Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Home Sweet Home

Tuesday afternoon: My knight in shining/rusty armor brought me home this afternoon.  It was quite a siege in the hospital.  No fun, I am exhausted, I have slept about 17 hours since midnight last Thursday.  I am sleep deprived and exhausted.   Doctors orders I will be resting over the next month or so, and no over doing ANYTHING.

Chance was really happy to see me!   Far Guy has had a relapse…he says he will be fine…we will see.  So we are kind of a sick mess around here.  No much fun to read or talk about.

I will post some photos from time to time..flowers maybe or something pretty from Minnesota.  Good thing I have extensive photo archives.

You all know me well I cannot be silent for too long.

Just need some time to rest and get all better.

Thanks for all the well wishes…you readers/friends are the best!  I read all your comments on my Kindle at the hospital this morning…what a great boost! Smile

Look like roses

Double Flowering Plum last June 2013

Blog Signature


  1. It is wonderful to hear that you are home, I really feel sorry to hear that far guy is now sick again. You both are in my thoughts and I sure hope you both get to feeling better real soon. I was going to try and come see you next week but I think I will leave it for another time that I am home. I don't want to interrupt your recovery. You take care of yourselves and I sure will be thinking about you!

  2. Glad to here you are home. Is there anything I can do for you? Maybe provide a meal or something for you and Far Guy? Please let me know.

    1. Thanks Judy, your offer is appreciated! We will be fine! :)

  3. I am so glad that you are home! Continue to do well and I hope Far Guy gets better too!

  4. So happy you are home, please take care. You to Far Guy.
    Hugs to you both

  5. I am so glad you are home. I'm sure you are too.

    Take care of each other.

    Speedy recovery to you both.

  6. Glad you are home. Praying both You & Far Guy get well soon. You have both had more than your fair share of illness.

  7. Yay! What a nice surprise to see your post after I walked in from the dermatologist appointment. I got introduced to what "freezing" spots off is like. My guy has them burned off all the time, this was a first for me. I am sorry to hear your knight is doing poorly. Maybe you both can just climb into bed and turn off the world. Except for blogging, that is. :-)

  8. So good to hear from you. I must tell you I was very impressed that while you were away your family soldiered on and kept the blog fires burning. I informed my husband that I expect no less from him should I fall under the weather.
    Go tuck yourselves in and rest. You've both earned it.

  9. Take it easy, both of you. The world loves you and so do all your fellow bloggers.

  10. My bad- I haven't been reading blog posts much in the last couple of days, so just realized you had been ill and in hospital. Glad to hear that you are out and on the mend, I think you gave your family a scare! Yes do take it easy, get someone else to do all the chores and get lots of Chance snuggles!

  11. So thankful you are home; I know you can rest better there than any where. Praying you both will get better soon. Hugs to Chance.

    Love the photo.

  12. Just letting you know I am thinking about you! Please rest and continue to improve. Get lots of kisses from Change. I don't know you, but wish I could be there to help you both out. Hope for a speedy recovery.

  13. Welcome home! Hope you are both feeling better soon.

  14. I guess Chance will be no help in taking care of you all except to cuddle up and help you sleep. Sleeping at home is always the best. I'm concerned now about Far Guy. Will he go back to the doctor? He doesn't need to be in the hospital cuz you can't be there to visit with him. You two sleep BUNCHES and drink lots and lots of fluids. Praise God you are well enough to be home.

  15. Saying a little prayer that you mend quickly

  16. Yes, take it easy and build up your health.

  17. PTL! So happy you are home and I bet Chance was ecstatic to see you. They are like little children...they don't understand and have no idea if and when you're coming back. But he probably smelled you on Far Guy when he came back from the hospital...thank goodness they have good smellers! That helps a little.
    You guys need to just kick back and relax and rest and order out. Did I tell you I found some more goodies on Roku....you can now get You Tube on Roku and then from You Tube you can get Peirot and Miss Marple mysteries if you like Agatha Christie and I watched the Brit's show Restoration of a farm called Coldwater? I think..anyway that's about all I watch now. I know there is much more on You Tube but I'm new to the You Tube movies and shows and I guess you need to have an idea of what you're looking for. Do some more crochet if you feel the need to busy yourself but above all get your rest, eat well and don't go out....just rest which I know is really hard for you 2! LOL! BTW, how did the garage sale go? I hope Far Guy gets better now. I'll be checking in on you guys. Thanks to FG and Jen for keeping us updated. Hugs to all and healthy vibes coming your way.

  18. I know you're glad to be home! Take care and get lots of sleep. Hope your guy gets better quickly, too.

  19. All right, both of you... ENOUGH! Rest, sleep, eat, drink, nap, whatever it takes to get well. If you try to get up too soon I'll come and sit on you until you're all better. My best to both of you. Sounds like Chance is in charge now. That should be interesting.

  20. Oh, good! You are home!
    I know about nights in the hospital, having spent two endless nights there myself recently. I think I may have slept three hours in two nights.
    Rest up and get well, both of you.

  21. Hoping for the best, most peaceful rest for both of you, so you two can get better quickly! Being sick is no fun.

    So glad to see that you are back home!

  22. How nice to read your good news this evening. Glad you are well enough to come home, or maybe they got sick of your complaining in the hospital and booted you out, ha ha:):) Please, both of you, take some time to rest and recover. I know, I know, very hard to do when you live on an acreage, but just try to ignore those 'jobs that need doing' for a while.

  23. So happy to hear you got rescued from the hospital. Now just take it easy and get plenty of rest - you and Far Guy. There is no shame when you are sick and things don't get done. Just get well.

  24. Yay!!!!! Welcome home Connie, missed you, Hugs Francine.

  25. I'm glad you have escaped the dreary hospital. Home sweet home always makes me feel better. Feel better soon!

  26. Hi to both of you! Just now this morning (Wednesday) read your two most recent blogs. I am so glad that Far Side is home from the hospital. Am concerned that Far Guy might get sick again. Please both of you keep an eye on each other and get back to the doctor if things go downhill. I know you can't rest in the hospital what with being awakened all the time for vitals and such. Chance will be your good nurse and there is none better.
    The lady slippers are lovely even though older.

    Shirley H.

  27. Relieved to read that you are home. Praying that you and Far Guy regain your health soon. Chance must be confused about the situation. Rest and get well soon.

  28. Just read your last several posts. So sorry you have been sick. Glad you're home. Hope you are feeling much better. Again I was behind with everything because of computer problems. Hope Far Guy gets better soon too.

  29. Here's hoping you both rest and heal. *hugs* and God bless. ♥


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