and pieces.

Far Guy says he feels a bit better.  Chance is fine…we played ball in the rain.

Late lilac blooming June 14

The late Lilac in our yard is blooming.

Happy Father’s Day to all the Dads out there!

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  1. Glad to hear you are moving around a bit more. Don't try to do too much too soon. I expect everyone is telling you that. Is the pinkish plant in your header Prairie Mist???

  2. It is good to hear you are improving, but please take it easy. This morning I looked at the DNR Eagle Cam, and those poor little eaglets have had a wretched time of it, too. The storm knocked out the color in the camera and the chicks are soaked and ragged-looking. I hope summer comes soon and you-all can enjoy each day.

  3. That is one of the prettiest pictures of trillium in your header I've seen. I took lots of shots but nothing that good. I will join the chorus and pray you don't overdo it, keep resting up so you and FG can get back to full health. Sending you healing thoughts and prayers for your Father's Day Sunday. :-)

  4. All we can do is a bit at a time. Recovery is sometimes a rough road. Hang in there.

  5. Seems like today will be another wet day. Stay inside and recuperate.

  6. Good news indeed. Glad to read things are starting to look up.... Here we've both got bad colds. Not serious but no fun trying to sleep at night...

  7. Happy Fathers' Day to Far Guy! It sounds to me like you both might be doing a little too much! Please take it easy. Was so glad to read your blog today. Can tell you are feeling better because it is longer than the one yesterday. But please don't overdo, either one of you.

    Shirley H.

  8. Do you have your own sauna? Just wondering. Take it easy; maybe the sun will peek out one day and you will feel well enough to enjoy it1

  9. I agree that you sound a bit better than previous days because as others have said - - you have written more and you have done a bit of activity. Your ailment was a new one on me. I looked it up. Yours is the second or third new medical condition I have heard of in the last couple of weeks. Keep doing what you are doing to recover and don't do what I have done in the past - - - feel semi-good and then do too much and end up back in the bed the next day. It is freaky to me that you only remember bits and pieces of the last ten days. We knew you were quite sick but you were even sicker than we knew. Does that scare you a bit? We're thankful the doctors could put you on the road to recovery instead of the road to heaven.

  10. Wish your Father's Day were a bit brighter this year. I think "Get Well" is the best wish we can hope for you and Far Guy right now :(

  11. It sounds like you are all making progress. slow and steady.

  12. awww. We have rhubarb too . I need to use more of it up. Feel better

  13. Hope you feel better soon! Hope Far Guy had a good fathers day. You take care!

  14. Poor you - but I am happy to hear you're both getting better...

  15. That sounded hauntingly familiar so I googled it. I had an inflammation of the cartilage in my entire ribcage from spine round to sternum and shoulders down to bottom four different times! For the life of me I can't remember what it was called (the doctor usually just called it inflamed cartilage). What ever I had was viral and antibiotics didn't do anything at all to it so I just had to wait it out. Haven't had it again for about a dozen years--knock on wood. Hurt to move. Hurt to breathe. Most definitely--spoil your self rotten and take it easy. I'm glad FarGuy is feeling better. I'm sure Chance is happy about that, too. ;)


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