Monday, June 30, 2014

Goodbye June

I am glad to be on the last day of this month.  One third of the summer is gone.

Yesterday is was so windy that Chance hid in the house most of the day.  I was outside for awhile until I couldn’t stand it anymore.  The trees were swaying this way and that way in the 40 MPH winds.  The skeeters couldn’t even manage the windsSmile

We finished dusting in the kitchen, those open cupboards are a pain in the neck sometimes.  Whatever I have not used recently was washed and put back on the shelves.

Open cupboards

They are nice when it comes time to serve something…you just grab what you need.  When the grands help with dishes it is easy to see what goes where. Most of what is up there is just dust catchers.  I have not used the set of Loon dishes in years.  The cups look funny upside down.

We watched a good movie the other day “Bernie” on Netflix…I enjoyed it.  I finally finished the book I was reading about Alaska called Alaska Bound.  It wasn’t a fantastic book but it kept me reading.  Now I am reading a piece of fluff…one step above a comic book. 

We have had our fair share of rain, the area we live in (West Central) is very sandy and has never flooded.  However from what I hear the Southern part and Northern part of Minnesota are not so lucky. Lakes and rivers are full to over flowing.

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  1. Hi Connie, We did not have the strong winds last night but we did get heavy rain.
    I love your open cupboards and your dishes look so pretty. Hope you have a nice day. Hugs to Chance.

  2. Oh, what gorgeous shelves. I want an old fashioned kitchen as I cook a lot and when stuff gets stuffed in cupboards I forget what I have. But I understand the dust thing too. Yours are lovely. It has been a wet and windy summer here so far too....very unusual for this area. I can't stand wind unless I'm inside listening to it. LOL! It wears you out after a short time.
    Thanks for the recommendations. The book sounds good. I like anything to do with Alaska. I got You Tube on Roku and set up a playlist on You Tube. I searched for old movies and found one from 1943 about the Al-Can Highway when it was built. I started watching but then the internet went down for some reason so that was the end of that. I was too lazy to investigate. Exhausted lately for some reason. But then Sunday is a day of rest but no excuses today. Glad to hear you're safe from the flooding.

  3. Finally catching a bit of a break to catch up. Glad to see you're still with us ;-).

  4. I love your open cupboard, but do see how it could be a problem with the dusting. The dishes do look so nice in there though. We have had a lot of wind around here also. Yesterday it blew a potted plant rich off a table. We are expected to get more wind and rain today - at times severe. I'll be glad to share my rain with the Southwest as I think I have had enough to last me for the rest of the summer.

  5. The weather has been weird in a lot of places, hasn't it? Glad to know you haven't gotten any flooding; I've been reading about it all over your area. I am watching a four-part series on Netflix I think you would enjoy: it's called America Prime Time and so far I've watched the roles of men and women in the movies and on TV and how they've changed. Next up is Misfits throughout the years. I don't know the last one, but you'll like them, I think. :-)

  6. Glad to see that you are getting back to normal and I hope that Far Side is, too. The rains seem to be slowing down here in central MN but there is river, stream, and lake flooding. It should be going down soon.

    Shirley H.

  7. Oooh, I love your blue dishes and glasses. They look pretty on the open shelves.

  8. I agree, love all the blue dishes, looks great... Wet here too, oh my we have had rain and wind, Blessings Francine.

  9. It feels as if summer hasn't even started yet - as I'm not on holiday and it's been raining...

    1. I think you're going to get more wind. We had a very windy day yesterday.
      You have an interesting piece of shelving holding your treasures.

  10. Our friends in Minnesota have said their golf course is lush and green and they can finally play on it. One place gets too much rain, another not enough. Who can figure! And the weathermen with all their equipment can't seem to get it right for predictions.

  11. Dust is the bane of my existence here! Have you considered putting glass doors on the shelves? You could still see all the pretty blue dishes and the nice wood, but you would keep the dust out.
    Rain is an issue on the Canadian prairies- flooding in Saskatchewan- but we're ok here in southeastern B.C.

  12. I was going to suggest the same as Shirley, glass doors. A lot of dust here, not because we are so dry, but because Luna brings in a lot of dirt with her.

  13. Well I LOVE the look of your dishes against the wood grain. Just gorgeous.
    I loved Bernie too.
    Happy new read

  14. Yeah, I don't want to talk about rain. We did have a nice day yesterday, though. Even the mosquitoes backed off a little. I like all your blues, too. And loon dishes? Perfect!

  15. Your cupboards may be a pain in the neck, but they sure make a beautiful photograph ;)

  16. I am not happy to see June go. I need time to slow down. Spring and summer are going by way too fast!
    Your open cupboard is beautifully arranged.

  17. Beautiful dishes. Hopefully some of the rain will go where they need it more.
    Have a great week!

  18. Yes rain rain rain here. All gloomy. Flooding too but fortunately our little neighborhood is called "Oak Hill" so if high above the creek we're in danger it's time to start building that Ark....:)

  19. Take it easy. You are supposed to be healing.

    I love the open cabinets/shelves.

  20. Your open shelves are so pretty and you have such beautiful dishes! Open shelving wouldn't work at my house, though. They would be dusty inside of a day! I don't know where the dust comes from!

  21. i love your cupboard - i love the openess and the pretty blue. i admit that you have to do more dusting and washing, but can be worth it, sometimes -- lol! besided, thats what grands are for, maybe? nothing wrong with reading an "easy" read, although sometimes "easy" aint so easy. nice post. cheers!!

  22. We get a lot of wind over here--a lot of the time. I found it disturbing when I first moved here. Water is standing here in the fields. Sometimes sand is a good thing. :)
    Bernie was a strange movie. Based on a real guy!
    Pretty kitchen. But I suppose that is a pain to keep clean and dusted. Love the look, though.
    Hope the wind has dies down. :)


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