Friday, June 20, 2014

Flip Flops and other things

Did you know today is National Flip Flop Day?  Well it is.  I have never been able to wear flip flops the thingy that goes between your toes makes me queasy and faint every time I take a step….needless to say it ain’t a pretty site.  I wonder when they will have a Crocs day?

Speaking of Flip Flops when I was in the hospital I saw those Hillary Interviews…she is a piece of work.  Broke you say?  Her idea of broke and mine would vary by millions of dollars.   She is all about forgiveness…ya sure you betcha.  I woulda kicked Willy to the curb years ago…the lying cheating crook.  I  can’t see how in the world she is even thinking of running for President. If she were running against the devil himself I am not sure I could in good conscience vote for her.  Enough Politics…it just raises my blood pressure.

Obama visiting an Indian Reservation was a real joke…we have one nearby and he should visit there…without weeks of warnings and preparation and see what conditions are really like.  When he mentioned Obamacare was there for them I saw red…the Tribe takes care of all of their medical bills.  Not only that they can go to school and become Doctors and Lawyers…but few go.  They only worry about one day at a time…Do we have enough beer and drugs for today?   Meth use is rampant on and off the nearby reservation.  Tribal Police do their best…but no one spends much time in jail.  We need some hanging judges.

Yes I am feeling a tad cranky.  It just keeps on raining. I need me some sunshine!


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  1. HI!
    I think your feeling cranky is a sign that you are getting better - because it takes energy to be cranky! So happy to read your longer post today. Can't believe I am the first poster today. Here in MPLS we got a lot of rain yesterday. The airport alone got more than 4 inches. Planes delayed until it cleared up late in the afternoon. Keep taking care of yourselves now. Cnance is probably missing playing ball and going for rides.

    Shirley H.

  2. I have to agree with Shirley. :-)


  3. I think shirley is correct feeling cranky and feeling better go hand in hand. It's been raining here all week and I am now officially cranky because of it. I NEED my sunshine. Have a great weekend. Glad you are feeling better.

  4. You have certainly been having some awful weather, Connie. And I don't even try to watch the news channels because I would get upset, too, and I'm a Democrat! :-)

  5. Bad weather here to, rained buckets yesterday, Skeeters will be out for blood :) Blessings Francine.

  6. Glad you're back and in fine shape!!! LOL

  7. Hooray - - you are much, much better!!! How about Far Guy?!! WE had BUNCHES of rain last week. It looks like a jungle around here. Our politicians need to live by the laws they make for us and see what they say then. Regarding Obama-no-care - - - my husband and I are two of the ones paying for that program in INCREASED medical costs with our insurance. High deductible, etc. Bless Hillary - - - no clue many times - - - - always trying to turn the tables by attacking the person asking questions in interviews. Neither were my choice in the last election and are not in this upcoming one. They also keep forgetting they have to answer to the real ruler of the universe one day and won't be able to back-pedal then.

  8. P.S. I vote for National Croc Day, too. Love those shoes!!!! Or as some people call them - - - Crocks - - - - I still haven't figured out how they are wearing slow-cookers on their feet.

  9. I so agree with you!!! Totally!


  10. You are cranky today! what a rant! And those flip flops? I can't wear them either and my wife insists that I wear them. Get ready for more rain. we have some flooding here so you know what kind of rain myou're in for.

  11. I'm with you on the flip flops! And I'm really with you on most of the commentary, but wasn't as fired up as you are. And can you send some of that rain down to Texas....we sure could use it!

  12. Well, I agree with you about the flip flops at least.

  13. I hate flip flops too. I can't even wear sandals without socks!
    Sorry about the rain.
    Hope you two are feeling better.

  14. OOPS ! sorry about that last comment blogger went all wonky on me lol !
    I to cant wear or like the flip flops either ! I cant say about your government as we struggle with our own here in Canada . Thanks for sharing hope you get sunshine soon ! Have a good weekend !

  15. Cranky is understandable. Hillary and O do that to me, too.
    Hope you all have a wonderful weekend! ♥

  16. Don't forget your blood pressure pill now. I'll be working for a very competent, intelligent woman for Vice President in the next go round. Amy is her name. This all assumes Hillary will pick her....;)

  17. Well, you are definitely recovered I see! LOL!

  18. National Flip Flop Day? They must be talking about politicians!! lol! Hope you are feeling better and the rains end soon. Have a nice weekend!

  19. Nothing like politics to get your blood circulating!
    Poor Chance in your header photo looks like he would really appreciate you throwing the ball for him!

  20. Ha, ha, you are definitely sounding better. Flip flops....half the time I still call them thongs:) Don't like the toe thing either, so rarely wear them.

  21. Thank you, thank you, thank you for saying Hillary should have kicked Willy to the curb. It makes my blood boil when I hear people say "I'll vote for her because it's time for a woman president". Really? If all it takes is ovaries, then I'd rather find a woman strong enough to stand up for herself against a cheating husband. And don't even get me started about Bengahzi...

  22. Glad I scrolled down and read this. Oh man! Thank you!!

  23. You must be feeling a little better. ;)

  24. I really agree with you and find myself more angry everyday as I listen to the slanted news. It gets to be overwhelming of all the wrong that people can do and still inherit the throne.


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